#mercury rx


Mercury RX in Gemini 2022 Oracles for all Signs ~

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a mercury rx mood

Mercury Retrogrades force us to take a step back and reset, refocus, rediscover, rethink, realign, release, and reflect.

Carry and/or wear crystals during Mercury Rx to aid in communication as well as to ground yourself.

Check out crystal hand-wrapped jewelry on my etsy! ->Chloe Adrianne<-

The first Mercury Retrograde of the year, in the sign of Aquarius, begins January 30th and ends February 20th ♒✨

Mercury Retrogrades are nothing to fear. They are times of taking pause, to go inward and reflect, refocus, rethink, realign yourself rediscover what you want, and release negative habits, things, and people that no longer contribute to your well being and higher consciousness.

Take care not to rush anything during Mercury Rx; double check schedules, don’t start new projects, think before you speak, and make sure to ground yourself through meditation, yoga, journaling, and working with/carrying crystals with you.

Mercury is the planet that rules communication. It is common for miscommunications to happen during a Mercury Rx, including issues with technology, so it is wise to be prepared for delays and to cultivate patience.

Check out crystal earrings and necklace pendants in my Etsy shop for wearable Crystals that can aid our communication and ground us during Mercury Retrograde. ✨

Crystals for Mercury Retrograde

Sent my food to my house instead of my job.

Then remembered I didn’t have my car.

Mercury. Please. I’m begging you

mercury has stationed retrograde!!!

good evening and happy mercury retrograde!! tread carefully for the next 3 weeks (it lasts until 3/28). remember, it’s a time to reflect, reasses, redo, etc. use this time to reflect on your decisions from the last few months. any poor decisions or things you acted poorly on demand to be corrected.

here’s my mercury rx intro & survival guide: https://gemeauxlogy.tumblr.com/post/182939432493/mercury-retrograde-summarized

if mercury is retrograde in your birth chart, have fun watching us all fall into chaos while you get to sit back & take a break. don’t have too much fun without us pls

just to be clear: NOT EVERYONE feels the effects of mercury rx the same way!! don’t worry TOO much about what might happen, bc you might not see that big of a difference. it’s not the end of the world, just plan things out a little better, with more care and detail than normal to be safe.

if mercury is your chart ruler (gemini/virgo rising), if you have mutable placements (gemini, virgo, sagittarius, pisces), if mercury will aspect any personal placements during the rx, or if mercury is activated using a timing technique, then i could see you getting hit with its effects more than others. also, check the house it’s transiting to see where and how specifically you may see it affecting you!
