#michael meyers


Laurie + Michael (2018)

Friends:“Slashers aren’t even real, why are you so obsessed. Not to mention they kill people.”



He is learning where clitoris is.

“Horror’s not a symptom, it’s a love affair!”

I finished Stephen Graham Jones’ novel, “My Heart is a Chainsaw” about a week ago and I still have a lot of feelings about it. I like horror but I’ve never really enjoyed slashers and to read a slasher instead of watching one I think is what made this book so captivating. It’s dark, and beautiful, and heartbreaking. the main character, Jade, is one of a handful of main characters I’ve ever loved unapologetically in my life. Hot damn, Stephen Graham Jones just understood what it’s like to be weird, neurodivergent teen goth in a small town.



Thoughts on the Halloween Kills trailer from a few weeks ago?

I cut it off after about 30 seconds because I felt like so many kills were spoiled and I fucking hate that

If Halloween (1978) takes place in 1963, why does Halloween (2018) take place in 2018? It is supposed to be “40 years later” right? So that would be ‘03 right or am I just being dumb at 7am


