#minimum wage


Help us reach out to the US Congress in support of a law that limits a company’s highest-earner’s pay to a multiple of the lowest earner’s pay, with increased multiples for larger companies. Basically, this would be a law that says the rich shouldn’t be allowed to make an unreasonably larger amount of money than the poor at their same company.

Help Us Reduce Income Inequality. If you’re interested, contact us on social media or at [email protected]

Learn more about the petition: http://wageratio.tk/

Even if you don’t have the time to get involved, please reblog this to spread the word.

Check out the #WageRatio demonstration at Syracuse University today if you’re nearby. Learn moCheck out the #WageRatio demonstration at Syracuse University today if you’re nearby. Learn moCheck out the #WageRatio demonstration at Syracuse University today if you’re nearby. Learn mo

Check out the #WageRatio demonstration at Syracuse University today if you’re nearby. Learn more at http://wageratio.org

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 This is why we need Wage Ratio Legislation. Let’s limit excessive executive earnings as compa

This is why we need Wage Ratio Legislation. Let’s limit excessive executive earnings as compared to their workers’ wages. http://wageratio.org/

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Iowa Caucuses & Primaries


We would like to thank you all for supporting our fight for fair wages. Tomorrow is the Iowa Caucus, and other primaries are soon afterwards. We would like to endorse Bernie Sanders for president, as we believe that his policies are the best for the working people of America. Although he is losing the race for the Democratic nomination, Bernie consistently is improving his base of support, and is only 3% behind in Iowa. If all of us go to the polls and vote for Bernie, our strength in numbers (over 1000) can get him closer to being the next president of the United States.



Share of U.S. income going to middle class falling dramatically; 43% in 2014, down from 62% in 1970: http://www.pewsocialtrends.org/2015/12/09/the-american-middle-class-is-losing-ground/

Post originally from Wagemark

The irony is that there are plenty of millennials trying to purchase a home, the problem isnt due to

The irony is that there are plenty of millennials trying to purchase a home, the problem isnt due to a lack of funds, but a lack of supply of homes not meeting the high demand.

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 (Photo: Andrew Burton/Getty Images) Protect capitalism from capitalists The Business Roundtable sho

(Photo: Andrew Burton/Getty Images) 

Protect capitalism from capitalists

The Business Roundtable should be commended for realizing that it can’t take America’s support for capitalism for granted. It has a lot more work to do, however, starting with an acknowledgment that Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and President Donald Trump aren’t the biggest threats to capitalism. Capitalists are. Our view.Opposing view.

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