#mobius x reader


Characters: Loki, Mobius, Reader (all platonic)

Warnings: None… maybe some mischief.

Summary:You owed Mobius a favour and now he’s cashing in.

-Previous imagine

If you were honest with yourself, you should have seen this coming. 

Had you not sent the Variant to disrupt Mobius’ lunch, the latter would not have leverage to ask for a rule-breaking favour.

“You owe me.”

Arms folded, you huffed. “Can’t I just buy you lunch for the year?”

Loki, who was standing behind Mobius, heard the offer and thought that it would be wise to weigh in.

“You should take it, Mobius. It’s much more enticing than testing a theory.”

Nodding, Mobius lightly nudged Loki back to keep him at bay, “Alright, okay.” He said and once the Variant had calmed down, addressed you. “Y/n, as tempting as that is, I have to decline. I need your help now.”

“You’re asking for help on a half-baked plan to go off-grid with a Loki variant - I mean, you don’t even know what apocalypse you want to go to.” You frowned. 

If Mobius was serious about the whole plan then you’d have hoped that it would be fully thought out - not on a whim.

“I know where we want to go. Atlantis before it sinks.” Mobius answered.

You couldn’t help the scoff that tumbled out, “Atlantis? No, you’re not going there.”

“Why not?”

“It happens too quickly and you can’t swim.” You explained without any room to convince otherwise.

Mobius sighed, “Okay, what about before ‘The Snap’?”

“Too many variables.”

Loki popped his head up over Mobius’ shoulder, “Ragnarok?”

“Absolutely not.” You rejected without hesitation.

Placing his hands on his hips, Mobius thought carefully of other nexus events that were on the table, then his eyes widened.

“Pompeii.” He said.

You shook your head, “No, I just reset that timeline after a town elder successfully convinced the whole city to move out.”

“That’s why it’s perfect. You’ve recently submit the report confirming that the timeline’s intact so there won’t be any TVA interference.” Mobius explained much to your displeasure. “Y/n, it’s perfect. You know it is.”

You hated it but the man wasn’t wrong. As you considered holes in the idea of going to Pompeii’s nexus event, Mobius was more set than ever that this theory would be tested. Eventually, you gave in and agreed.

“Fine. You can borrow my tempad for this one mission but the disturbances need to be small.” You warned, surrendering your device to Mobius and looked over at the raven-haired prince. “Do you hear me Loki? Small.”

Loki rolled his eyes like a child and mimicked your words. He then reached across and tried to help Mobius with the tempad but inadvertently opened a portal below your feet and dropped you through to 79 AD.

“Oops.” Loki said half-apologetically.

“Damn it, Loki. Are you trying to get them to throw us into the volcano?” Mobius groaned.

Soon after, the pair jumped through the glowing hole in the ground and found you absolutely seething beneath an archway. Loki watched as you walked over and smirked.

“I see the fall hasn’t broken your hard exterior.”

Biting the urge not to ‘prune’ the mischief maker, you took a deep breath and turned to Mobius. “You’ve got ten minutes before my tempad signals head office that I’m here again - work fast.”

Masterlist here


the most disappointing thing about the loki finale wasn’t the sylki or mobius thing,,,

it was we didn’t get to see these two again

where were my boys, marvel? where were they


move over loki and mobius this is now a kid loki and croki stan account

Hi, everyone! I did this video with pictures from Loki series and with a song with a lyrics that ABSOLUTELY goes with the plot of the series so far, I hope you love it as much as I loved making it! Is the first video I make I’m really proud of! Don’t forget to visit my YouTube channel (I have a WandaVision video as well) Thank you for watching!

It’s Theory Time!

You guys might listen to me like Mobius listened to Loki but here we go!

  1. Mobius and everyone that works on the TVA are Variants. Their memories are frozen in place, therefore the metaphor of the brain freeze when Sylvie revived the memories of the young cop, and that explains why Mobius loves the nineties because it was his decade (I noticed the TVA cops theory by myself but I only saw the metaphor thanks to @sharkbaitblr ! So you can thank her for that!) the reason why I keep this a theory instead of confirming it for what Sylvie said to Loki is because they are still not reliable, at least to me.
  2. In a great plot twist, Loki cares about those who can’t make their own choices and cares about Mobius. In episode two he talks with him about his dream to be able to ride in a jet ski, and Loki even shows empathy towards him, so Loki might wish to save him from what he considers a corrupt organization and corrupt leaders. Sylvie also wishes to free the multiverse (whether for a selfish purpose or for the people in it we are yet to see), and as a team, Loki and Sylvie would bring down the TVA and even Mobius might get involve with them and be a team because he would find motivation in rebelling because of a great feeling of betrayal.
  3. But who knows everything? Who is the real enemy? The time keepers? Of course they have something to do with all this, but is hard to judge anything when we haven’t meet them. Since the first episode I suspected something when she redundantly explained to Loki about her job and the time keepers job, but I truly began to suspect her at this moment. It was that dialog that made me very suspicious because we learned Mobius had never met the time keepers and she kept acting strange. She has shown to know something yet to reveal. I think it is that those working on the TVA are Variants, she chooses who to keep and who not to, and she is part of the real enemies of the show.


Loki pretended to have broken the Time Pad, he is the best lier of Marvel, plus if that thing is broken he has the time stone to fix everything.

Summary: Loki and Sylvie would become heroes who are going to destroy the TVA, with Mobius joining them seeing that all that time he has lived a lie by Ravonna about the TVA and the time keepers.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

This moment definitely proves that at some point the TVA cops were people and that by becoming variants they are later enroll as officers, but what keeps their memories away? It’s still there because Sylvie was able to retrieve it, but why they forget? Who and what forces them?
