#modern setting

Commission for a customer on instagram

Commission for a customer on instagram

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Geralt: Jaskier can we talk about the message you just sent me?

Jaskier: It was a critical update

Geralt: It just says ‘im back on my bullshit’

Jaskier: The people need to know


@itafushiweek Meet Ugly prompt

A new job, with a higher pay, in a new city—Megumi Fushiguro was on the upswing of his life and ready to get it going. As a young, up-and-coming project engineer, the new company had allowed him a three-month extension to finish his current project before he’d start with them. So, in the meantime he set up everything he needed to complete the move, including buying a small, two-bedroom house sight unseen in the new city. It was a nice place in a quiet neighborhood based on the references Megumi had found through searches. A perfect place to relax after a long workday, within 20 minutes of the job.

Megumi timed his arrival with the moving company he’d paid to bring his belongings from his old apartment. So, as he waited for them to arrive, he grabbed his suitcase from his car and went inside for the first time to start airing out the house.

“Who the hell are you?!” Megumi snapped at the strange man standing in his living room frozen mid-way through picking things up from the floor. The guy was young, close in age to him with pink hair and a larger build then his own, quite a bit more muscle in fact.

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