
Okay it took Way too long but here he is! I can’t wait for the next season of the witcher tbh.

Okay it took Way too long but here he is! I can’t wait for the next season of the witcher tbh.

Post link

To celebrate playing all the Witcher games I decided to make a little post about how I wound up playing them and some of my choices! Geralt and Witcher armour are not that easy to draw but I think I did a good approximation. (Does this… count as a Geraltsona or-)

Finally beat (the main story of) Witcher 3! Here’s a Ciri to commemorate. Damn it’s been a wild ride.

Yes I do have immense witcher brainrot and I still don’t know how to do backgrounds… how could you tell?

(Slight redraw of a September Dandy.)

Finished the Witcher 2! Shorter than I expected but still fun. These two were some of my faves

A quick Yen and Geralt doodle.

Reference used for the poses.

Thank you @mass-effect-galaxy for your suggestion of another Witcher doodle, this time of Triss and Geralt :)

 “go White Wolf and do what must be done”finished the first witcher on the weekends and the lake l

“go White Wolf and do what must be done”

finished the first witcher on the weekends and the lake location was just so pretty that i HAD to draw smth about it


Post link





Art for The Subtle Knife

Eskel Big Ban Art!!!!!


Link to the fic The Subtle Knife

Ok so I know that I’ve already posted about the fic but HOLY HOT DAMN THIS ART. Y’ALL. brb screaming my entire fucking head off

@pressedinthepages Wheeeeee!!!!!!! _rolls aroudn happily. Thank you so much!

Modern Lambert
I coloured an old sketch of mine as practice
And yes, as soon as something is supposed to visually read as “modern” I tend to give people a face full of metal (even though I have very few piercings myself XD). I just enjoy drawing them a lot.

Thank you @skaldingrayne for spinning a story idea in the Continent Cakeshop Server and thus making me go, oh yesss, I have this thing I still wanna colour!

Moonlight Cell
This was a really quick pic (about 3 and a half hours)
I haven’t drawn a werewolf in forever and it kinda shows, but hey, this was quick and fun and I like it a lot.





I never posted this here… Shame on me really, since cyberpunk (as a genre) is my fav thing and robots/cyborgs are bae!

Was absolutely floored by these phenomenal pieces and started writing, then Cylin jumped in and bunch of the @continentcakeshop peeps and then ✨magic✨ happened (and now there’s even MORE amazing art on the way too!):

Parhelia Rewired

Rating: Mature
Fandom: The Witcher
Relationships: Eskel/Geralt/Lambert
Tags: Cyberpunk Dystopia AU

READ IT on AO3 Now ->

“Almost in position. How’s everything looking on your end, Scorpion?”

“Five by five from here,” rumbled Eskel’s voice in Lambert’s earpiece as he crept along the darkened corridor, sword at the ready for any unexpected surprises.

“Don’t forget it’s the second hall on the right, not the first,” came Geralt’s deep monotone.

Lambert blew a raspberry into his mic, “This ain’t my first fucking rodeo, Roach. Tell me something actually useful - like how you’ve got our exit plan secured already.”

“Your exit is clear. Still don’t know why you got to pick the call signs.”

Was it just him or did Geralt sound fucking petulant? Lambert grinned as he glanced around the corner to find the hallway empty as expected. Priceless.

“Scout gets to pick the call signs. Paperweight shuts his cakehole, Roach,” he chirped back over the line.

“I don’t understand what you see in that show,” Geralt grumbled. “I should block it from all your access points.”

“Gotta respect the classics, dontcha? Well, present company excluded of course. Yet again you’re the exception to the rule. Wouldn’t even be on this mission if it wasn’t for your broke ass. You’re just lucky you didn’t scratch my bike or I’d sell you component by component to the scrappers to put it back to rights.”

Not that he ever would, not really. Not after what Geralt and Eskel went through getting him out of that place; the price they’d all paid, the shit they had been through together since.

But Geralt didn’t need to know that. The so-called White Wolf had a big enough ego as it was.

Mybike,” Geralt growled through the line.

“I’m sorry - and just whobuilt the damn thing? Not even getting a cut of this job either with all of it going to pay your repair tab. Y’know, I could be the one sitting at home in my PJs, minding the screens and eating ice cream out of the carton. But no - you had to go fuck up that milk run and get your servos blown to itty bitty bits. ”

“Didn’t fuck up. I - ”

“Would you two zuiger-brains shut the fuck up? I’ve got movement down here,” Eskel cut in, a sort of fond annoyance in his voice Lambert was well used to by now.

“Roach?” Lambert said, suddenly all business. “Give me good news please.”

“Stand by,” Geralt replied. “Pulling up the feed now.”

Lambert chewed his lip, hoping this plan wasn’t about to go tits up like the last one.


Oooooo I love cyberpunk AU’s. Will read this one for sure. And the art is

@cylin-aka-ankamo​ is just so damn talented, isn’t she? i am in awe of her brain. when i saw this piece it was like a whole world just snapped into place and i had to write it down…

Here, take all my love: *yeets container full of hearts at you*


Post Shibari - Line art
Cleaning up the line art was a lot of fun for this one

Uncropped/uncen pic over at my P*treon

Your tags just made my day! Thank you so much!!!!

Post Shibari - Line art
Cleaning up the line art was a lot of fun for this one

Uncropped/uncen pic over at my P*treon

The Prince - Process gif
A loooong gif for a loooong process


The Prince - Finished!
Posted this totally unironically on the 25th of December on my P*treon. It still tickles me, that I gave a fully finished prince to my patrons that day!
The p*rn was less well scheduled …but still nice!


The Witcher King - Finished!
@rawrkinjdILU. Thank you for inspiring me so much! This was so much fun and I am not done yet

edit: Rawr has started writing!!!!!

Find the updates here

Omg, it’s happening! I cannot!

Post Shibari - Sketch
So,@rawrkinjd suggested shibari over at my P*treon
I am taking a bit of a different spin on it (which you cannot see yet), and I really hope I’m not totally off the mark here.

The Prince - Finished!
Posted this totally unironically on the 25th of December on my P*treon. It still tickles me, that I gave a fully finished prince to my patrons that day!
The p*rn was less well scheduled …but still nice!
