#mole society art


If you’re wondering why art has been slow, this is why.

I’d like to personally apologize to TangoTek for how sadistic I made his character in this AU. It did not happen on purpose I swear.

Introducing MS!Ren Dog:

Wolf Therians, as well as Canine Therians in general, are known to be unshakingly loyal and affectionate. Especially to those they consider family.

This makes Ren’s abandonment of his life as a hitman especially strange. There have been many accounts of him, openly, calling his teammates his “pack”. Whatever gave him the desire to completely discard both his post, and his title, must’ve been truly bad…

Introducing MS!Gem:

A special kind of Moobloom, one with the uncanny ability to use many types of magic and a strange connection to the dark woods surrounding her village…
