

Also, joy of joys, LycanTheory, also known as “that guy who has provably committed multiple acts of bestiality and should be in prison”, has cropped his head up on tumblr.

He’s at @mountainshep17. Wouldn’t it be a shame if he was mass-reported for bestiality and driven off-site?

I think it’d be funny.

-Southern Star

Right so… #WolfGetsReal, huh?

I mean, none of this has really sat well to me. I’m not a therianthrope myself, but theriomythic arguably applies to me, and I am more animalistic than I let on. Species dysphoria is the one thing that affects me directly, and very little of it is social: without physical transition, which is scientifically impossible, there is no treatment nor cure for the symptoms I have.

I haven’t watched Wolf (2021), owing largely to my general disinterest in movies. It’s rare I do watch films, and I’m certainly not going to waste two hours of my time watching a movie I’m guaranteed not to like. Everything I’ve heard about it so far says that it sucks, it’s a shitty B-list movie, and has pretty well no artistic value.

Alt+H decided to call a community initiative to drown the movie’s tags talking about actual species dysphoria, owing to an interview with the director where she admitted she went out of her way not to do any research.

Now, I’m not defending the director here, because that’s a stupid move in general. But I am gonna come outright and say that I don’t think this community initiative is a good idea. Actually, let me make that slightly plainer: I think it’s a stupid, ill-thought-out idea at best, and an actively dangerous one at worst.

This is a B-list movie, with zero famous actors, that very few people are going to watch. Of those few people, most if not all of them are going to either a) think it’s a werewolf movie spliced with an ableist mental facility movie, or b) think it’s a bad allegory for queer struggles.

Literally nobody but us is going to go “hm let’s be ableist towards the delusional with ~species dysphoria~ :)” because we’re not in the spotlight outside of when we’re brought up linked to transphobia. We are very occasionally that weird guy in an internet story you heard about once, and that’s only if you’re on the internet a lot.

Now, I know where this idea came from: back earlier this year when Grimes put ‘otherkin’ in her twitter bio and changed her birthdate to that of a nuclear bomb, the otherkin community flooded the twitter tags with introductions and 101s and threads on how cool the community is. It worked quite well, I think, and it’s clear this is more of that.

We were forced into the spotlight, so we forced the spotlight to be about us, and not the misinformation. Grimes has a depressingly large following, we didn’t have a choice.

This… isn’t that. The only reason anyone would watch this movie is if they’re bored of Sundance films. Hells, it’s even released right around two very anticipated Spiderman trailers. It’s a movie destined to be overlooked, a box office flop, and forgotten.

So tell me: if we don’t actually have a spotlight, why the hell are we making one? In the twitter tag of #WolfGetsReal, I’ve seen not one but two bestialist / animal abusers trying to overtake the narrative and link therianthropy to bestiality. Right now, the therianthrope community is having a nightmare time trying to kick them out.

You’re telling me we should go viral with zero cohesiveness, focusing on therianthropy, and give them the chance to irreparably link therianthropy to bestiality? Because of a shitty B-list movie that otherwise would fade into obscurity?

No. No, this is a bad idea. If we want to go viral, this is a terrible way to do it. Don’t get me wrong here, talking about species dysphoria and writing up posts and essays and 101s is great. But doing it specifically to go viral, when we have some major predators already frothing at the mouth to steal the mic for their malicious and substantially evil purposes?

It’s ill-thought-out at best, and I cannot approve. There’s literally no upside to this. The director wouldn’t listen to us at best (if that were possible, it would have been done already), we do not have any power we can actually use, any spotlight we make right now on this issue will be immediately hijacked (and we have currently zero plan to mitigate that major issue), and making a spotlight of us being made fun of isn’t something we can turn around.

There’s no upside to doing this. If we want to talk about species dysphoria, let’s focus on that, not bring emphasis to a movie that should fade forgotten into obscurity.

I know Alt+H also noted that between this and Wild Mountain Thyme, it seems the beginning of a trend. But WMT was taken almost universally by people who aren’t us as a metaphor, and had a total of zero impact on the community. If we let this pass us by the same way, it will also have zero impact. And right now, I’ll take no attention over almost-guaranteed-to-be-bad attention.

So that’s my thoughts on that.

If being against incest is a problem for you, please do not follow ❤️

If being against pedophilia is a problem for you, please do not follow ❤️

If being against cultural appropriation is a problem for you, please do not follow ❤️

This account is about being otherkin and nothing more ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Hello therians, otherkin, curious humans, and everything inbetween! I wish you all the best 2021 and if you celebrate a holiday, I hope it is great! I got a lot of gear for Christmas and I’m happy! Shirts, paws, tails, masks, even stuffed animals! Stay safe and have fun with your December too!


Image by: https://pixabay.com/users/jillwellington-334088/

Beings use the word “kinning” a lot and it kind of bothers me, and a lot of other otherkin and therians. Kin isn’t something you do, it’s what you are, you can’t choose it. In my opinion, “kinning” should be dropped and you should use these terms instead, as these have been accepted more widely and make much more sense than “kinnie” and other childish, unnecessarily quirky terms. There are three other words that sound much better!

|| SYNPATH || A being that an individual can relate to, but not identify AS. The relation can be for several reasons, such as sharing characteristics with a being or a concept that resonates with you. “My synpath is a wolf” is an example.

|| KITH || ANIMAL - HEARTED || OTHER - HEARTED || A being who has a strong connection with another being, but not quite identifying as it. They may experience shifts with their kithtype. “I am wolf-hearted” is an example.

|| COPINGLINK || A being who CHOOSES to identify AS a non-human being for fun or for a coping mechanism. This can be seen as a hobby or simply liking a different identity. Note it is still different than otherkin and therians as you CHOOSE to have a copinglink. “I have a wolf copinglink” is an example.


Image by https://pixabay.com/users/stocksnap-894430/

Some red flags I’ve seen when reading posts here on Tumblr have been really common. Some posts are rather suspicious. I’m not saying all of these beings are bad or fake, but there’s a higher chance for these types of beings to be kinnies and not actual otherkin. I don’t know someone elses identity and I don’t claim to either. These are just some common misrepresentations I’ve seen flying around everywhere…

1. Kinning, kins, and being a kinnie for fun. Otherkin and therian isn’t a choice. It is not a trend, a fashion style, a fetish, or any of that nonsense. Not petplay, not pet regression… oh hunny no. It’s an identity, not a hobby. It is not a coping mechanism either, same thing as having fun or escaping reality. Otherkin is reality. You might want to look into the “furry fandom” or other fandoms if you think it is for fun.

2. Choosing a kintype / theriotype. This is simply not possible. Just because you think lions are badass or raccoons are cute and quirky, doesn’t mean you get to pick it yourself and pretend to be one. It is an identity, not a choice.

3. Kintype / theriotype appearance and separate beings. There is a difference between “this is my theriotype” and “Oh this pic looks like me.” You don’t get to customize what your theriotype looks like. Sorry, but no, you aren’t a pure white wolf fox cat hybrid with four wings and neon blue eyes with magical powers named Luna. Kintype don’t have names. It is you! You can have a nickname like anyone else, but not your kintype. Your kintype is a general species, not an individual who’s separate from yourself!!

Oh goodness, I’ve gotten carried away ranting but these are some of the biggest things that bother me. There’s many more things that are misrepresentitive, like “kin is just quadrobics” or “I’m an angry animal who wants to kill every human ever” or “kin is just extreme furries” which is all false for many reasons… but that’s for another day. Let me rest before I handle those ones next.

Image by https://unsplash.com/@danny_lincoln

It seemed like time hasn’t elapsed as fast as it has.

My fur was perfectly sun-kissed, my paws gripped the warm earthy soil, gardens were abundant with herbs and florage, and a dash of cool rain here and there to let the world continue to grow. Summer, they call it, a season of sunshine, fun, and relaxation. I liked the summer. I have fond memories as many dogs that took place in this summer time.

Another season, they call autumn, or even fall, has just passed up. Flew by, it did, like how the thick green leaves turned into fruitless crunchies which fly to the roots of the picturesque, soon bare and dreary trees. The lands are wind-blown dry, and mounds of richly coloured, windless leaves covered the dry grass, perfect for pouncing into and letting those leaves fly back up into the crisp cool air for one last time. Autumn is nice, but to me, it disappears too fast. It becomes gloomy too soon.

The sweet, sad trees with no leaves sway back and forth in the frigid gusts of wind. Some trees are still vividly jungle-like, and they keep their needle-like pine leaves all year, forever. These trees somehow make their way into the human dens, houses, and they decorate them. It becomes unnaturally bright, each human has their own ideas each year for what they want to make it look like. Large or small rounded orbs that look like tennis balls, long wrapping fuzzies that sparkle and shine, and varying presents that nest themselves beneath the tree.

Outside, however, became white, and unusually severe. Even though it is unfamiliar and bitter, it’s still as fun as summer was! This is called winter, and it is where the snow comes by. Blissful sunshiny speckles of frost fall down from the wet clouds and form mountains of plush snow. It is refreshing and fun, and exciting to play in. I like winter too, and I am glad it is coming here!

Image by https://pixabay.com/users/rebeccaspictures-18516/

As a canine cladotherian, I identify as a ton of canines, including extinct species. That means there’s lots of possibilities for my shifts. Sometimes I have puffy fur, long fur, short fur, curly fur, or even little to no fur. Since I can’t exactly feel and touch my fur, as real as it feels like it is there, I like to buy stuffed animals with different fur textures so I don’t feel alone.

Image by https://pixabay.com/users/9883074-9883074/

In my spare time I find dogself watching all kinds of canine related videos.

From canines eating fancy foods, to going on walks though parks, to unboxing toys and different knick knacks made for us… there’s plenty of videos of us doing things, and even getting groomed and pampered!

Whenever I enter pet-stores I can’t help dogself from messing with everything in the dog section, I always squeak the toys and check out the treats. I may even find dogself trying on and buying dogself a collar from time to time.

Anyways, I just wanted to say, us dogs really appreciate all you humans do for us. Improving our food ingredients… creating new toys by the minute… and going as far as creating us outfits and beds that are oh so nice!

Thank you humans, you have damn well spoiled us.


Image by https://pixabay.com/users/bequest-2803223/

The warmth of being embraced by my owner…

The excitement of knowing I’m about to go out on a walk…

The joy of receiving a new chew toy…

The ease of walking naturally on all fours…

The clicking of my claws on the hard wood floor…

The happiness of getting compliments at pet stores…

The sweet tone of voice when spending time with my owner…

The feeling of being patted, pet, rubbed, and massaged, especially around the ears and belly…

The memories that never fade away…

This vessel that is a human that holds my true dogself…

Realizing I think differently than others around me…

Knowing that humans frown upon me…

Wishes that won’t happen again in this life…

Image by https://pixabay.com/users/pexels-2286921/

Hello, I am Fedha, and I am a canine cladotherian! I am new here and many people have recommended this platform to me to just be dogself! I hope to have a good time here on Tumblr and I look forward to posting often! - Fedha


Image by https://pixabay.com/users/jaclou-dl-5602247/

Is it weird for a non-wolf to kind of wish they could be in a pack? It looks like such a fun little Therian Culture thing that I’m missing out on. Maybe it’s the Harris’s hawk in me that wants it. Or maybe it’s the raven in me that just wants to hang out with wolves.

I just had a cameo shift of a dromaeosaur and ate a bowl of yakisoba noodles with my face without chewing (threw my head back to swallow) so if any carnivorous bird or dinosaur therians follow me I recommend eating a bowl of noodles with your face without chewing (throw your head back to swallow) it’s fun 10/10 (just make sure you’re alone first)


What fictional characters (who is not your kintype) make you feel shifty?

Oh my g-d Tobias from Animorphs for sure. Obviously. I’m literally a hawk so reading his POV is amazing

Been a while since we had one of these threads – time to share your alterhuman collections! I’ll start with a snippet of mine: My Ben 1O dvd collection, my Juryrigg figure, various bison toys, a spider toy, a spider lithograph, and my spider dice :3

Introducing MS!Ren Dog:

Wolf Therians, as well as Canine Therians in general, are known to be unshakingly loyal and affectionate. Especially to those they consider family.

This makes Ren’s abandonment of his life as a hitman especially strange. There have been many accounts of him, openly, calling his teammates his “pack”. Whatever gave him the desire to completely discard both his post, and his title, must’ve been truly bad…

Y’all I made a wiki page for Fictherian. Feel free to add to it if you have an account, correct things, or even just send me addition/correction suggestions.

Thanks y’all.
