#money altars


A money altar is an altar dedicated specifically to money matters. You can have altar for any area of your life that you want or are prioritizing right now, for example many people have love altars if they are trying to attract new love or are looking to sustain a long term relationship. Since money is at the center of my life right now, stacking it, playing with it, spending it, earning it, It’s a perfect time to share it with you here.

There is a lot of money spells out there and a lot of them work, but attracting more money into your life and living differently because of that money is about building a relationship with money.

Trusting money, loving money and knowing money loves you. People who don’t trust money think that its always running out, it doesn’t grow on trees, there’s always more month than money, and that they can’t rise into a new financial situation. Those kind of thoughts make it harder to attract and keep more money.

Building a money altar allows you to start a relationship with money. At my money altar I simply started with $5 and a white candle, and everyday (mostly) I would light the candle, and touch the money. I felt its energy and I visualized having more of it. I’m currently building a new altar since I moved (pics to come).

Things you can add to a money altar:

  • Real money- $1, $5, $10, $20, $100, whatever you have and whatever makes you feel comfortable to start with. Not only does putting real money on the altar bring the energy it is an act of trust. I’ve been there where $5 is a lot of money to put on a table and not spend but it is crucial you put real money here.
  • Crystals- My favorite money stone is malachite but I also included rose quartz on my altar because for me money is tied to my self worth and rose quartz helps with it. You can use any money drawing stones (like a lodestone!)
  • A honey jar- If you’ve made a honey jar for anything money related putting it on your money altar is a great idea! It will help keep it charged and bring more energy to the space.
  • Candles- Everybody knows I loveeee my candles so its a must for me. Flames add energy for me so having them there is crucial.
  • Money herbs- patchouli, cinnamon, bay leaves, all spice, orange peels, basil, any herbs that you would use for attracting money.

Things to do at a money altar:

  • Visualize- Visualization is huge part of my spell casting and life in general. If I can see it my mind then I can feel it in my body and then I can actually get my head around it and call it in. All my spells start by imagining it already done
  • Journal- I’m a writer so words are important to me and can move me through a situation quickly. If i’m feeling freaked out about money or I don’t know how I’m gonna pay X instead of freaking out I write about it at the altar. Writing about it makes me feel better and releases those negative emotions and keeps me from constantly thinking “is this even working?” I tell clients this all the time, things come to you easier if you are detached and certain of the outcome.
  • Money spells/petitions- I do money spells, and write petitions for things I need at the altar. I ONLY do my own spells here. I have a little box or area I keep petitions in and trust that those issues are being handled.

Having a relationship with money is like having a relationship with anything else. Would you constantly question if your partner was gonna run out on you and leave you with nothing? (hopefully not) So the goal is to not do this with money. Building a relationship with money has been life changing for me, and while you can do this many ways, building an altar has really helped me. An altar is something that holds a lot of energy in one place so having a specific altar for money has solved issues and built my trust with money faster.

A reminder that I still have a spot left for mentoring. In mentoring we work on whatever it is you want to work on attracting into your life. New love, money, new job, a business, whatever it is, I am an expert on how to become a magnet for things you want and call them into your life. This is offer is NOT hoodoo specific and open to anyone of any background but if you do practice I will happily infuse that into our lessons. For more info DM me, this is a time sensitive offer.

I hope this helped ya’ll, happy casting!
