#candle spells

convallaria-ignis:the-aegis-witch:Going to do this soon!halved-orange “candles” will burn clea



Going to do this soon!

halved-orange “candles” will burn cleaner (remaining moisture affects the smell) if baked on a low heat in an oven first rather than being air dried! see oven drying herbs.

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For candle magick

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Long Distance Protection Spell

Long Distance Protection Spell

What you’ll need:

Jar candle, preferably blue or white in colorMarker or paint

Write on the bottom of your candle jar your target’s name. 

Light the candle and speak or think what you want to protect your target from. 

Be as specific or as general as you like with your protection chant. Just be heartfelt about it.

Let the candle burn while you speak and blow it out when you’re done.


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Your Enemy’s Funeral Curse

Your Enemy’s Funeral Curse

This is a fairly extreme spell, but these are extreme times.

The idea for this spell isn’t new – similar versions exist in many places – but I was reminded of it from Judika Illes’ Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells. In the text, Illes says you could be holding a memorial service for your enemy’s success or happiness. It certainly could be used that way. It’s better suited, in my opinion, for someone…

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#candle spells    #spells    

Mirror and Candle Love Spell

A simple love spell to draw someone who will love you for your heart, not your looks.

This is a love spell to draw romantic love to you. Someone who will love your heart and not your physical appearance.

What you’ll need:

A mirror you can move aroundA red, yellow, pink, or white candle

Place the candle in front of you and shift the mirror so that the candle is reflected in the mirror but not you. Turn out the lights and make it as dark as possible without making yourself…

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Break That Luck Candle Spell

Break That Luck Candle Spell

Sometimes we just get some terrible bouts of luck that just needs to end and go away. This spell will help you do just that.

Why’s so much of this spell optional? Because of the structure of the spell, you have to breath, blow out, and relight the candle. That can be distressing if one has sensitivities to scents or smoke. So the scent aspect of this spell is optional but recommended.


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For Opportunities Candle Spell

For Opportunities Candle Spell

This spell is to bring opportunities to you. If you’re looking to find a job or line up a new gig, this one’s for you. If you’re looking for a new place to live or the opportunity to meet someone special, this one’s also for you. It’s a general spell that lets you draw opportunities to you for whatever you’re hoping to achieve.

For this you need a simple candle. The best one for this sort of…

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Trading Health Candle Healing Spell

Trading Health Candle Healing Spell

This is a very simple healing spell using a candle, but sometimes simple is best.

What you need:

A candleTarget’s name

Get a candle and carve the person’s name into the wax.

You can additionally dress the candle to further reflect the person you want to heal. Anoint it in infused oil that smells like their perfume, sprinkle healing herbs over it, pick their favorite color, etc. Whatever you’d…

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Sleep candle. The color blue helps one to sleep and to dream. It is also anointed with lavender oil

Sleep candle. The color blue helps one to sleep and to dream. It is also anointed with lavender oil to help promote sleep. I also carved in the rune sigil Svefnthorn, also known as the sleep thorn, as well as the rune for protection on the back cause sleep candles can be dangerous. The flower is a yellow button crasnthamum which stands for rest. This candle was made for someone with extreme sleep problems so you might not need something so strong, so slowly add each of these steps to see when it could help you!

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HOW TO DRESS YOUR CANDLE ACCORDING TO YOUR INTENTIONCandle magic is surprisingly something I was lat


Candle magic is surprisingly something I was late to the party for. Sure, I used different color candles for my spells but actually using candles and dressing them for intentions came later on in my practice. 

I don’t really know what held me back from working with candles, but they are one of the most efficient ways to send and set your intentions out there to get results.

1 Decide on your intention

The first thing you want to do before you move forward with your spell candle is deciding on your intention. Are you wanting more money? A new career opportunity? Or opening yourself for a new relationship? Be as specific as possible. 

2 Choose your candle 

Choosing your candle doesn’t have to be a perfect match, but pick something that speaks to you. This could be the color of your candle, green for money, red for love and passion etc. Choose the size of your candle according to how many days you want to light your spell candle. For instance if it’s a quick spell, a small candle will be fine, for something that you need across 7 days, use a large pillar candle. 

3 Cleanse your candle

Once you have your candle chosen, you are going to want to cleanse it. I am guilty of skipping this part, but it’s still important. Cleanse your candle like you would any other working tool. I preferably use incense but choose whatever cleansing method works for you.

4 Dress your candle

Dressing your candle is basically rubbing it down with oil. Choose an oil that works well with your intention. Olive oil is great for drawing in, or finance. Rose oil for love. If you don’t want your candle oily, light the top of your candle until the wax on the top has a melted pool. Drip your oil in the melted wax and then let the wax harden. You can also add herbs or other small crystals to dress it up more. Continue to choose crystals and herbs to match your intentions. 

5 Carve your candle

Next carve your candle with your intention. You don’t have to do this step, but sometimes it helps set the candle if you carve one word phrases such as LOVE, MONEY or something to that effect on your candle

Once you’ve dressed and carved your candle, it’s ready for your spell work. 

Witch tip: The longer you work with your candle and ‘dress it up’ the stronger the energy will be when you send out your intention. how to dress your candle according to your intention

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Candles are of course a witches go to. Almost every spell, ritual or cleanse calls for at least a ca

Candles are of course a witches go to. Almost every spell, ritual or cleanse calls for at least a candle or two to help elevate the energy. It’s something about even lighting the candle in the first place that starts setting the mood. Think about a birthday cake, you light the number of candles according to how old you’re turning, make a wish, then blow them all out. I don’t care what anyone says, that’s totally a spell. 

If you’re new to Witchcraft and want to sort it all out, follow the guide below. I didn’t really intend on writing this much on candles, selling as there is already so much information available on the subject, but I just started to roll with whatever I was thinking. 

Types of Candles

Pillar Candles - These are thick round candles that can usually stand on their own. They come in any range of colors and sometimes scents. Pillar candles in my experience are used as a sort of decoration or just an altar candle. I’ve seen altars or spaces decorated with lots of different height pillar candles dripping everywhere. It makes for an amazing aesthetic. If you are using Pillar Candles, place a coaster or heatproof glass on the bottom of your candle to protect the surface you are burning the candle on. 

Mini Spell Candles - These candles you’ve probably seen at any local mystical or witch shop. They come in a range of rainbow colors and are larger than a birthday candle but smaller much smaller than a Pillar Candle. Mini Spell Candles are definitely a staple in many witches’ cabinets, and oftentimes witches (like myself) keep several in every color just in case. When a spell asks for a certain color of candle, they are usually referring to these. The best thing about these candles is that they are pretty inexpensive, and you can grab a bunch in any color for all your spell casting needs.

Candles in Shapes (like a man or woman or skull) - These candles are more specific. They are sometimes used to target a specific person or even just yourself. The shape or figure of the candle can represent your target in a more personal way. These candles can be used for a wide range of reasons and come in a variety of colors to suit any spell working. 

Tea Lights - I’m a Tea Light advocate. I know they’re not very witchy, but you can grab a bag at any dollar store and use them for everything. I like to use them to line the bathtub for any ritual baths, decorate my altar, and even carve intentions on them or symbols and burn them for small spells. I also use Tea Lights for tarot readings and any sort of Divination. The versatility of these little guys is what makes me a Tea Light fan. 

Votive Candles - Votive candles to me are glorified Tea Lights. They are small sort of fat Pillars and need to be encased in a glass votive. Hence, the name. I haven’t seen too many of these in very specific colors but I do have a bunch on hand in case. Just like the Tea Lights, you can purchase these at a discount store and are generally not very expensive.

Knob Candles - I’ve only used knob candles a couple of times. You can recognize them by their specific look, they literally have seven or so knobs on them. The intention for this is that you cast the spell and burn one knob a day. Be warned the knobs take forever to burn, so make sure you have enough time to babysit this guy each day. 

7 Day Candles - 7 Day Candles are sort of like the knob candle, however they are tall candles that come in a glass vase. These candles are generally poured, and sometimes the glass has decoration on it according to it’s intention. You can purchase these ‘fixed’ or charged with intentions like luck or money, and they come in a variety of colors. You can also purchase these white and create your own intentions by decorating the glass vase yourself and adding your own oils and herbs to the candle. 

Dipped Candles - These are what I think of when I think of original old school candles. They sometimes come in a pair with the wick connecting the two candles. Dipped candles are usually crafted by a candle maker, and if you find a witch who dips and sells her own candles you’re in luck!

Tall Candles - Tall candles are your basic candles that people used to have out on their dining room table in brass or metal candleholders. I think most people use them for decoration, but you could add them to your alter or spells. I don’t typically use them for whatever reason.

Candle Color Meanings

White - White is used for cleansing, new beginnings and fresh starts. White can also be used for clarity and divination.

Black - Black absorbs negativity, so I’ve always used it to get rid of negativity, protection, or banishing. 

Blue - Blue is tranquil. Use blue candles in your spell work for focus, peace and wisdom. 

Orange - Orange is a bright and happy color. It brings out joy, stimulates energy and attraction. (The manifesting kind, not the lover kind.)

Yellow - Yellow is more of a breaking blocks kind of color. It also brings confidence and new ideas to the table. 

Pink - Pink is all the things like love, passion, self-love, happiness and even romance. 

Purple - Purple is more of a regal color and with it comes meditation, connecting to your spirits, and intuition. 

Green - Green is all about money, success and prosperity. It attracts wealth and abundance. 

Red - While pink is the color of romantic love, red is straight up passion and power. Increased energy and courage. 

Gold - Gold is the masculine color and can bring about success and abundance. I like to use gold for money too.

Silver - Silver is the feminine version and is more about connecting to the goddess. Silver is used for deepening your spiritual connection and developing psychic abilities. 

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A money altar is an altar dedicated specifically to money matters. You can have altar for any area of your life that you want or are prioritizing right now, for example many people have love altars if they are trying to attract new love or are looking to sustain a long term relationship. Since money is at the center of my life right now, stacking it, playing with it, spending it, earning it, It’s a perfect time to share it with you here.

There is a lot of money spells out there and a lot of them work, but attracting more money into your life and living differently because of that money is about building a relationship with money.

Trusting money, loving money and knowing money loves you. People who don’t trust money think that its always running out, it doesn’t grow on trees, there’s always more month than money, and that they can’t rise into a new financial situation. Those kind of thoughts make it harder to attract and keep more money.

Building a money altar allows you to start a relationship with money. At my money altar I simply started with $5 and a white candle, and everyday (mostly) I would light the candle, and touch the money. I felt its energy and I visualized having more of it. I’m currently building a new altar since I moved (pics to come).

Things you can add to a money altar:

  • Real money- $1, $5, $10, $20, $100, whatever you have and whatever makes you feel comfortable to start with. Not only does putting real money on the altar bring the energy it is an act of trust. I’ve been there where $5 is a lot of money to put on a table and not spend but it is crucial you put real money here.
  • Crystals- My favorite money stone is malachite but I also included rose quartz on my altar because for me money is tied to my self worth and rose quartz helps with it. You can use any money drawing stones (like a lodestone!)
  • A honey jar- If you’ve made a honey jar for anything money related putting it on your money altar is a great idea! It will help keep it charged and bring more energy to the space.
  • Candles- Everybody knows I loveeee my candles so its a must for me. Flames add energy for me so having them there is crucial.
  • Money herbs- patchouli, cinnamon, bay leaves, all spice, orange peels, basil, any herbs that you would use for attracting money.

Things to do at a money altar:

  • Visualize- Visualization is huge part of my spell casting and life in general. If I can see it my mind then I can feel it in my body and then I can actually get my head around it and call it in. All my spells start by imagining it already done
  • Journal- I’m a writer so words are important to me and can move me through a situation quickly. If i’m feeling freaked out about money or I don’t know how I’m gonna pay X instead of freaking out I write about it at the altar. Writing about it makes me feel better and releases those negative emotions and keeps me from constantly thinking “is this even working?” I tell clients this all the time, things come to you easier if you are detached and certain of the outcome.
  • Money spells/petitions- I do money spells, and write petitions for things I need at the altar. I ONLY do my own spells here. I have a little box or area I keep petitions in and trust that those issues are being handled.

Having a relationship with money is like having a relationship with anything else. Would you constantly question if your partner was gonna run out on you and leave you with nothing? (hopefully not) So the goal is to not do this with money. Building a relationship with money has been life changing for me, and while you can do this many ways, building an altar has really helped me. An altar is something that holds a lot of energy in one place so having a specific altar for money has solved issues and built my trust with money faster.

A reminder that I still have a spot left for mentoring. In mentoring we work on whatever it is you want to work on attracting into your life. New love, money, new job, a business, whatever it is, I am an expert on how to become a magnet for things you want and call them into your life. This is offer is NOT hoodoo specific and open to anyone of any background but if you do practice I will happily infuse that into our lessons. For more info DM me, this is a time sensitive offer.

I hope this helped ya’ll, happy casting!

energy cleansing and healing spell


this spell isnt necessarily overly complicated as far as components, but it’s a little physically involved, just a note if you’re a witch that has to worry about spoons and such, but on an okay day id say it’s perfectly doable

[what you’ll need;]

• white candle

• light pink candle

• yellow candle

• light blue candle

• sage incense

• three small bowls/plates

• mortar and pestle

• rose petals

• fresh thyme

• sugar

• honey

• lavender water


light your candles, then your incense using the white candles flame. make sure you’re catching the ash cause you’ll need it later in the spell as well

in three separate bowls have your rose petals and then your thyme, then mix your sugar, honey, and lavender water into the third bowl.

place the rose bowl in front of your pink candle, charging it with self love, healing, forgiveness, and compassion.

place the thyme bowl in front of the yellow candle, charging it with healing, energy, happiness, and fulfillment.

finally, place your third bowl in front of the blue candle, charging it with soothing, healing, emotional strength, love, and gentleness.

gently grind together your petals and thyme, then add in some of the incense ash and use a bit of the lavender water to bring it to a pasty-paint-ish consistency of sorts, then add in the third bowls contents and combine, add more water if needed to keep the consistency where we need it

take the sludge and spread it across your face how you see fit, be messy if you want, get carried away, be as gentle or chaotic as you feel necessary and once you’re satisfied that everything’s been perfectly scrubbed with your new intent, rinse it all off with nice cool water and pat dry, follow up with a lavender/rose water/tea tree toner if you’d like, and a light moisturizer ✨

A candle label for Money, Prosperity, and Wealth.Ya know, the green stuff.

A candle label for Money, Prosperity, and Wealth.

Ya know, the green stuff.

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A simple sea spell to help strengthen an existing bond between you and another. Be that of a friend, family member, significant other, or even a deity.

Please do not do this with a person in mind whom you don’t share a bond with. Nor should this be done for someone you do or have had a bond with but doesn’t want the bond between you two anymore.

If you feel that this spell led to an unhealthy relationship between you and another person, break ties with you and that person, take the shells apart and get rid of the wax. It’s important to focus on good, positive vibes between you and the other person(s) involved while doing this.

Please also always be careful when working with candles! Never leave a lit candle unattended, and don’t do this spell near any flammable objects.


  • Two cockle shells that are roughly around the same size.
  • Three different color candles that are of your own choosing, depending on what kind of bond it is that you want to strengthen. [One of each candle represents you, the other person, and the kind of bond you’re focusing on. For instance, if you want to strengthen a bond between you and a friend, then choosing the color yellow – since yellow is sometimes symbolic to friendship – to represent the bond itself would suffice]. Taper candles, or just using melted wax in general, would probably be best for this.


  1. After choosing the colors of all three candles that you want to be used as representations, set aside each half of the cockle shell apart.
  2. Light the two candles that represent both you and the other person with your intentions in mind.
  3. Take one of the candles and tilt it over one half of the seashell long enough to get a few drops of wax in the shell.
  4. Then take the other lit candle that represents the other person and do the same as the previous step, melting the wax on top of the first and combining the colors together.
  5. Once you’re done with the previous step, put the other half of the seashell on top of the one with the wax in it, then take the third candle that represents the bond and use that wax to seal the seashells together.

Note: Although this spell can be used to help strengthen relationships, it can really be used for all purposes. Say you’re in a rut and could use some extra money. Choose a candle that represents yourself and a green candle to represent wealth. Melt the two candles together in the seashells and then seal it with the green candle wax again.

This spell can also be used as an offering to a sea deity, which is something that I’ve done. When I did this for Amphitrite and myself, I used a dark shade of blue to represent her and a lighter shade of blue to represent myself. I then sealed the shells together with the dark shade of blue candle wax, which represented our bond, the Ocean and my practice overall.
