#libra mercury



Mercury Signs

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Credit to creator and owner @miafrda on Instagram


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LIBRA: This Connection Was Meant To Awaken You! - Spiritual Reading June 2022

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LIBRA: There’s More Underneath The Surface! - Love Reading MAY 2022

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✨Tuesday, November 3, 2020✨ GoVote!!⚖️

Astrology Transits by TripleAqua

  • Libra Mercury goes Direct- 1244 EST

We made it through Mercury retrograde! Clarity begins as the retrograde energy begins to fade away. We should begin to realize that any mistakes that were made the last few weeks, were just different paths to the same destination. Resolving differences and creating balance in relationships was the main focus of this past Mercury retrograde. Bringing up any past issues that needed to be resolved. Either seeing eye to eye and forming a stronger bond or be driven apart and seperated was the outcome. Now it’s time to focus on the present and future and realize no one’s to blame. Everything that happened was meant to happen.

  • Gemini Moon sextile Aries Mars rx- 1256 EST

It should be easy to go with the flow today as long as we don’t resist. We should be in tune with our desires and instincts. Expressing our feelings should come easily and honestly, even if it’s brutal.  We should feel more courageous and be able to take the lead. As long as we join in on the flow, our energy should sustain with any situation that occurs today.

  • Gemini Moon Square Pisces Neptune rx- 1842 EST

There is a sense of uncertainty and confusion which may cause some level of chaos. Avoid money transactions or new business initiatives. At this time, there is difficulty in thinking clearly and feelings of escapism.  Deceptions could occur with others and ourselves.  We may feel out of sorts without knowing why. Focus on spirituality or even relax with some music to help sway this energy. 


Natal Chart Interpretations, Tarot Readings , Holistic Healer, Crystal Healer

“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” - Carl Jung




Venmo~ TripleAqua


Credit: tumblr blog @tripleaqua

Weekend of October 30- November 1, 2020

Huge Energy Shift

Astrology Transits by TripleAqua

Friday, October 30, 2020

  • Aries Moon Square Capricorn Pluto 22° (0219 EST) & Capricorn Saturn 26° (0930 EST)

The day begins with anger and frustration with the fiery, impulsive, impatient, and competitive Aries moon squaring with Capricorn Saturn & Pluto. It will be hard not to ignore the desires of wanting to begin a new chapter. Saturn will deliver us with nervous energy, and a constant feeling of being blocked and Pluto will create obstacles to our goals. We become extremely impatient with this energy.

  • Aries Moon opposite Libra Mercury rx 27°- 1212 EST

This aspect dishes up a double dose of communication issues. We already have Mercury retrograde creating issues in our daily lives. And again, makes us VERY impatient. However, a repeat argument will ignite and will give us a chance to review our communication from back in September when Mercury last was in Libra. Connecting with someone from the past can deliver explosive results!

  • Moon Enters Taurus- 1719 EST

We become more inclined to slow down and gather ourselves. Embarking on new endeavors. BIG FOCUS: Rest & Relaxation Rejuvenation is key for recharging after the active last few days we’ve had of Aries energy. This moons energy holds a unique power to restore hope, happiness, & love! It wants us to find emotional fulfillment through the simple & tangible things in life.

Saturday, October 31, 2020

Full Blue Moon in Taurus 8°-1049 EST

The spiritual veil will be it’s thinnest at this time with Samhain falling halfway between the Autumn Equinox & the Winter Solistice. A Full Moon on Halloween hasn’t happened since 1944. Taurus’ energy will make us feel moody, active, and more emotional with a focus on finances and relationships. Our intuition peaks and intuitive downloads can bring us insight. The Full Moon shines light upon something hidden that causes conflict. We are able to see more clearly. This Full Moon will surprise us and bring us sudden events, unexpected news, and life changing opportunities to the collective. Practicing emotional release will help you navigate this energy with ease.

  • Taurus Full Moon conjunct Taurus Uranus rx (1100 EST)

The Moon becomes full at the exact degree of conjuncting to Uranus rx. The Full Moon energy joining with erratic, suddenly changing Uranus creates a life changing event with a dramatic twist. Expect a huge energy shift. There is a lack of inner balance, strange habits, and unreasonable views. Let go of the need to control your emotions and environment. Avoid reacting with lower vibrations and focus on adapting. A romantic love affair is possible. It’s unknown what to expect and how this energy will manifest. EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED!

  • Scorpio Sun opposite Taurus Full Moon & Taurus Uranus rx- 1237 EST

Many of us should be feeling a necessity for freedom and radical change during this time. Also, we should feel a stronger feeling of separation from mainstream society & authorities. Whatever happens (because it’s currently unknown with Uranus conjunct) will help us become aware of how we unconsciously try to generate a sense of safety in our lives. For example, through self sabotage patterns, manipulation, or power plays in relationships.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

  • Taurus Moon 18° sextile Pisces Neptune rx- 0529 EST

This aspect gives us an active imagination, puts us in good spirits, and our empathy & sensitivity is more present. Artistic talents emerge & we can understand art on a more challenging level. Who knows where this energy could take us; creative blocks can be removed. Some under-the-radar communication can bring clarity to inner messages. Words being heard today will have more of an emotional meaning. Spiritual needs are done without a second thought and good company is easily kept. 

  • Taurus Moon 21° trine Capricorn Jupiter- 1115 EST

Material gains and social success is in order. We begin to have positive realizations about the future. Philanthropic activities can be carried out easily. We enjoy sincerity and popularity. We seek out art interests with enthusiasm. Any foundation laid today will be solid, supportive, and will remain improving.  Friendships are easily made, as we will see the good side in everything— just remember there are other sides too.

  • Libra Mercury rx Square Capricorn Saturn- 1406 EST

Negative thinking can ruin the day if not controlled. When you feel the negativity brewing, be sure to shut it down in it’s tracks. It’s very easy to downward spiral with this aspect, so deal with any negativity promptly and be done with it for good. Don’t criticize today, it will be a waste of time. Feelings of greed, suspicion, pettiness, stubbornness, & arguments are highlighted. In family situations, disputes & separations can occur. Failures & mental-spiritual inhibitors can easily manifest.

  • Taurus moon 22° trine Capricorn Pluto- 1413 EST

Confidence that everything will be ok, no matter what happens is felt thanks to the faith gained in yourself and others. If you’ve been putting off a task that requires confidence, today is a great day to start that project. Our emotions could be highlighted but also could be one sided. We experience an awakening of feelings. Our desires may lean towards travel, adventures, and discovering new places.

  • Libra Venus opposite Aries Chiron rx- 1455 EST

Love cannot be forced. Commitments are not established with this transit. We may feel alienated for no reason and our relationships can open an inner wound. A fear of commitment can hinder future endeavors. However, our interactions with others can trigger sensitive subjects and help us understand ourselves and others more deeply.

  • Taurus Moon trine Capricorn Saturn- 2126 EST

There may be a feeling of safety & stablity to speak your truth as long as you’re not stepping on anyone’s toes. Conserving your emotions may be the best bet. Any projects started today will have a stable outcome, but avoid high expectations. A sense of responsibility may overcome us creating organizational talent. Our goals are approached with care & deliberation. Many of us may acquire a new job or responsibility.


Natal Chart Interpretations, Tarot Readings , Holistic Healer, Crystal Healer

“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” - Carl Jung




Venmo~ TripleAqua


Credit: tumblr blog @tripleaqua

Today, October 27, 2020

Astrology Transits by TripleAqua

  • Pisces Moon 20° conjunct Pisces Neptune 18° (2° orb)- 0535 EST

Dreamy, passive, unbalanced. This is the energy that can be felt today. This can make us hypersensitive, which can weaken our nervous system and create unknown or easily influenced anxiety. We may want to be alone with our thoughts early in the morning. Avoiding the truth could be possible as well. Expect to have realistically, vivid dreams with a heightened imagination. Emotions run high, so unexplained crying or overreactions can become present.

  • Scorpio Mercury rx opposite Taurus Lilith- 0633 EST

Challenging secrets may be revealed. Taurus Lilith encourages us to survive & stand our ground. With this energy, some may have to do whatever is needed to be done to survive, despite external judgement. In turn, this can create a hostile conversation or unpleasant realization. Something that no one wants to acknowledge could find its way to the surface.

  • Pisces Moon 20° sextile Capricorn Jupiter 20° (exact 0° orb)- 0950 EST 

A really positive energy that can bring us social success and material gains today. Can create a positive outlook on life with the feeling of sincerity. Interests may peak in art/crafts. Optimistic & feeling good.

  • Pisces Moon 20° sextile Capricorn Pluto 2 2° (2° orb)- 1353 EST

This energy awakens our sentimental endeavors. We actually will feel enjoyment with action and adventure. There may be a desire to travel or plan a trip. Be sure to double check any reservations or planning with Mercury & Mars still in retrograde!

*The 3 favorable aspects of the Pisces Moon and Neptune, Jupiter, and Pluto gives us a powerful opening for spiritual stimulation. Meditation could bring an awakening or epiphany. These aspects also gives us stronger imaginations, gain in sympathy, positive outcomes in legal cases, and intense feelings of love and interests.*

  • Venus leaves Virgo & enters Libra ♎️- 2133 EST (ends November 21, 2020)

Today is a big Libra energy day! With both Venus & Mercury entering Libra within minutes apart, a break from any negative astrological transits should be in order. Venus enters it’s home sign of Libra bringing friendly, kind, and extremely personable influences. We can find us taking interest in all things beautiful; music, art, fashion, creativity, poetry. Libra Venus can help us remember what we love about the people closest to us & put us in a better mood for compromising.

  • Mercury rx leaves Scorpio & enters Libra ♎️- 2149 EST (Libra Mercury rx goes direct November 3, 2020 & enters back into Scorpio on November 10, 2020)

With all the Libra energy happening at once, the urge to show off our artistic talents can emerge. The collective should show a higher aesthetic sense and we should all seek harmony & balance more than usual. Mercury rx encourages us to face our shadow, and in Libra, it brings out relationship issues & karma once again to make sure we are working on finding healthier connections & eliminating any extra baggage that is in the way of finding balance. It can bring up issues from September (when Mercury was in Libra then) and invite us to review the lessons we went through before entering intense, deep Scorpio for a second time. Any underlying manipulation or controlling dynamic needs to be uncovered and solved. This means communication with the people we love needs to be open & honest.


Natal Chart Interpretations, Tarot Readings , Holistic Healer, Crystal Healer

“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” - Carl Jung




Venmo~ TripleAqua


Credit: tumblr blog @tripleaqua

attention span is not long. may ditch old ideas, if they get bored, or find something more interesting. HAS to win an argument. may think being the louder one during an argument is the way to win lmao. talks in a dynamic way. argumentive. may make a good public speaker. may text too fast, and mess up on a few words. communication style is aggressive(always has to be right, loud, might scapegoat, etc). humor may be childish(fart jokes, butt jokes, burp jokes, just dumb shit in general lol), or humor that involves getting injured(hitting your head on something, tripping, etc). slapstick humor

great attention span, but may be a slow learner or talker. talks with stability/most likely doesn’t stutter. doesn’t mind staying on the same topic/not changing the subject. like aries, in an argument they will rarely admit they were wrong, hard-headed. arguing with these ppl are the worst, since they don’t allow others to have opinions which is annoying asf(my sister has this lmao, and i have a taurus mars, so you could imagine). your mind rarely changes, once made up. not the most open minded. talks with practicality. may type slow tbh lmao, and dry. may also take a century to reply. communication style may be passive aggressive(may not like being straightforward, “i didn’t think you’d pass this class, but good job”, etc) humor may be well written skits, or roasts.

attention span is fleeting. curious about numerous of things. may stutter thanks to gemini jittery energy. rarely turns down a debate, might even lie in a disagreement to win. first to speak if it’s too quiet for too long. type of person to have random knowledge or may know fun facts. talks with wit. types fast, replies fast, just very active on social media. meme user. sends messages in short patches instead of just one big paragraph. communication style is passive aggressive(may mumble under breath, etc). humor may be random. may love puns.

attention span is good, esp if it’s topics they feel with. may be bias in an argument between other ppl. may want to “hug” it out lmao. may like to talk abt emotional topics. talks with care. probably uses emojis a lot. writes paragraphs/in long sentences. communication style varies tbh. i’m just gonna do passive-aggressive(backhanded compliments, talks behind your back instead of confronting you) or assertive(expressing your wants and needs, while considering others feelings). inside jokes are your thing, goofy asf with ppl you’re comfortable with. dry humor

attention span may be short lived. may only talk abt themselves which can be annoying. believe it or not, they may take a calm/chill approach in an argument. overdramatic in their speech. talks with confidence. keeps the conversation interesting/not dry. initiator in group chats. usually replies fast. communication style is assertive(uses “i”, knows their worth, etc). playful name calling is their type of humor.

attention span may not be that good tbh(like their opposite sign, they daydream off into the distance). talks with practicality. make sure to fact check, when arguing with these ppl, or they may verbally violate you. very nit picky ppl, and may be big complainers. may abbreviate a lot of words lmao. another dry texting placement, and rarely uses emojis. communication style is passive aggressive(throws shade lmao, may like to just go with the flow, etc). may make fun of yourself to get laughs. might like humor that criticizes/makes fun of things/ppl in general. their humor has some truth to it.

attention span is usually good. easy going in speech. talks with equality. can also be charismatic. may ppl please. in arguments, they can try to compromise, and fix everything, even when it’s unfixable. dislikes conflict, and may need to learn to embrace them. may dislike ppl that curse a lot, or are loud. the way you text may be unclear to some. also texting isn’t direct, and may use things like “k” or “nice”. communication style is passive(lacks eye contact, doesn’t want any conflict even though they feel some type of way, etc). another placement that likes well written jokes, and may have a strong dislike for dark/inappropriate humor lol.

attention span is attentive. you’re not easy to read, and it can take time to truly know you. you may over analyze and get suspicious over the dumbest things. observant, and might be into psychology. in arguments, doesn’t tolerate dumb shit. can be a bit of a ghost when it comes to texting. tries to get in your business and asks random shit. might not text too much info, since they don’t want ppl to screenshot the chat lmao. assertive is your communication style(considers others feelings, uses “i”, etc) or aggressive(yells, tries to intimidate you, etc). humor may be dark, offensive, and/or taboo/inappropriate. sexual jokes.

attention span is actually good, if they’re interested, if not then it’s non existent. either rlly open or rlly closed minded. you may mistake being blunt for being honest or some ppl may mistake your realness for being rude. talks with rowdiness. in arguments, may be hostile. uses “:), </3” instead of “” in text. but then again, may use actual emojis a bit. communication style is aggressive(loud, doesn’t consider others feelings, etc). humor may be mocking accents, sarcasm, and/or satire.

attention span is short, if what you’re talking abt isn’t important to us. fluent in atleast 2 languages, which are sarcasm, and facts. we don’t have time or patience for ignorance. we may come off as standoffish, when in reality we just stick to ourselves or we’re just too honest. talks with common sense. talking is soothing, atleast i’ve been told. i feel like we use facts in an argument more than emotions, but me personally i try to include both(this is my placement :)). probably doesn’t use caps in text. may have a lot of ppl on delivered. reply game varies based on person, only replies fast to important ppl. communication style is most likely assertive(has a backbone, stands up for themselves without being loud, etc). humor is satire, dark/offensive, and/or sarcastic. if you have tiktok, you definitely know abt satire humor LMAO.

attention span is only good if they care. says random things. takes forever to reply. talks with detachment. observant. in arguments, probably doesn’t think of others feelings, and just says whatever. may be harsh in arguing. another placement that probably uses this “<3, :), etc” instead of “❤️”. may ghost your messages. communication style is passive aggressive(talks shit behind your back, may not care to confront others, etc). surreal humor, humor is eccentric lol. may like adult animated shows

attention span isn’t good, since they daydream a lot. might say personal stuff in accident. relatable. great listeners. talks with warm heartedness. cool in arguments, and will stand up for what they feel is right if necessary. another placement that may use emojis a lot. texting may be emotional. shitty grammar. communication style is passive(goes with the flow, bad eye contact/body language, hates drama, etc). another placement that makes jokes abt sex. may joke abt drugs(other ppl doing it or themselves, or ppl acting like their on drugs lmao)

  • please keep in mind that other things will affect certain traits, like your moon sign. don’t plagiarize, and have a good day

the mercury signs

Aries: brusque truths, an unhindered and combative flow, enthusiastic inquiries, impassioned polemic, hasty candor of the moment, playful goading and provoking, grand words, indecent persuasions, an eagerness to impress, childlike humor. 

Taurus: cemented opinions, laconic and unhurried in speech, will never admit they’re wrong, protective sentiments, warm approaches, delayed reactions, sentimentality, plain-spoken sincerity, indulgence in listening, practical-minded mentality, aversion to verbal ambiguity, devoted reassurance, comfortable topics.

Gemini: a silver-tongued flow, keen discussions, impertinent questionings, mastered cajolery, monologues, an adaptive tone, storaged facts, frivolous dissipation, unduly opinionated in everything, sly remarks, gossip and fabricated “truths”, quick-paced reasoning, verbally resourceful. 

Cancer:a lachrymose tone, language overgrown with sentiment, masters of disarming, dedications, meandrous thoughts, an immersive inner world, reminiscing, tête-à-têtes, mid-conversation pauses, atmospheric storytelling, bashful reactions, delicate consciousness, confessions. 

Leo: panache, unanswered questions, conversation as performance, brilliant raconteurs, baiting, revelations, language curled with humor, an indestructible morale,  gilded soliloquies, white lies, lively interactions, chameleon-like expression, masterful feigning, permeating influence. 

Virgo: seasoned in finding le mot juste, interesting debates, calculated ripostes, an analytical mindset, meticulous schemes, perfectionism, masters of critique, attention to detail, conversational symmetry, acridness, precise timing.

Libra: a diplomatic standpoint, flowery words, smooth persuasion, airy evasions, speaks with care, idealized sentiments, politeness, softly observant, wide perspectives, easily suggestible, gilded flattery, a lightness of spirit and humor, engaging questions, illusive deference. 

Scorpio: trenchant truths, intense sentiments, secrecy, speaking in absolute terms, brooding, a leery perspective, loaded questions, great discerners of insincerity, verbally hypnotic, a dark sense of humor, overwhelming reactions.

Sagittarius: habitual intervening, bon-mots, seasoned spurring, a wandering focus, big ideas, impromptu exclamations, optimistic naiveté, overstated storytelling, unfiltered frankness, empirical wisdom, infectious buoyancy, ravenous curiosity. 

Capricorn:an economy of words, focused attention, felicitous courtesies, great confidantes, formal approaches, unsentimental judgments, adopted pragmatism, advisory remarks, deep-rooted beliefs, renaissance attitudes, clear intentions, kept promises, solemnity of perspective. 

Aquarius: a roundabout expression, distance, cryptic and vague statements, a mastered use of silence, erratic responses, a knowing tone, habitual wringing of concepts, conversation as play, lofty ideals, an itch to contradict, stirring influence, adopted absurdity. 

Pisces: absorptive listeners, a fanciful outlook, internal monologues, overflowing sentiments, touching words, pensive silences, drifting off, boundless exchanges, lingering sentiments, dreamlike logic, recitals, a lulling softness in tone.

Libra Sun, Libra Moon, Scorpio Rising, Libra Mercury, Scorpio Venus, and Virgo Mars aesthetic moodbo

Libra Sun, Libra Moon, Scorpio Rising, Libra Mercury, Scorpio Venus, and Virgo Mars aesthetic moodboard for @peterpans-shadow

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