#mystic messenger headcannons


my updated takes on the RFA’s sexualities:

- I cannot imagine Jaehee dating a man, I can’t, shes a lesbian and we love her

- Zen is the straightest man to exist, but fully supports Jaehee specificallylol

- Jumin is,, also straight though not as aggressively as Zen is. He just loves his wife and wants to live in peace that’s all

- Yoosung is bisexual, I will not accept arguments, as is Seven: both are bi, they just love who they love, Yoosung leans more towards men, Seven has zero preferences to anyone

- Saeran gives off gay energy, I can’t rly explain it tho

requested: as always, by anon

a/n: this one was a bit confusing to write lol but I think it turned out alright. it’s written from the perspective of yoosungs route 

warnings: brief mentions of Rika’s apparent “suicide”

-sunlight patch mod alex

-Yoosungs clear hatred for V always left you with a stomachache and not knowing what to say, while you loved this dorky blonde haired boy, he was in the wrong here, and even though you knew your best friend wasn’t perfect, you knew he hadn’t driven Rika to kill herself, nor did he “not care” about the death of his fiance 

-a lot of explaining to Yoosung that V had his own way of dealing with grief, and he shouldn’t put everyone to the same standard of how different people show emotion

-you were possibly the only person he wont get into an active argument with: he valued your opinion even though in your eyes you were wrong

-goes through a period of time where he believes you’re plotting with V against him, but gets quickly put straight by Zen, who stands up for you and calls him out

-even after his issues with V subside, his residual feelings get recycled into a twinge of jealousy 

-maybe more than a twinge

-V took his cousin and was also best friends with his significant other? this man was everywhere, and it took everything in him to not bring it up constantly

-every once in a while those feelings of jealousy would erupt, but after a while he started to learn how to deal with it, if nothing else then for respect for you 

-encouraging him to go to therapy

-making him see that V has his own ways of dealing with things, and his apologies were true

-eventually managing to get both V and yoosung in the same room having dinner with the rest of the RFA without him imploding

requested: somewhat! by anon

a/n: hm I really said time to be sad


-bagel mod alex

- The time between routes was the only time you could say goodbye 

- “Does it ever make you upset?” 

- “Does what?”

- “That this is a game. That none of this is real. That…” she trailed off, her gaze fixing itself to the ground under her, fingers absentmindedly pulling at long strands of grass as she pushed herself to continue, “that you were made for me, for the player, for entertainment.”

- At this, he raised his head, looking directly at the girl across from him. He considered her question for a second before a small smile made its way onto his face, catching her eye.

- “Hey. Someone made me, put so much work into crafting me in a way where I could make you smile every time we meet. In some way, I’m your love letter from the universe, and it’s an honor being in love with you,” he took MC’s hands, “Every reset.”

- At this her frown relaxed, her fingers instinctively interlacing with his.

- He knew he could never know if what he loved was real, not the avatar in front of him at least. The cascade of auburn hairs falling over pale digitally smooth skin… he knew that it wasn’t her. Even as he held her, he knew that it was only temporary, and that the short breath of air he was allowed would soon be ripped away from him.

- He shifted. He could never admit to the pain the distance brought, that at even such close proximity the never-ending ache continued. Maybe during this life they had been dealt the bad hand.. maybe in another life the distance wouldn’t be so great. 

- “But…do you.. do you love me in other dimensions too?” he asked shyly.

- She smiled at the boy in front of her fondly, her face brightening up instantly. “How could I say no to any version of you?”

- “Do you?” he insisted. 

- MC’s smile didn’t falter. “I always love you.”

requested: by anon

a/n: i feel rusty in terms of writing but I hope its alright lol


- “it’s almost 5 in the morning and I can’t shut off my brain” mod alex


-it doesn’t register with him at first

-he’s unsettled but doesn’t make a big fuss out of it 

-refuses to call you Jumin

-perhaps Han, but that leads into uncomfortable Han Solo jokes from Seven 

-he’d rather just not address you by your name

-honestly is weirded out by it, but will never admit it

-crinkles his nose when he hears someone refer to you by name


-she think’s it’s pretty neat that you have the same name…at first

-a twinge of disappointment that finally there’s a new female member and she has the same name as her

-it honestly triggers some deep rooted abandonment issues for her

-sees herself as replaceable now that there’s someone there with her exact name, someone who is clearly more popular with the boys and is taking up what Rika did

-no longer thinks it’s neat, please give her a hug


-think’s it’s so fun

-not much to say about it, but he gets very giggly when he hears someone call you by his name,, or your name technically

-his head shoots up any time someone says Yoosung, not knowing which one he’s referring to

-out of two people with the same name, he’s definitely the one who’d say “which one?!” first



-goes through all seven stages of grief,, he added a few stages

-at first think’s it’s a prank, then that you’re a secret operative sent to torment him, then finally after doing an extensive check on you realizes that.. no that’s … just your name

-is sort of disappointed that you’re not something cooler, just a dude with the same name as him

-as his name isn’t well known in the chat at first, he’s incredibly uncomfortable suddenly having everyone saying it, and has to remind himself that it’s not him they’re referring to

-once he gets more comfortable with it, he’s definitely one to make many “twin” jokes, including “the second unrelated twin” references 

-will call you everything except for Saeyoung, but as a joke, he resorts to inanimate objects at one point


-uncomfortable with it at first, he hasn’t heard his real name in a while and having to address you as his old name was odd to say the least

-a lot of “how doesn’t it feel to have the best name” jokes

- “sharing is caring, I must care about you a lot to let you have my name

-it doesn’t bother him too much

- “it shows your parents had good taste when naming you” “I wasn’t named after you” “but they had good taste no?”

requested: by anon

a/n:mm hamball


- “it’s mental illness innit luv” mod alex

Saeyoung Choi

-in the chatroom you were always so chatty, never afraid to make jokes or be a major dork, often going along with Seven’s dumb bits, driving the other members crazy… but as with all things, appearances can be deceiving, and social anxiety was prone to creep up at the worst of times

-even with his galaxy level brain, Seven didn’t quite understand why you were so quiet any time you met with him in real life, why you clammed up and essentially put it on him to carry every conversation

-little did he know that as annoying as he may have found it, your own nerves were making you do circles in your mind, and every word you spoke felt like it had to be calculated

-eventually would approach you about it, worried that he was doing something wrong or making you uncomfortable

-after explaining that you were just nervous to talk to him, and hiding behind a screen was easier in letting you be yourself he just chuckles, making self depracating jokes about himself in hopes of making you laugh

-man just wants you to be happy and comfortable

-would bring an actual screen and put it between the two of you when you hung out alone just to annoy you, and it was through that which he hoped you’d open up more, by jokingly “annoying” you, a shitty plan in hindsight but alas

-wouldn’t mind carrying conversations, would pay more attention and purposefully ask open ended questions and make sure you had time to speak

Saeran Choi



-take the anxiety that Seven felt about being afraid he’d done something wrong and multiply it by 1,000

-he’s similar too though in being shyer in person, which causes a bit of an issue in the long silences that follow the two of you around wherever you go

-after talking it out with his brother he decides to confront you about it, if nothing else just to put his mind to rest 

-reassuring him that he’d done nothing wrong was by far the most helpful, and the back and forth conversation that followed where you and him quietly giggled and bonded over being introverts allowed you to understand each other better

-not very proactive, would let you go at your own pace when it comes to opening up, and doesn’t mind the long silences, instead he starts to find peace in them

-that being said, he’s elated when you get a burst of courage to talk more, is absolutely in love with hearing you talk

-gets incredibly blushy when he thinks about the fact that he’s the one making you nervous but that anxiety isn’t caused by something negative. he honestly feels the same most of the time towards you, texting is incredibly different than being in person and he can recognize that
