#yoosung mystic messenger

Como cuando saludas a tu prima :vLike when you say hello to your cousin :v

Como cuando saludas a tu prima :v

Like when you say hello to your cousin :v

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Let’s play a game. Me and my friend @rusgard make a mysme AU but we don’t give you any context

requested: by anon

a/n: i feel rusty in terms of writing but I hope its alright lol


- “it’s almost 5 in the morning and I can’t shut off my brain” mod alex


-it doesn’t register with him at first

-he’s unsettled but doesn’t make a big fuss out of it 

-refuses to call you Jumin

-perhaps Han, but that leads into uncomfortable Han Solo jokes from Seven 

-he’d rather just not address you by your name

-honestly is weirded out by it, but will never admit it

-crinkles his nose when he hears someone refer to you by name


-she think’s it’s pretty neat that you have the same name…at first

-a twinge of disappointment that finally there’s a new female member and she has the same name as her

-it honestly triggers some deep rooted abandonment issues for her

-sees herself as replaceable now that there’s someone there with her exact name, someone who is clearly more popular with the boys and is taking up what Rika did

-no longer thinks it’s neat, please give her a hug


-think’s it’s so fun

-not much to say about it, but he gets very giggly when he hears someone call you by his name,, or your name technically

-his head shoots up any time someone says Yoosung, not knowing which one he’s referring to

-out of two people with the same name, he’s definitely the one who’d say “which one?!” first



-goes through all seven stages of grief,, he added a few stages

-at first think’s it’s a prank, then that you’re a secret operative sent to torment him, then finally after doing an extensive check on you realizes that.. no that’s … just your name

-is sort of disappointed that you’re not something cooler, just a dude with the same name as him

-as his name isn’t well known in the chat at first, he’s incredibly uncomfortable suddenly having everyone saying it, and has to remind himself that it’s not him they’re referring to

-once he gets more comfortable with it, he’s definitely one to make many “twin” jokes, including “the second unrelated twin” references 

-will call you everything except for Saeyoung, but as a joke, he resorts to inanimate objects at one point


-uncomfortable with it at first, he hasn’t heard his real name in a while and having to address you as his old name was odd to say the least

-a lot of “how doesn’t it feel to have the best name” jokes

- “sharing is caring, I must care about you a lot to let you have my name

-it doesn’t bother him too much

- “it shows your parents had good taste when naming you” “I wasn’t named after you” “but they had good taste no?”
