


One of the things that I like about Kakashi is that he is humble.

He’d rather shine a light on people, than himself.

I absolutely love the fact that Kakashi doesn’t care about his image in front of the whole world, he’d take out his book & start reading it in front of anyone no matter who they are or what their rank, without giving a single f but he’d be mortified if it was his dogs, trying to hide his shame behind his back like a kid who got caught by his mother

A friendly reminder that Kakashi is actually very fit, he’s not skinny or small.

I mean look at those THICC thighs!

This man definitely never skips legs days, I mean, how can anyone forget how muscular and well defined Kakashi’s body actually is when we got to see a small glances of him without his loose clothes?!!

Kakashi actually trains as hard as anyone else if not harder as I previously explained in this post

And we’ve seen him standing beside Gai and Obito countless of times before and there wasn’t any size differences between them

Kakashi has a great body and the world needs to remember that.

Happy birthday, Sarada! ❤️❤️❤️

ART street contest submission 3/3

ART street contest submission 3/3

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ART street contest submission 2/3

ART street contest submission 2/3

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ART street contest submission 1/3

ART street contest submission 1/3

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obito v. kakashi but it’s set to ABBA’s mamma mia


Black zetsu is just venom without the love and support of everyone in the fan base, change my mind. Black zetsu’s just a fuckin dick

Also: black zetsu takes hosts and makes them his slave.

Tobi: *uses the same jutsu as kakashi, literally has the same mangekyo sharingan, reminds kakashi so much of obito already*

Kakashi: oh man who could he be?

Tobi: *is obito*

