#nct hendery


Wayv having family time

Yangyang:We can either make these cookies at 400 degrees for 10 minutes or at 4,000 degrees for one minute

Xiaojun: I don’t think that’s how making cookies work

Kun: Dont do it


Ten: How about 4,000,000 degrees so we only have to wait one second?

Kun: You are gonna burn the dorm down-


Winwin: GENUIS

Kun: NO-

[17:57]Hendery: Look (y/n) as much as we were friends before, my girlfriend doesn’t feel comfortable with us texting because of how we had a thing with each other.  

Hendery: Every time you text me she gets mad.  So I have, out of respect for her, I can’t talk to you anymore.  

You read the text over and over again, wondering what exactly to think.  You knew his girlfriend didn’t like you, you were aware of that.  You thought you kept your distance, you thought you were respectful to the relationship, you thought that you weren’t a problem for them.  Especially since he chose her.  

You made sure you didn’t text often, or too much, or in the middle of the night.  You never called anymore, invited him over, asked to hang out.  You thought that you weren’t causing problems.  You knew she didn’t like you, and you could understand why.  Hendery liked you before her, he flirted with you before her, he was friends with you before her, he knew you before her.  You understood her not liking you, but to make him end the friendship that was built up over years, really? 

We were friends before.’  You thought you guys were still friends, you thought that you were the friends that didn’t need to talk everyday, you thought you guys would always be friends.  ‘Out of respect for her,’ what about respect for you?  All the time you guys spent together meant nothing?  All the times you told each other, you loved each other, worthless?  All the times you guys supported each other?  All the moments you shared together mean nothing now?  Do you not mean anything to him anymore? 

You felt the tears roll down your face, you wanted to laugh.  You were the infamous, ‘girl best friend.’  You were at a loss for words, you knew as much as you love Hendery that you would never go after him while he was in a relationship.  You knew what was appropriate, you knew your place, you made sure not to cause an issue.  At least you thought you did.  At least you thought you did it right.  At the very least, you thought you could stand on the sideline and still call him a friend.  You were prepared to do that for the rest of your life, because you weren’t in love with Hendery, you just loved him like a good friend.  
You: you know what, fuck you Hendery.
