#new art blog



“My mind is a blank canvas; where there should be colorfully painted dreams is a heavy blackness. My eyes are as stationary as the silhouette of my bedside lamp, which is where they rest. When the sallow glow of the streetlamp behind it becomes shades of white, I know my night is over.

My mind flickers to the cupboard and the sleeping pills inside that my doctor prescribed. I don’t want them, I don’t want chemicals to “fix” me. I close my eyes and they almost sting like a wasp, opened for too long I suppose.”

— written by @lustfulawakenings (me) ✨

Love & Lust

“We were two hearts beating as one. Two vessels sharing one soul. Two bodies molding into a single silhouette. We were catastrophic. With madness we created euphoria.

— written by @lustfulawakenings (me) ✨


Why am I like this?

when did I become this?

This thing that craves

something it doesn’t

even know what

I am not happy

I am not sad

I am not angry

I am not depressed

I’m not anything

and that makes everything

feel so wrong

— written by @lustfulawakenings (me) ✨
