#new moon in capricorn


New Moon in Capricorn January 2022 Readings for Every Rising Sign

The New Moon in Capricorn Readings for Every Rising Sign are now posted on my Patreon!

Do you want to use the mystical powers of the moon and astrology to help you know how to get the jump on the new year?

Sign up for my Patreon at the Moon Child tier for only $4.44CAD/month to get magical insights for unlocking the power of your natal chart every new moon!


New Moon in Capricorn

2nd January 2022

The first New Moon of the year! Make sure you set strong intentions and start the year on a positive note.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, which gives us the most difficult but needed lessons in life. It rewards those who work hard, are patient and focus on creating stability in their lives.

If you want to feel more respected, this is the right moon for bringing that into reality. Don’t let others look down on you this year. People will only treat you how you let them.

Focus on being more structured.Don’t leave everything for the last minute. Try being a bit more hard-working, but rather than working more, try working smarter. It’s not about overexerting yourself.

And lastly, CapricornandSaturn are also connected to our careers. What are your highest career goals and dreams? How can you bring them into reality? Make a solid plan and start following it now! There is no time to waste.

Set intentions for:

  • Feelingstableandsecure in every way
  • Having the energy to get through any challenges and obstacles
  • Beingrespected by others
  • Manifesting your dream career

I wish you a lovely new moon and the best of time in 2022✨ May it be kind to us all!
