#lunar witch

lunar witch

Things To Research As A Celestial Witch


Celestial witches get most of their energies from cosmic and celestial bodies. AKA anything outer space, really :) They’re one of my favorite witches (all witches are my favorite lol) so of course I had to do a masterlist (I had to do it to ‘em).

Also, there are so many correspondences. But as always, you don’t have to research all of them to be considered a Cosmic/Celestial witch.


moon phases

special moons (blood moon, dark moon, etc.) and their magic

significance of each moon phase

moon water

solar water

how to charge items with the moon

crystals correspondence to the moon


zodiac signs

liminal space


how to use astrology with divination

astrology oriented tarot cards

astral projection

how to use celestial energy to ground/center

major constellations

how each celestial body affects you

universal/cosmic energies

 black holes


planetary spells

planetary botanical blends

star magick

planets correspondence to colors

planets correspondence to gods/goddesses

planets correspondence to crystals/stones

planets correspondence to days of the week

planets correspondence to elements

planets correspondence to zodiac signs

planets correspondence to elements

planets correspondence to types of divination

planets correspondence to metals

planets correspondence to intent

different types of cosmic magick (venusian, martian, lunar, etc.)

diy celestial sigils

meteor shower magick

cosmic altars

♡ That naked witch in the woods

Thanks to the way the earth orbits the sun and the way the moon orbits the earth, our calendar year contains thirteen full moons and moon cycles, also called lunations. Here are some traditional correspondences from astrology and folklore.

  • January is known as the Cold Moon of the Wolf Moon. This is the time for new beginnings, for planning for and conceiving a child, and for making other goals for yourself, your working life, your health goals, and any other aspirations. You should look deep inside yourself and take this time during the Wolf Moon to think about and contemplate what is most important to you, and how you can have what is truly meaningful in your life. The Cold Moon is also when you should perform protection spells for yourself and your loved ones, and rituals of safekeeping for your home and the people and things you really care about.
  • Februaryis the time of the Wild Moon or the Snow Moon. Now you can begin growing the seeds you planted in your soul during the last month’s Wolf Moon. The Wild Moon is an excellent time for purification rituals and for cleansing old “bad” energy out of your life,your home, your psyche, and your office. The Wild Moon can be a time for great healing,especially after a ceremony for energy cleansing. One of the best cleansing rites you can perform is one for true acceptance of yourself, letting go of all self-loathing, and saying goodbye to your inner critic. A ritual of self-love and recognition would be a wonderful observance of the Wild Moon of February.
  • March is the Crow Moon or the Seed Moon. It is a time to balance your life energies. After the cleansing and goal-setting of the past two moons, now you can begin to activate your plans. This March Full Moon is also an excellent time to concentrate on prosperity. The Crow Moon is an ideal time for an abundance ceremony.
  • April is the Hare Moon or the Pink Moon. It is one of the most creative times of the year. This is the moon when you can act on what you have been dreaming of during the earlier moons. You can begin to manifest your deepest desires, both in terms of your aspirations and your amorous side, since the Hare Moon is made for love spells and other rites of romance. Pursue your passions with confidence and optimism.
  • May is the Merry Moon or the Flower Moon. It is known as the “green month” in terms of green magic and the season where “little folk” or fairies will appear. Nature has now burst into a glorious full spring. In May, your inner wisdom is at its height. Now is the time to connect with nature and explore our beautiful and sacred planet. Rites of spring are a wonderful way to commune with your spirit.
  • June is the Mead Moon or the Strawberry Moon, also called the Lover’s Moon. Now we can taste the sweetness of life and celebrate our strength and fruitfulness. It is a time of security and protection. Assess the results of all that you have planned and planted in the past months.
  • July is the Thunder Moon or the Blessing Moon. It is a time for divining meaning and focusing on spirituality. Now we can expand our consciousness and listen to the messages of our dreams. The Thunder Moon is when we receive the blessings  of the rain and feel the charged energy of the thunderstorms. The Thunder Moon is an auspicious time for a dream ritual or a divinatory rite.
  • August is known as the Corn Moon or the Red Moon. This time of year is bursting with health,vitality,and ardor. This is an optimal time to gather friends and family together and celebrate the brightest side of life. Feasting,dancing, and delight are the order of the day.
  • September is the Harvest Moon or the Singing Moon. Now we see completion of plans and ideas and the harvesting of our crops. Now we reap what we have sown earlier in the year- our thoughts,actions,words,and projects. The Singing Moon is a wonderful time to organize our lives and let go of anything that is no longer working. If something is worn out,broken,or simply does not suit your life anymore, including emotions,patterns,beliefs,and even people, this is the perfect time to let go. Declutter and simplify your life.
  • October is the Hunter’s Moon or the Falling Leaf Moon. Great transitions are taking place all around you now, and change is also taking place within. Take time to observe and feel these transformations in your life and in the world around you. Notice how the temperature changes,how the trees shed their brightly colored leaves,how the geese and other birds fly south. The Hunter’s Moon should honor the very human need for physical nourishment, warmth, and rest. Seek inner peace now after the hurly-burly of summer. This is the season for relaxation and release. It is a karmic time, during which you can seek karmic completion. You should acknowledge the changing of the seasons with ceremony.
  • November is the Beaver Moon or the Mourning Moon. At this time you should get in touch with your spirit through introspection.Many countries observe November 1 as Ancestor’s Day and remember the dead through ritual and feasting. 
  • Decemberis the Winter Moon or the Long Nights Moon. This is when we experience a metaphorical death and rebirth. We can alsolight the flame of our hearts and souls through journeys of the spirit.
  • The “Extra” or Thirteenth Full Moon of the year is the Blue Moon in the expression “once in a blue moon”,which refers to rare and special occasions. It is on that rare occasion when two full moons occur in one calendar month. The Blue Moon is to be used wisely. Take this opportunity to look at your long-term plans and goals and to give thanks for what you have, for the people in your life, and for your good health,children,a job you enjoy,good friends, a comfortable home, and opportunities.
  • The Blue Moon is also a time for prophecy. Each Blue Moon ritual you create should contain an aspect expressing thanks to the Gods and Goddesses and to Mother Nature, who gave you life.


Your Grimoire is Good Enough

✨ Don’t feel bad if your grimoire is in a cheap notebook.

✨ Don’t feel bad if you rip out or redo a page.

✨ Don’t feel bad if your handwriting isn’t perfect.

✨ Don’t feel bad if you make mistakes, everyone does.

✨ Don’t feel bad if you spell something wrong. Cross it out or use white out.

✨ Don’t feel bad if you want to transfer your grimoire to a new book. This is how you learn what you prefer.

✨ Don’t feel bad if you rip a page.

✨ Don’t feel bad if you forget something.

✨ Don’t feel bad if you smear ink/paint/pencil.

✨ Don’t feel bad if you spill something on your book.

✨ Don’t compare your grimoire to someone else’s, all the little mistakes you make give it character.

Currently starting my first physical Book of Shadows. This post is much appreciated. Being aesthetic hard as shit sometimes but you got to remember that’s not the point.

alicesasylum-blog:A quick practice for when you don’t feel like doing a full-on ritual. The New Moon


A quick practice for when you don’t feel like doing a full-on ritual. The New Moon is a good time for banishing negative energies and manifesting new intentions. It’s a new beginning, my lovely witches, make the best of this coming week.
Love and light, always. ✨

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some resources to get you started with lunar witchcraft:

lunar deities:

  • artemis
  • selene
  • cerridwen
  • hecate
  • thoth
  • the wiccan goddess


  • moonstone
  • selenite
  • pearl
  • milky quartz
  • aquamarine

plants to grow/use in your craft:

  • cabbage
  • evening primrose
  • honeysuckle
  • iris
  • jasmine
  • juniper
  • lemon
  • lotus
  • mallow
  • moonwort
  • morning glory
  • mugwort
  • myrtle
  • sandalwood
  • sweetpea
  • violet
  • watercress
  • water lily
  • white rose
  • willow

things to start doing:

  • plan your spellwork around the lunar phases and their correspondences
  • look into your moon sign (free astrology chart generator here)
  • collect moon water on the full moon
  • talk to the moon at night. tell her your worries, your dreams, your hopes and desires. tell her what you ache for most deeply, your greatest regret and your biggest fears. dissect your heart in front of her, and feel it heal.
  • buy, print or make a lunar calendar
  • get the moon app
  • do a small ‘spring cleaning’ every new moon, whether that’s cleaning out your room, inbox, kitchen, phone or whole house
  • create a lunar altar
  • learn more about astrology, in particular which sign the moon is in and how that affects your life
  • try meditating outside, in moonlight
  • research dream magick

a good blog that posts about lunar witchcraft: @lunaesteria

and a lunar witchcraft playlist.or two.

for all my witches who work with the moon!

Herbs/Plants: Roses, Aloe, Strawberries, Passionfruit, Bamboo, Poppies, Myrrh, Ginger, Coconut, Turnips, Morning Glory, Seaweed, Iris, Willow, Tomatoes, Pumpkins, Bananas, and Hazel 

Crystals: Pearl, Opal, Rose Quartz, Selenite, Rose Quartz, Moonstone, Black Tourmaline, Labradorite, and Clear Quartz. 

Incense:Rose, Wintergreen, Dragon’s Blood, and Sandalwood. 

Day of the Week:Monday


Colors: White and Silver

“Smoky” the Lunar Dragon

Smoky is a spirit who has been with me for five months now and is ready to find his forever home. Smoky is a nick name we both came up with because when he gets excited wee puffs of smoke come out his nose like little hiccups.

Age: 2500-2800, exact year uncertain

Appearance: As a Dragon, Smoky is longer than he is tall. Only around 8 ½ feet tall, he is approx 25 feet long from snout to tail. He is an iridescent white with some silver scale armoring down his neck, chest and sides and silver eyes. His wings are leathery and more of a cream colour with a full wing span of approx 30 feet. He is most comfortable in his dragon form, but can shapeshift to a human form as well. In this form he is approx 7 feet tall looking to be in his late 20′s, pale skin, silver almond shaped eyes and white hair that hangs in a silver plait to his waist. He is slender though with defined musculature and prefers to appear dressed in black jeans, grey turtle neck and white trenchcoat, though this can change to suit the occasion (I have seen him in a full tux and holy moly). He is stunningly handsome, with a clean shaven square jaw, straight nose and regal bearing.

Personality: Smoky is blunt and does not suffer fools. He demonds respect and likes to remind you he could burn you to a crisp and eat you for an entree if he really wanted, but he wouldn’t. Pity the person who tries to harm his companion in any way, though. In saying this he has a sarcastic sense of humor and flirtatious gleam in his eye even when in dragon form. He likes his personal space to go flying and hunting, especially when the moon is full. He is more of a home-body when it is waning/dark, and likes to read with his companion, preferably with a glass of red wine to share. when the moon is waxing he loves to get outside with his companion, particularly in forested areas, and to take them flying astrally to watch the moon rise.

Magick: Smoky is particularly attuned to lunar and protective magicks, in particular banishing, binding and warding. He strongly prefers an intermediate to advanced companion in both magickal and astral workings that has a frim grasp of telepathy which is his preferred communication method, though he also enjoys tarot and spirit boards, either with a planchette or pendulum.

Family: He does not mind family size, though prefers less than 10. As long as he can have his own space and enough asral room to shift and go flying as he pleases. He is undecided about whether he wants a vessel, it would depend what it is, but likes the idea of a dragon pendant or ring. He is pansexual and wouldn’t mind exploring the idea of an open relationship with his companion in his human form.



TheEsbats, or Wiccan lunar holy days,celebrate the moon’s passage around the Earth. The Esbats offer Wiccans a chance to regularly put aside time to step away from the ordinary world and dedicate time to spiritual reflection and/or magical work. In Wicca, each phase of the Moon is noted, because different kinds of Moon energy are used for different kinds of magick. Some groups extend these celebrations to include the dark moon/new moon, or even the first and last quarters. In many traditions, the eight festivals of the Wheel of the Year (Sabbats) are considered times of celebration, while the main “magickal work” is done on the Esbats. If you’re having a hard time figuring out what phase the moon is in, there are many phone apps and websites that track it. Here are the usual basics. (Please Note: if you do not wish to practice magick for any reason at any time on any phase, you can simply meditate on the moon phases. For example, during the dark/new moon you would meditate on banishing something severely negative in your life instead of performing an intense banishment spell. If you don’t have the time or energy to meditate or practice magick for any reason at any time on any phase, that’s okay! Take a break!) 


Dark Moon/New Moon

A potent time for your most powerful destructive magick. Note, destructive does not necessarily mean ‘harmful’. You don’t have to destroy a person.

Magickal workings conducive to the dark moon include destroying or banishing very powerful things, such as unwanted entities, addictions or serious diseases. I would not use this time lightly– it’s got a little too much ‘umph’ behind it to just get rid of a whiny ex who still calls you once in a while, to break your habit of having a second cup of coffee in the morning, or if you have the sniffles. But if you were dealing with, say, a stalker, a drug addiction, cancer, etc.– something that poses a serious threat – then this is the best timing for it.

Waxing Crescent Moon

When the moon is “waxing” it appears to be growing, the period from the dark to full moon phases. It’s magnetic energy assists with bringing things to out. This entire waxing period is the best time to work with constructive magick, or magick that builds things/brings things to us.

The waxing crescent is the best time for magick on yourself (or on the subject) pertaining to new beginnings, such as starting a new project or making plans for the future. If you’re looking to conjure energies into your life such as a more positive attitude, more patience, more understanding in your relationship, this is the perfect timing for such goals. When you want to cast spells for self improvement, such as if you want to improve your psychic abilities, to absorb the information in a new class, or bring out your inner beauty, this is the time to do it. Artists or anyone artistic/creative will find this the best time to cast spells or perform meditations that will bring inspiration and passion into your work.

First Quarter Moon 

The First Quarter, or Waxing Half Moon, is the time when energies are most conducive to attraction. Unlike the Waxing Crescent, which is best for going within and bringing things out, this is the best time for magick that attempts to draw things outside of yourself to you.

Use this time for spells and meditations meant to attract things you want in your life, such as money, protection or success. It’s also an ideal time for attracting people into your life, such as friends, lovers and clients. If you’re looking for an animal companion or have one that you want to bond with, this is a good time to perform the workings.

If you’re looking for a lost object, or house hunting, etc., this is a good time to perform spells for success in that area to help you bring that which you most desire into manifestation.

Waxing Gibbous Moon 

The Waxing Gibbous is still a time for constructive magick, best used towards 'reeling in’ that which you’ve been working for already. If you started a project and it’s floundering, stalled, if you’re at the point when the thing you’re working for is coming into the home stretch and you need some extra energy to bring it home, the Waxing Gibbous will give it a boost.

This phase is a great energy for renewing your strength, will and determination to see your efforts through. If you are giving in to temptation on your diet, working hard toward something and feeling burnt out or are at the point where you’re getting lazy and distracted from completing your tasks, give yourself a power boost during the Waxing Gibbous.

Full Moon

When the Earth is caught between the moon and the sun, the result is the Full Moon bearing the most powerful energies of the lunar cycle. The Full Moon is often seen by people as 'all purpose’– it’s energies are prismatic in that it flows into all areas and needs, be it constructive or destructive.

Even more so than the Dark Moon, the Full Moon is a time you would utilize for extra power when you’re facing very difficult challenges. This is not just for minor mundane tasks, such as looking for the energy to reorganize your closet or trying to clear negativity out of the house after an argument; this is a time to reserve for those important things in your life that need major changes or major boosts.

While you can plan spells for anything, utilize this energy for your priorities that really matter in your life. If you need to win a court case, or find a new job with better pay to prevent you from losing your home,

Magicks and meditations revolving around spirituality, psychic development, dreams and divination are particularly well times for the Full Moon.

Waning Gibbous Moon

After the Full Moon peaks, we enter the waning half of the lunar cycle. Waning energies repel rather than attract, so it’s a good time to begin working on spells to get rid of things.

Minor banishings can begin with the Waning Gibbous. This is a good time for general cleansings to upkeep your home, office, garden or any of your personal spaces, etc., to keep things from mounting up. This is also a good time to cleanse any personal objects you may have, such as your jewelry or magickal tools. Think of this more like routine dusting– there’s no major build-up, you’re just trying to keep things clear to prevent problems.

If you have something for which you need closure, or if you’re ready to end something in your life (such as an unfulfilling relationship or unsatisfying business venture), this is a good time for spells to bring things to their fruition.

As for meditations and divination, rather than looking to the future or onto new things, it’s a good time for introspection. Where have your previous attitudes and actions brought you? What things in your life have been affecting you most? Are you happy with where you are? Do you need to make any attitude or behavior adjustments?

Third Quarter Moon

The Third Quarter, or the Waning Half-Moon, is the perfect timing for dealing with obstacles or leaping over hurdles that might cause you to stumble on your way. Whenever you’ve been working toward something, and there’s a roadblock in your path, the timing of this moon phase offers appropriate energies for helping you burst through it.

Temptations are the number one thing I like to deal with during the Third Quarter. If I’m finding that I often want to cheat on my life-diet, or lay in bed rather than get up and do my exercise, or watch TV and fool around on the internet rather than working, I banish that temptation with a spell.

Another good use of this moon phase’s energy is in aiding with transitions, whether these are transitions that you have to make or simply want to make in your life. It can help smooth out any wrinkles that might cause snags as you go on your way.

Waning Crescent Moon

If you need to clear your life and home of negativity, stress, strife, chaos, etc., now is the time to do it. The Waning Crescent, as it approaches the Dark Moon phase, it suitable for stronger banishing than at any other time of the waning moon phases. Get rid of whatever has been plaguing you– anything you find to be seriously annoying, frustrating or concerning (save things that are serious threats for that Dark Moon).

If you need things to end– not just to finish up and bring to a close, but things that no longer serve you that you need to just stop in their tracks– this moon phase is a good time to do it. Dropping a hopeless project, relationship, friendship, etc. is best done at this time. This is a good time to cast a spell for anything for which you wish to bring about a swift and benign ending.


January Full Moon 

The Wolf Moon, also known as the, Cold, Snow or Winter Moon, etc., is a time of protection and strength. The Wolf Moon can be seen as a time of both beginnings and endings.

February Full Moon 

The Storm Moon, also known as the Death or Quickening Moon, etc., is a time to do magick for fertility and strength. In the olden days, it was a time of true hardship.

March Full Moon 

The Chaste Moon, also known as the Seed or Worm Moon, etc., the Chaste Moon is a time to plant mental seeds- thoughts of success and hope. This is also a time of purity and newness. It is a time to mentally prepare yourself for new experiences.

April Full Moon 

The Seed Moon, also known as the Egg, Grass, or Wind Moon, etc., This is the time to sow the seeds of Magick. If you’re planting a magickal garden, you want to get out there and put things into the earth. This is a time to move your planning phase into action.

May Full Moon 

The Hare Moon, also known as the Flower or Planting Moon, etc., is a time of health, love, romance, and wisdom. It is also a great time to rekindle the romantic spark and passion in a relationship.

June Full Moon 

The Lovers Moon, also known as the Strawberry or Rose Moon, etc., the Lovers Moon brings with it energy for love, marriage, and success.

July Full Moon 

The Mead Moon, also known as the Blessing, Lightning, or Thunder Moon, etc., is a time of enchantment, health, rebirth, success and strength. It is also a time of celebration and magick. Remember that mead is the nectar of the Gods. Now is a good time for prosperity magick.

August Full Moon 

The Wyrt Moon, also known as the Wort, Barley, Corn, or Red Moon, etc., is a time of abundance, agriculture and marriage. At this time you might want to do magick to help someone else reap the benefits of the Earth’s abundance. (With their permission of course!)

September Full Moon 

The Harvest Moon, also known as the Barley or Hunters Moon, etc., the harvest Moon is a time of protection, prosperity, and abundance. The energy of the Harvest Moon will help along any magick that is geared to bring you or someone else abundance.

October Full Moon 

The Blood Moon is sometimes called the Falling Leaf or Hunters Moon, etc. It is a Moon of new goals, protection, resolution, and spirituality. The night of the Blood Moon is a great time for divination of any kind. At this time of year all of nature is making ready for winter. This is a time to reflect on what you did during the year and to evaluate your accomplishments.

November Full Moon 

The Snow Moon, is also known as the Beaver, Mourning, or Tree Moon etc. This is a good time to work with abundance, prosperity, and the bonds of family and friendship. This is also an excellent time to use divination to get an idea of what’s up ahead. Remind yourself that although winter is coming, it will not last forever.

December Full Moon 

The Oak Moon, also known as the Cold or Long Night Moon, etc., the oak Moon is a time for hope and healing. This time of the year the Moon has reign over the earth, because there are more hours of night than day. Our thoughts turn to rebirth of the light and the longer days that are promised after winter solstice. This is a great time to let go of old patterns or problems and start anew. If something has been eating at you for a long time, work to give it up at this time. Let go of the negative and let the light of longer days shine inside you.

How to Use Moon Phase Magick

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The “nine lives” reading I did for my mother using my Cat tarot deck She found the insigThe “nine lives” reading I did for my mother using my Cat tarot deck She found the insig

The “nine lives” reading I did for my mother using my Cat tarot deck She found the insight my cards and I gave her very helpful, and I appreciated the practice

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Hey guys! I’ve decided I want to do pendulum board readings and tarot readings for free. I think it’d be fun to socialize with that community and also do readings. I’ll figure out how to set it up and I’ll keep you posted! For now just use the ask box. But before you get started, you MAY NOT use anonymous for the readings, being as I would have no idea who’s energies to draw in for the reading if it’s on anonymous. Thanks and I send you my blessings!

I recently had trouble coming up with ideas for pocket altar ideas till I finally found great ways to organize my PA.I’ll post photos of the pocket altar when I get home! Links for some supplies will be featured by clicking on certain words.

bundle up a stack of larger leaves (4+ leaves) by stacking them together facing the same directing then rolling them in half using a hair tie to tie them together

usemini jars of stone chips to save space and also use for spell jars/bottles

usemini bottles for oils or glitter for later spell work

write sigils with different intentions on smedium pieces of paper with their intention (ex: “protection”, “I am protected.”, etc.) written on them so whenever you need a certain sigil, it’s always there for use without having to ask someone else for a piece of paper

pocket altars are also great for closeted witches as they can hide in plain sight if you don’t decorate the outside or can be hidden easily as they are small.

decorate your pocket altar to reflect your path and personality! I’ll give some examples below:

Earth Related:

You can glue some moss (depending on from what type of tree, often has magickal properties of luck and prosperity) on the outer or inner lid of your container. You can use the moss so any hard or breakable objects stay safe; although, PLEASE keep your matches in a safe box or keep the flammable tips covered in cotton to prevent friction. Or you can do a collage of leaves on the outside/inside

Stone Witches:

You can do a mosaic of stone chips to create an image or pattern with your intent. Maybe even a sigil! You could do so much that the possibilities are endless.

Space Related:

Paint a galaxy or your most favorite constellations on your container to bring their energies to your PA. Add silver/gold glitter to represent the moon/sun.

Spirit Work Related:

Add a yes/no/maybe/probably not (you can replace any of these little sayings) pendulum board to the inner/outer top or bottom of your container for an easily accessible pendulum board. You could also maybe glue a cluster used for spirit contact to the inside somewhere so you always have it.

Water Related:

Take some miniature seashells and glue them to your container in any pattern you’d like. You could use any type of water of your choice to paint your container. Also, maybe you can use hot glue to create fake rain drops.

Fire Related *DO WITH CAUTION*:

If you have a PA made out of wood or metal, you can tinge it by burning the surface, then putting out any fire or smoke with a wet towel or by splashing water on it.

There are so many other “mediums” of witchcraft so if you have any suggestions or questions, feel free to message me!


Hey! I have a spell bottle for attracting love for you guys. Not just used for attracting love to gain a boyfriend or girlfriend, but also love to gain new friends. I tend to get hurt a lot in relationships so I added A LOT of protection ingredients in here. You can lessen the ingredients if needed.

What you’ll need: 

 ☄️ Crystals ☄️

  • Rose Quartz chips for attracting love to you
  • Tiger’s Eye chips for mental sharpness to see the who’s a fake ass bitch and who’s not ;D


  • Black Pepper for protection
  • Peppermint for the ‘push’ needed for change in one’s life
  • Rosemary for attracting love
  • Salt for protection
  • Sugar for love attraction


  • Rose Petals for love

  ❤️ Others ❤️

  • A piece of paper with a love attraction sigil on it for a scroll
  • Red(for passion/lust),pink(for love, relationships and affection) and black string (for rid of negativity and protection) twisted together to tie the scroll. It’s easier to tie if you knot all three strings together after being twisted.
  • And of course, a bottle


  1. Put in rose quartz chips first then a couple of tiger’s eye chips 
  2. Add a scoop or two of sugar
  3. Add in the rosemary
  4. Add a layer of salt
  5. Add some peppermint
  6. Roll up your piece of paper with the sigil on it into a scroll (till it looks like a tube)
  7. Take your twisted strings and tie them around the scroll 
  8. Either you can wrap your rose petals around the scroll or you can rip up the rose petals if you’ve run out of room. I add this before hand so you don’t have to fish the scroll out of the bottle.
  9. Add in your scroll
  10. Add in rose petals
  11. Add half a scoop of black pepper and put the cork/lid back on.

You’re finished! I hope this brings you the love you’re looking for at the moment! In the meantime, I send you love and well wishes to your love goal. Blessed be. 

Since the Sun influences creative energies, I’ve decided to create the Sunny Creativity Spread for insight on one’s creative abilities and how to improve them.I hope it helps you through your creative journey! Blessed be!

1.) How is my creativity at the moment?

This is the state your creative part of you is doing. Is it good? Is it bad? Is it inexperienced?

2.) How can I describe the works of art my creativity has made?

This question asking about the quality and uniqueness of your drawings, painting, poetry, photographs, anything creative. Is it good? Does it need some work? What’s the style of your work?

3.) What inspires my creativity?

Inspiration is pretty much key to your creativity. But what inspired you to create that piece? It could be a friend, family member or even yourself that inspires you! Also other artists and strangers could inspire you too.

4.) How can I be more creative?

Just for future reference or current reference when you get a creativity/artist’s block, you can get insight from this card on what you can do to try to unblock those creative energies!

5.) What does my creativity show others about me?

When you create things, what are others seeing about you through your creations? 

6.) What should my creativity focus on more?

This is something important that your creativity is not focusing on during the creative process when it should. It will help guide you to become better working with your creativity, so be sure to write it down.

7.) What should my creativity focus on less?

This is something your creativity tends to focus on the most that isn’t that important. It could possibly be holding you back from your true potential in your creativity.

Hey, loves! I have a self love spell bottle for you guys. I made it during the last full moon since that was one of the moons for relationships/love. ❤️
You will need:
Moss Agate Chips for improving self esteem
Rose Quartz Chips for attracting love (to yourself)

Sage for wisdom of your absolute perfection :)
Rosemary to enhance memory of your beauty if the bottle isn’t around

Flower Petals/Buds
Rose Petals for love
Sunflower Petals for a healthy ego

A tiny piece of paper for a scroll with a sigil of your choice. I also prefer to put the saying on the scroll
A yellow piece of string/yarn/ribbon to tie the scroll with after you roll it up

1.)Ground/center yourself to get that energy and your intent flowing!
2.) Add the stone chips at the very bottom in any order you choose
3.) Pour some rosemary into the jar. Not too much because we still need to add the scroll in a bit
4.) Add the sage. Again, not too much
5.) Add in a sprinkle of the sunflower petals
6.) Roll up your scroll with a sigil on it so it’s small enough to fit in the tube then tie it with the yellow string/yarn/ribbon then fit it in there
7.) Add in the rose petals. If you accidentally added too much to your bottle (it’s okay, I did too :p), I’d recommend you rip the petals up if you haven’t done so or you can wrap the scroll in the petals to make it fit.
8.) Use this inctation while pumping your energy and intent into the bottle and the ingredients inside by holding the bottle in your hands. I magine the bottle glowing as you fill it with your energy:
Anytime version –
“[Fill in deity/energy source], help me out with this spell today,
So my negative thoughts are at bay.
Hold positive thoughts in my mind and ear
With self love that will be held dear.
Blessed be.”

Night time version – “[Fill in deity/energy source], help me out tonight
So my negative thoughts are replaced with (your) light.
Hold positive thoughts in my mind and ear
With self love that will be held dear.
Blessed be.”

You did it! You now have a spell jar for self-love! You can switch up this spell any way you want so you’re comfortable, need alternatives to ingredients you don’t have, etc. Lots of love and blessed be!!

Hey cosmic witches!!! Do you like this…? If you don’t~ that’s ok! Message me with suggestions!!!! I want to make hat stickers like this fornEVERY WITCH TYPE!!

So EVERY WITCH should message me to tell me about their practice & aesthetics!! I want to draw them!!!

Hey y'all. I’m offering readings again; pendulum 2 questions for $1, tarot readings $1 per card, or $10 for a whole spread. I hate to ask as it’s the holiday season, but we could really use the extra cash right now.

If anyone can help I need to get eggs, milk, and bread before our food stamps kick in on the 4th.

For those who don’t know:

My husband has lost complete motor skills in his left arm and hand. The doctors told him he had a “stroke without actually having a stroke”. He will be needing surgery to repair the damage. He is the one who provides our main income!

Message me if you are interested in helping out!

Thank you in advance,

