#not a fan





i’ve seen multiple gifsets now cut off with a “view post” button under the first two gifs instead of showing the whole set….

this is not good news for gifmakers.

oh shit it’s not even just gifsets! i just saw a regular medium length post with screenshots and memes, literally no gifs and it was under a “view post” link…

alright y’all. it’s a new setting you’ll have to turn off if you don’t want to have to click to see posts all the time

no but tell me why the writing post got 1000+ notes in the last 24h

Dracula did not have this intensely homoerotic moment just for Twilight to make vampires Good Mormon Straight Men I’m just saying

MmMmmm boba

I hope a certain commissioner won’t come steal it

The issue with going out on a Friday night is getting ready to go out then after that waste of time, actually going out and having to socialize.


reblog and tag your opinion on:

1. Candy corn
2. Ketchup
3. Coleslaw
4. Pineapple Pizza
5. Blue raspberry
6. Root Beer


I grow our own vegetables. Many hybrid and heirloom varieties are bred for flavor rather than for commercial appeal and travel. There are entire species on the allotment that you can’t easily buy in stores because of this - like salsify, a root vegetable that tastes of fish and shellfish. Our neighbours happily take it to make vegan latkes of alarming similarity to fishcakes. You cannot sell it in stores because - despite looking like a white parsnip - it turns brown when you pick it & if you scrape/bruise/cut the white root in any way, or damage the delicate little hairs, for some reason, it BLEEDS RED and is very upsetting to look at.

There are whole classes of foods like this. Foods that just don’t ship well or look good on supermarket shelves. Forbidden fruits. Vegetables that bleed and taste like meat. Sorry about this

This a great and very valid post and I take my hat off to you for growing your own vegetables.

Now with that being said and with all due respect, the reason salsify isn’t sold in stores is because it is disgusting hell food, as in, all the demons in hell were called into a meeting one day to decide what they were going to feed the worst sinners, that would be a true punishment, not just because the taste was bad, but also the texture horrible, and somehow also being so mind-numbingly boring that the prospect of eating it for all of eternity would cast even the most hardened souls into abject despair.

And that’s how salsify was created. Because the demons of hell couldn’t find a vegetable suitably atrocious so one had to be invented as a torture device. I assume.
