#not porn

jessicalprice: amaditalks:Respectability politics are deadly garbage no matter what form they take



Respectability politics are deadly garbage no matter what form they take.

And this is why if your feminism isn’t intersectional, I’m not interested in having anything to do with you. 

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nerdsandgamersftw:errors-dot-albi:jakface:I’ve seen my share of “fake geek girl” shaming, and just tnerdsandgamersftw:errors-dot-albi:jakface:I’ve seen my share of “fake geek girl” shaming, and just t




I’ve seen my share of “fake geek girl” shaming, and just thought having a Fairy Gamer Momma to come to the rescue would be nice. I know they exist, I’ve met plenty who are amazing and could beat my ass at any version of Mario Kart. Give the Gamer Momma in your life a big hug! :D

hell yea

Always reblog Gamer Momma

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everythingsbetterwithbisexuals: nokki1:cypheroftyr:tiny-vessels:achubbycupcake:Tim Gunn on P






Tim Gunn on Plus Size Clothing

“Have you seen most of the plus-size sections out there? It’s horrifying. Whoever’s designing for plus-size doesn’t get it. The entire garment needs to be reconceived. You can’t just take a size 8 and make it larger. In my travels, I’ve been an advocate for larger women. I’ve been talking to designers, but only a half-dozen make an effort. Most say, ‘I don’t want a woman who’s a size 10 or 11 wearing my clothes.’ Well, shame on you! It’s not realistic

Love him.

“You can’t just take a size 8 and make it larger.”

Praise Jesus and all the saints for him saying this because damn, most “PLUS SIZED” clothing is fugly.

Amen. The plus sized clothing out there is crazy and makes me just…

I’m not surprised he said this. Ever since the first season, when they’ve had to do garments for everyday people who aren’t models, there’s always one designer (at the very least) who flips out as though they’ve never in their life considered that people who aren’t a size 0 might wear their clothes. Tim always looks at them like he wants to drown them in a lake.

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storylover92:mysharona1987:OK, I love this trio but my God is this accurate.lost it at how lon



OK, I love this trio but my God is this accurate.

lost it at how long have you known

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You will never see us post a copy right Or anything close to one. We do not own anything we post. We may be in the pictures, and we may have posted the pictures, but we do not own them. A person can not own a picture.

Intellectual property rights do not exist. Don’t be a child

Sorry, I love the photos you two post but as a creative professional I find this sentiment not only off-base but actually somewhat offensive.

Having spent nearly $90,000 in education, equipment, and training for photography I can say with absolute certainty and without a shred of guilt that my images are MINE.

It’s sentiments like these that result in corporations outright stealing work from creative professionals for marketing purposes, leaving the artist, model and all others involved unpaid for their hard work and creativity.

If “intellectual property rights don’t exist” then art would be the first casualty. The often meagre finances scraped together by those that create enriching images for the pure love of art would disappear and the only ones to benefit from what art is created would be those who happened to first discover a profitable use for work they had no personal or financial investment in creating.

If you don’t care about the usage of your images, that’s fine, but don’t insist that I’m “a child” for believing the art I create is mine.


Did you know that you can drink lava? But only once

vintagegal:“Neat Trick” by Bill Layne c. 1950sWHY DOES HER FISH TAIL HAVE A BUTT CRA


“Neat Trick” by Bill Layne c. 1950s



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- Sex is fun, but not as important as movies/tv make it seem.

- Sex is fun, diseases are not. Use protection.

- Your virginity is not an on/off switch, you lose small bits and pieces of it as you try new things, there’s no need to rush into doing everything just to get rid of your virginity.

- Your virginity can be a cherished thing, or you can chose to ignore it, it’s really your call and no answer is “right.”

- Sex doesn’t need to be a solemn occasion. It’s a fun thing to do with someone you find awesome, feel free to treat it as such.

- It’s okay to not like a sexual act, even if it’s one “everyone does.” If you don’t like it, no one has the right to make you do it.

- Farting during sex is not as horrendous as you initially think, pretend you didn’t notice and your partner will likely do the same.

- You are GUARANTEED to make at least one stupid sound/face during your sex life, but the reality is no one cares if you got a little derpy while having fun.

- PORN IS NOT EDUCATIONAL! Porn is sex that looks good on film, not that goes well in the bedroom. Be exploratory, gentle and request feedback from your partner until you know how rough they personally like it. Do not start out on “jackhammer” mode. 

facesofthevictorianera: This is an antique gown (1890s) on Etsy. The seller also has an original phofacesofthevictorianera: This is an antique gown (1890s) on Etsy. The seller also has an original pho


This is an antique gown (1890s) on Etsy. The seller also has an original photograph of the woman wearing the dress.

 Victorians actually wore bright colors. The sepia photographs are misleading!

 Source: romanticcountry on Etsy

So when I say that a pattern or chair or curtains or whatever is horrible just remember that these are the kinds of colors it’s probably in. It probably looked 500x worse in real life than you think it does.

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elzebrook:Catholic Funeral BingoMy grandfather’s viewing/Rosary/funeral was this week.All of t


Catholic Funeral Bingo

My grandfather’s viewing/Rosary/funeral was this week.

All of these things happened.

Mod announcement that this happened so life continues to be weird but irregularly scheduled posts will continue per usual in that they are irregular but existent.

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Communication Studies, University of Kansas.

The Genealogy of the Prostitute: Defining and Disciplining Prostitution Through Journalism in Victorian England, 1809-1886
