

Little Foreshadowing Things in s1

So obviously there’s a lot of big subplots that are introduced in s1 that we weren’t aware of til later seasons, but these are just things that I feel anyone would easily look over. (Aka Jonny is a lowkey genius, and it took me forever to realize these)

  • First episode featured cigarettes, and now we’ve realized how important the concept of addiction is to Jon’s arc.
  • Julia and Trevor’s introductions were back to back, and now they’re Hunt buddies.
  • Sasha’s first appearance was a stranger episode, and, well, we know how that ended up. She also spent the time debating the difference in pronouncing something.
  • Melanie’s statement was in a presumably Slaughter attached building. She became Knife Gal™️ Also her being the only one to really know something was truly wrong with Sarah Baldwin vs. her being the only one to see Not!Sasha as different.

Feel free to add on! I’m sure there’s more, these are just the things I’ve noticed :)


If Michael had a quarter for every time some other avatar killed an archivist he had a mark on he would have 2 quarters. Which isn’t much but its weird that it happend twice XD

The canon LGBT+ character of the day isNotThem / Not-Sasha from The Magnus Archives, who is nonbinar

The canon LGBT+ character of the day is

NotThem / Not-Sasha from The Magnus Archives, who is nonbinary!

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[ID: Not!Sasha and Sasha from TMA. Sasha is a skinny black woman with long braids half up in a bun. She’s wearing a pink sweater, long skirt, boots and bright yellow flower earrings. She has a gentle smile on her face. Next to her, stretched out and lanky is Not!Sasha. She looks very similar to Sasha, except her outfit is slightly different, her hair is straightened and shoulder-length, and everything about her is less saturated. She has a wide unnatural grin on her face and is saying “OH JOoOon~!” in a sing-song pattern. End ID.]

I just finished relistening to S2 and By God do I Feel Things about Sasha

[ID: Doodles of Jon, Martin, Tim, and Not!Sasha from TMA. Jon is a south asian man with overgrown short hair and bandages along the left side of his body. He’s stressed, frowning at something unseen. Martin is fat white man wearing a large sweater, appearing slightly confused. He’s asking “Is that Tim’s house?” Tim is a filipino man with piercings and moles, as well as bandages on the right side of his face. He’s looking at something unseen with discomfort, clutching at his own shoulder. Last is Not!Sasha, a black woman with straightened mid-length hair wearing a cardigan. She’s smiling brightly. End ID.]

Just some doodles of the S2 crew, can’t believe I’m TMA brainrotting again

Statement of the entity known as Not!Them, regarding the new trend of “kinning”.

am i misremembering that not!sasha claimed her boyfriend was working in a wax museum or why is no one talking about that???

I    S E E    Y O U [ID: image 1: animated gif transitioning between image 2 and 3, with an animatedI    S E E    Y O U [ID: image 1: animated gif transitioning between image 2 and 3, with an animated

I    S E E    Y O U

[ID: image 1: animated gif transitioning between image 2 and 3, with an animated eye looking from left to right. Image 2: digital art of a polaroid of Tim and Sasha from the Magnus Archives. the handwritten note on the photo reads “2015, Tim + Sasha”. Sasha is a short black woman with glasses and curly hair in a ponytail. she is wearing a turtleneck and slacks, with a necklace with a small pendant. she is looking towards tim with a warm expression and a big open smile, with an arm around his waist. Tim is a tall east asian man with short dark hair. he is wearing a short sleeve button down shirt and slacks. his arm is slung around sasha’s shoulders and he is looking towards her with a big lopsided smile. they stand in front of bookshelves. Image 3: identical to image 2, except not-sasha has replaced sasha. not sasha is a short white woman with straight hair in a shoulder length bob. not-sasha is wearing a high waisted pencil skirt, a short sleeve blouse, and a chunky necklace. one hand is on her hip, the other is around tims waist. her expression is amused and cold, with an arched eyebrow and small smile. she is looking at the camera, as if she was looking directly at the viewer.]
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a perfectly normal portrait of sasha james
