#nurse ratched


I drew ratchet again but this time based on the design of tfa and although in the series they want to make him look old in my heart he needs love and I would love to see him as young as the others

I just drew this semi-human version of ratchet haha

I’m gonna keep practicing ∆


Mildred can hardly divert her gaze from your figure as both of you are seated at the coffee table, enjoying the early afternoon’s peace. The atmosphere is rather cozy and so is the interior of the cafeteria, made of finest wood. The stroll, close to your chair, is left empty as you’re holding the baby in your lap. An arm is secured around the child’s small body, while the other rests on the counter and plays with the handle of the cup of tea. You lean closer to the hot drink, blowing on it softly to cool it down.

Mildred looks at you with deep tenderness, but also admiration for the woman you’ve become. Unlike you, she can’t focus on her tea just yet. There are so many things, little details about you and Diana, that she can’t stop admiring. She can’t allow herself to miss another instant of you. You look radiant, yet she noticed the small dark circles under your eyes, sign of your sleepless nights.

She still can’t quite believe that you became mother. Yet she can’t help but feel proud of you. Proud of the person that got up on her feet, after being pushed down so many times. Proud of the little girl that became a woman in every sense of the word.

Despite the slight pain of knowing that someone else had the privilege to lie down with you, to sleep with you, Mildred was happy you could fulfil the dream to have your own child. And frankly, the role of mother suited you. She tried to imagine you carrying a baby. You had to be the most beautiful woman on earth. She’s have done anything to go back in time and see you with a baby bump.

“It’s amazing, isn’t it? You…”, Mildred clears her throat, as she speaks. She’s smiling, but her eyes are glistered with small tears. She’s indeed happy for you, but she can’t lie to herself and pretend to be indifferent to the fact that you slept with someone else.

You notice her distress and reach out to touch her wrist. She smiles fondly at you as you do that. She continues, “You have a daughter”, a small watery chuckle escapes from her mouth. Her eyes linger on the baby, who’s adorably sucking your thumb to keep herself busy. You frown, tempted to get up right there to wipe those tears away. “I can’t believe it”

“Oh trust me, sometimes, me neither”, an amused grin crosses your lips. You bow your head to place a soft kiss on the top of Diana’s and Mildred’s heart quickens at the sight before her eyes. She can’t help the fond smile that graces her features and the sudden tickle in her stomach that makes it difficult to hold up a neutral face.

“I’ve always wanted kids, but she wasn’t really planned, uhm… but you see…things happened and-”, you start rambling and a sense of sudden discomfort resurfaces at the memory of how things went for you some months ago.

Mildred hushes you gently, lightly shaking her head. “Hey, breathe. It’s alright”, she rubs your skin in soothing circles, smiling softly as she does so.

You take a shaky breath, before nodding quietly. Mildred was right to think you weren’t the same person than a year ago. You matured for sure, but the time and the experiences you went through didn’t make you stronger, nor happier, unlike what could seem.

You’re just good at pretending.

You try to apologize, since the last thing you want is to make a fool of yourself, but Mildred precedes you.

“It’s been a year since the last time I spoke to you, I wasn’t expecting you to be cloistered or anything of the sort”, she tries to sound playful, but you don’t feel like laughing.

“It’s not how it looks like, Mildred”, you say quietly, diverting your gaze from hers.

Mildred’s brow raises slightly at your words. “And how does it look like?”, her voice comes out thin, slightly fearful.

You rub your forehead, before speaking, “You think I fell into the arms of dozen of men during the past months, don’t you?”, a bitter chuckle escapes from your mouth.

The nurse’s eyes go wide and her face loses some of her natural colour. “No”, she promptly shakes her head. She lets go of her cup of tea, now long forgotten, and takes your hand in both of hers. “Absolutely not”, she continues both firmly and softly, and you look up at her. She raises your fingers to her lips. “I could never think such a thing of you”, she places a soft kiss on your knuckles and you let out a whimper.

“Mildred…”, your eyes flutter close for a moment. Butterflies flutter in your stomach driving you crazy.

The redhead’s thumb grazes over your fingers. Her warm breath tickles your skin softly.

“Still, I had a baby”, you point out. “You’re certainly trying to figure how it happened”, you rumble, cheeks turning in a bright hue of red.

“It’s none of my business, y/n”, her answer amazes you, and you scoff a little bit, withdrawing your hand from her grasp. “Right”, you mouth to her before moving the mug closer to your face.

Mildred closes her eyes for a moment and her lips purse in a grimace. She mentally curses herself for having said something so insensitive. She sighs and takes a sip of her tea as well, now too cold for her liking.

Diana starts whining when she can’t reach the mug, probably with the intention to dip her fingers inside.

It makes both you and Mildred giggle softly at her adorable attempt.

“Ah, ah, you can’t do that”, you say sweetly, pecking her cheek. You understand she’s probably hungry, when she keeps whining and making adorable little noises.

“Something the matter?”, Mildred asks, concern fills her voice as she eyes the baby.

You promptly shake your head. “She’s just hungry”, you take a quick look around the cafeteria, debating if it’s a good idea to do something about it right there and now. There aren’t many people anyway, since it’s still early, so you decide to give it a try. “Tell me if someone is watching”, you inform Mildred in a soft whisper. An amused grin crosses your lips, when you notice how her lips part in confusion. She doesn’t even have the time to ask you what you meant, that you start unbuttoning your turquoise shirt, that little enough for you to expose your breast. Mildred chuckles nervously and her cheeks flush rose hue. “Oh, that’s what you meant”, she takes another sip of her tea, trying to focus on something else than her rentless heartbeat. Meanwhile Diana understands what’s going on and turns in the direction of your exposed breast, mouth half open and wide eyes. You lead her movements, holding Diana in the most comfortable way possible for her. In a matter of seconds she relaxes and stop whining. Your eyes glimmer with emotion, when she starts drinking your milk.

“It’s incredible, isn’t it?”, you mutter, eyeing Mildred.

“It really is”, she nods promptly. “She’s so beautiful, y/n”, the way you stroke your baby’s cheek while you feed her unleashes a whirlwind of emotions that were waiting for you to come back into her life to resurface. “Both of you are”

You smile. “Thank you”

“Anyway, I don’t want you to think I’m judging you”, the redhead starts again, after a moment of silence. “I have no right to, not after-”

“Pushing me away. Yeah”, you continue for her, chuckling a little bit. Mildred lowers her head, feeling deeply ashamed. She bites her inner cheek, since she can’t deny the truth. You frown a little bit as she failed to notice the sarcasm in your tone. You weren’t mad at her. Not anymore at least. And you hoped she could see your state of mind by focusing a little more on your eyes. “Hey, it’s alright”, you tilt your head to the side, hoping she would lift hers in your direction.

Despite everything, you’re amazed to feel so at ease around her. You can tell she’s changed. She isn’t ashamed of you nor herself. Yet you wonder if she is still into women.

“I just don’t want you to think I became that kind of person”

“I don’t think that. I swear”, she is quick to reply. So quick the cup of tea tremble in her hands and you chuckle. Mildred takes a deep breathe, trying to compose herself. She shakes her head and can’t help the small grin that crosses her velvet lips. “What I’m trying to say is, I know you. You guard the heart of an angel inside of you”, she mutters softly and it’s your turn to blush profoundly at her words.

“A fallen angel, maybe”, you playfully roll your eyes.

“Hey, no. Don’t say that”, Mildred tries to sound annoyed, but the sparkle in her eyes betrays her. She could never resist your childish ways, and she is so delight that those haven’t changed one bit. She gives you the look, the one that doesn’t allow more objections and you bite your bottom lip, trying to suppress another fit of giggles. “You should stop thinking so little of yourself”

You shrug. “Old habits die hard”, you remark.

Mildred clicks her tongue. Her lips curve upwards right after. “You’re just the same stubborn girl you always were”

“Guilty, ma'am!”, your playful tone makes her hope, that maybe, just maybe, you two can start over.

“I don’t know if you want to hear this, but I truly missed you”, Mildred hands you a handkerchief once you finish feeding your baby, so that you can wipe the area. “Talking to you… it feels like home”, you smile at her sweet words, but as you wipe Diana’s mouth carefully you fail to notice how for a matter of seconds, Mildred’s gaze drops on your ample bosom.

“I was never able to forget you either”, you continue, lifting your gaze. You grin, when you notice how flushed Mildred’s cheeks are.

“Did you hate me during this time?”, she asks timidly. “Do you… still hate me?”

You scoff a little bit, genuinely surprised she might think something of the sort. “Hate you?”, you shake your head and reach out to grab her hand. “No, Mildred. I was mad at you, disappointed in you, but I could never hate you”

She whispers, “Was?”

You nod quietly. “I’d lie if I said it wasn’t a shock meeting you again at the supermarket earlier. Lots of memories resurfaced. But all in all, the good memories stand out the most”

“Is that a way to tell me you missed me too?”

“Don’t push your luck, Ratched”, you teasingly add, rolling your eyes.

A content grin crosses Mildred’s lips. Her hands clutch at your blouse and her fingers start playing with the buttons. “I wouldn’t dare”, her voice comes out playful.

You lightly shake your head, giggling at her tone. You two fall in a moment of silence, basking each other beauty. “I did, though”, you admit after, your voice quieter than you intended it to be.

And she frowns. “Come again?”

Your eyes flutter close for a moment. “I missed you. I never stopped thinking about you”, at this time, you start weeping softly. A sharp pain fills your chest and you find it hard to breathe properly. “I wish I did”, you chuckle, unamused.

Mildred gets up from the chair and approaches you. She kneels before you and reaches out to stroke your cheek, before cupping your face in her hands. “Hey, shush, I know. I’m sorry”, she keeps repeating, in the hope to calm you down. “So sorry”, tears begin to fall as she speak.

You divert your gaze from her, madly wiping under your eyes. “I wished that a part of me was strong enough to let you go, but I was never able to do so”, at this point you let out a short chuckle, and Mildred’s lips crack in a fond smile.

She slides her fingertips through your hair. “Me neither, sweet thing”, she takes a quick glance to Diana, noticing how her curious big brown eyes are staring at her, feeling her heart burst with love. “I’m so sorry for pushing you away. My intention wasn’t to hurt you. I loved you so much, too much”, she bites her bottom lip, and your eyes open wide. “I still do”

“Oh, Millie…”, you gasp, your voice thick with tears. “For real?”

She nods promptly, before asking, “You called me Millie?”, she tenderly brushes your knee.

You hum, a fond smile gracing your lips while doing so. “You’ll always be Millie to me”, you admit, your words hold a deeper meaning, that the woman in front of you is ready to catch.

Her gaze lowers to your lips and you see her swallow thickly. Your heart races in your chest, when her nose grazes yours. You try to say something, fearing her reaction if people inside the cafeteria had seen you. “Let them see”, she hushes you gently, her eyes still glistered with tears, but she doesn’t look scared anymore.

“I love you, y/n”, she gently leans in for a kiss. It’s chaste, yet so needy.  Her hands run over your waist and hips, making you shiver.

You moan quietly in her mouth as she keeps touching you. “I love you too, Millie”

You feel the tip of her tongue pushing against your upper lip, in the timid request to be let in. And you do. A bright smile crosses your features as you do. Your skin heats up, but then you remember where you are and how your daughter is kept hostage between you too, so you slightly pull away. “Let’s get out of here”, you suggest, breathlessly.

She chuckles. “Come home with me. Both of you”, she pecks the baby’s cheek, before getting up.

“What do you say, Diana?”, you tease, and Mildred scoffs playfully at you. “Shall we go?”

Her dark orbs stay locked to yours and you find yourself unable to divert your gaze. You lightly shake your head and wet your lips. She reaches out to hold your hand to help you up and you take it.

“So? What have you decided, you two?”, she grins “Are you coming?”

You nod quietly. The baby squeals when you move closer to Mildred once more, hovering your lips over hers. “We are coming”
