#obey me headcanons


This is how I fantasize about my relationship with my favorite fictional men. But because I’m y/n it’s doomed to be abusive. Fucking y/n.

Oh well, there’s always my ocs mwah


I Strongly Believe In My Headcannon That Mammon Is The Most Powerful Brother, But Labeled Second By Diavolo So Lucifer’s Pride Wasn’t Hurt At Rankings.

*Angry Lucifer lovers have entered the chat*

Okay I’m pretty sure that this is a shitpost but hello I am coming back into tumblr space to share my thoughts on this because I love the idea of this, if only because this would take not only Diavolo saying that Lucifer is the strongest, but also Mammon himself actively holding himself back from slapping the shit out of Lucifer and going even further and acting scared as hell every time Lucifer threatens him, which honestly. Is the cutest thought, tbh.

Mammon is the best tsundere sweetheart.

Mc saying “Sometimes I just eat pickles on baguettes just to feel something”

i started working on this before i left for 2 months so i might as well post it


  • Looks around to make sure Lord Diavolo didn’t hear you
  • “Im sorry, you what?”
  • He understands feelings numb but just seek therapy like a normal person


  • “SEE! I told ya i’m not weird, guys!!”
  • he been doin this since the invention of pickles, you can bond over this


  • he’ll have to try that one, he usually just drinks henry 2.0’s water but he’s open to a change of pace.


  • He looked up at you then looked back down, choosing to just ignore that odd comment


  • he’s never kissing you again


  • he does this even if he doesn’t need to feel something, it’s a delicacy.


  • he thinks it’s gross but he honestly has no room to talk as he smells like pickles and bologna


Request by @rae-aizen “honey, could you give us some headcanons about dating thirteen (with a gn! reader)? pretty please??

Dating Thirteen Headcanons

  • She would be kinda clingy
  • Would pinch your cheek randomly because she thinks you’re cute
  • 100% Overly flirty with you, even if you’re already in a relationship with eachother
  • Likes to tease you
  • Would practice makeup on you(even if you don’t do makeup) and you probably do skin care routines together
  • Pretty whiny tho
  • Probably tried to take your soul once too
  • You and Solomon both run away from her if
  • she’s on her "testing out my traps” rampage
  • Would also cup your face and kiss you whenever you do something cute in her eyes
  • She’s kind of a jealous person so if she sees you talking to much with another person she would grab you and drag you across the hallway, away from that person
  • If you trip over something she will most definitely catch it on camera and laugh at you but if someone else does it she’s ready to fight a bitch
  • Would also love to show you her new traps and you might be able to name a few
  • Might as well name one after you
  • Sometimes you test the traps out on the brothers (poor mammon)
  • If you ever feel down she would place kisses all over your face
  • Rants to you a lot, especially about her sister
  • Would tell you things that she’s normally not allowed to tell anyone

Thank you for this request!

And have this picture of thirteen that I drew myself

When Beel’s nightmares get bad, Belphie climbs into bed with him. When his nightmares are really bad, Satan will read them to sleep. When they’ve been really REALLY bad, Mammon, Levi and Asmo meet them downstairs and watch a movie.

Lucifer always feels guilty about the nightmares, so he stocks the kitchen with extra sleep-friendly foods.

Lucifer: I’ve left you all a set of instructions while I’m away.

Mammon: Mine just says “Mammon, no.”

Lucifer: And I want you to apply it to every situation.

Lucifer: Is there any milk left?

Satan, holding the fridge door open: [Eyes the half-full carton of milk and chugs it down in one go, knowing very well that Lucifer is watching] No.

Mammon: I’m not a crybaby.

MC: Toy Story 3?

Mammon, already crying: The toys were holding hands in a furnace!

MC: …What are you doing?

Lucifer, spreading toothpaste on toast: I’m multitasking.

Leviathan: I finally fixed my sleep schedule! I got up before noon today!

MC: Oh really? What time?


Mammon: [Rolls over in bed and knees MC in the ribs]


MC: You kneed me!

Mammon, sleepily: Yeah I need you.

MC: Do you have a bag I can borrow?

Lucifer: The only bags I have are those under my eyes and they are specifically designed to carry the weight of my existence.


MC: You could’ve just said no.

Solomon: MC? Wake up.

MC: 5 more minutes…

Solomon: Come on wake up, I made breakfast.


MC: Lies, I don’t hear the smoke alarm.

Beelzebub, showing MC their class notes: …And then I have this doodle of a burrito because when I first read Aristotle, I thought it was pronounced like “Chipotle.”

Satan: Have I ever told you how much I love you?

Lucifer: We aren’t stopping at McDonald’s.

Satan: This is bullshit.

Asmodeus: I’m an artist, too!

MC: Really? What do you usually draw?

Asmodeus, putting on heart-shaped sunglasses:Attention!


Headcanon: Scenting

Mild NSFW, big stranger danger (Satan’s part, marked in work for connivence), Brothers

Male reader

No mentions of female organs, not A/B/O

Prompt: How do demons scent? How does it work with themselves and their mate? A little dive-in from my perspective

This post is purely for fun and my opinion!!!

I’m sorry I’ve been gone for a while but I’m still a student trying to attend college (_ _|||) hope the long post makes up for my absence


  • Scenting is nothing new in the Devildom
  • All types of demons, succubi, incubi, and many others use this method of marking their mate
  • It’s painless and an easy message to make other demons back off from their mate
  • While it is common, the system itself is very fragile
  • A demon can easily place their scent on someone else just by being close to them
  • The only way to avoid that is a scent mark; a small bite, not too deep, over where the scent glands would be on demons
  • The glands themselves are usually placed on the junction of the neck and shoulders but are practically invisible because they’re under the skin
  • A scent mark can’t be taken back, so getting or giving one to your mate is a heavy form of intimacy
  • A demon’s scent can be implanted by one of two ways; indirect and directly
  • Directly being that the demon lays close to you and rubs their face in your shoulder or neck
  • Indirectly by wearing or being around things that smell like them like blankets, jackets, or shirts
  • When it comes to family, it’s a bit of a different story, but a part of the culture of scenting nonetheless
  • This type of bond is very important to demons, so how does a human fit into this?

Keep reading


Ft. Diavolo and Mammon

I just want to give these poor boys some love

Touch Starved

  • This boy talks a lot but he’s desperate for affection and love
  • Please hold him, he may not admit it but he’ll always want to touch you or have you touching him
  • He’s a big tsundere so you’ll probably have to initiate most of the affection
  • But you can always find him in whatever room you’re in, whether you’re lounging on the couch or hanging out with one of his brothers
  • He always wants to be close to you even if he doesn’t want to admit it
  • He’ll be a lot more likely to initiate affection if you two are alone together
  • Loves laying on top of you with your legs tangled together while falling asleep
  • He also likes when you link pinkies with him, it’s a great way to be close and make him blush (although when doesn’t he)
  • He’ll make excuses whenever you hug making it seem like you started it, “O-Of course you’d want to hug me, wh-who wouldn’t wanna hug the Great Mammon!”
  • Though if it’s late at night and catch him being particularly vulnerable you can get him hugging you and reassuring you that he feels the same way you do
  • Being the Prince of Devildom has its ups and downs, one of those downs being that he hasn’t been in many relationships, Diavolo is very busy and he can never be sure whether people like him or his status,
  • That’s why you are like a breath of fresh air to him
  • Diavolo knows you love him for who he is which is a relief for him
  • Especially because that means he can get the affection he desperately craves
  • He always wants to be touching you in some way
  • He would love to have you sit in his lap during meetings if you’re comfortable with it
  • He frequently invites you to the castle for tea and he’ll have a special room for you to stay in whenever you’re over
  • Although he would love if you feel comfortable enough to sleep in his bed with you
  • Diavolo seems like he would like to sleep facing each other while holding hands