#obey me asmo x mc


Mc: I got a picture of all of us in my wallet. Whenever I face difficulties, I take it out and stare at the picture.

The brothers, collectively:Aww

Mc: And I tell myself “if I can deal with these idiots, I can deal with anything.”

The brothers, collectively:Oh.

Asmo’s Gem (pt.2)

A meaning well suited coming from Asmo.

Asmo’s Gem (pt.1)

Aww i feel special.


Headcanon: Scenting

Mild NSFW, big stranger danger (Satan’s part, marked in work for connivence), Brothers

Male reader

No mentions of female organs, not A/B/O

Prompt: How do demons scent? How does it work with themselves and their mate? A little dive-in from my perspective

This post is purely for fun and my opinion!!!

I’m sorry I’ve been gone for a while but I’m still a student trying to attend college (_ _|||) hope the long post makes up for my absence


  • Scenting is nothing new in the Devildom
  • All types of demons, succubi, incubi, and many others use this method of marking their mate
  • It’s painless and an easy message to make other demons back off from their mate
  • While it is common, the system itself is very fragile
  • A demon can easily place their scent on someone else just by being close to them
  • The only way to avoid that is a scent mark; a small bite, not too deep, over where the scent glands would be on demons
  • The glands themselves are usually placed on the junction of the neck and shoulders but are practically invisible because they’re under the skin
  • A scent mark can’t be taken back, so getting or giving one to your mate is a heavy form of intimacy
  • A demon’s scent can be implanted by one of two ways; indirect and directly
  • Directly being that the demon lays close to you and rubs their face in your shoulder or neck
  • Indirectly by wearing or being around things that smell like them like blankets, jackets, or shirts
  • When it comes to family, it’s a bit of a different story, but a part of the culture of scenting nonetheless
  • This type of bond is very important to demons, so how does a human fit into this?

Keep reading

Snippet - A Surprise Kiss from MC

How would the demon brothers respond to MC kissing them unexpectedly?

MC stood within the entrance hall of HoL, waiting for the demon brother they had agreed to walk to RAD with that morning. The sound of their name falling from his lips prompted them to look toward the stairs as he descended them. He was eager to get going before any of the other brothers noticed the two of them together, but MC stopped him in his tracks. There was something the human couldn’t wait to do upon seeing him.

“You’re missing something,” MC pointed out.

The demon glanced over his uniform in confusion. Although there were quite a few pieces to it, he was certain he remembered to put on every article of the attire. Before he could ask what they were referring to, he felt MC’s hands cup his face to bring him in for a gentle kiss.

“There,” MC said once they parted from him, “now you’re all ready to go.”

Lucifer had been completely caught off-guard by MC’s bold action, his wide eyes and the light red color that dusted his cheeks ruining his ever-serious composure. How did this human still manage to be unpredictable to him after all this time? He was grateful no one else was around to witness this moment of weakness, lest they find out how much MC truly affected him. He straightened his posture while clearing his throat and then ushered MC out of HoL with him. “Next time I’m missing something like that, make sure you tell me somewhere no one could disturb us. For instance, I believe we left some paperwork in the student council room yesterday. Why don’t we head there first to take care of it before classes start?” The telling grin on his face and the long strides he took while holding MC’s hand on their walk to RAD made it clear that he had every intention of not only returning their kiss, but also surprising them with several of his own that would leave them wanting more.

Mammonwas a stuttering mess for the first few seconds after MC broke apart from the kiss. Wh-Where did that come from?! And how can he get more of it?! He grabbed MC’s hand to tug them back before they could reach the front door. Although his eyebrows were furrowed and his tone was harsh, the vibrant flush of his cheeks proved that he wasn’t actually upset. “Hey, ya can’t just walk away after pullin’ a fast one on me like that! Listen, I get that ya like me this much and all, ’cause, I mean, why wouldn’t ya? But that doesn’t mean you can kiss me outta nowhere! …A-At least, well, not without me gettin’ enough time to kiss ya back… Wh-What I mean is, you’re gonna have to compensate me for this! So, after classes are over, you’re spendin’ the rest of the day with me, got it?!” Mammon kept eyeing MC’s lips as they spoke on their walk to RAD–the memory and tingling sensation of their kiss still fresh–until he ended up pulling them aside to kiss them himself, unable to wait until their alone time together after school.

Leviathan thought his heart was going to burst from how fast it was beating from MC’s unexpected kiss. If not that, then he’d definitely pass out from the intense heat that radiated from his face and even stretched throughout the rest of his body. Sure, he was overjoyed from the “normie-like” gesture, but seriously, they needed to stop being affectionate without warning! Were they trying to kill him?! He still had so many anime on his watchlist and games that he had to complete 100% before could die! Overwhelmed, he hid his face in his hands. “D-Don’t tease me like that, MC! I’m about to collapse here! Hahh… Go easy on me, would you? B-But, uh, th-thanks for giving me what I was missing.” All he could think about for the rest of the day was that kiss and how he wished some of MC’s confidence would pass on to him so that he could one day kiss them that smoothly as well. Fortunately, he had gotten himself so worked up about it that the only way to get it off his mind was to quickly kiss MC while they were hanging out in his room that night.

Satan could feel his breath hitch in his throat, remaining stuck there even for a short time after MC’s lips left his. He’d read phrases about how someone could “take your breath away” many times in novels, but he never understood how it was possible until he grew closer to MC–and this particular moment was a prime example of how they did it to him. He didn’t stay stunned for long, choosing to cup the human’s face in return to prevent them from moving further away. “Hold on, MC. You’re missing a few things, too, you know. Like here.” A kiss to their forehead. “Here.” A kiss to their nose. “Here and here.” A kiss to both of their cheeks. “And, most importantly, right here.” A final, longer kiss to their lips. “Hm, I think we’re both good to go now, wouldn’t you say? Feel free to remind me again if I’m missing something in the future.” He acted like nothing happened on their walk to RAD, but in the back of his mind, he kept picturing their expression after his last kiss, pleased that he was able to take the human’s breath away like they always could with him.

Asmodeusloved this side of MC, the one that initiated affection with him and made him feel weak in the knees just from a simple touch. (Of course, he loved every part of MC, but getting a kiss from them when he’s typically the one giving it was always so special to him.) Despite the countless number of kisses he’s received in his lifetime, they paled in comparison to the thrill and love he experienced from each of MC’s. His smile stretched from ear to ear when the human stepped back to look at him. He then trapped them in his embrace and squished the two of their faces together. “Oooh, MC, you’re just the cutest thing!! As beautiful as I am, I’m never fully dressed without one of your kisses! Say, can we do this every morning? Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you’re adorned with my kisses, too! Like this!” He proceeded to move his hands to their face to place his lips on MC’s again, but this time more deeply. Satisfied (for now), he walked hand-in-hand with them to RAD, fingers intertwined and a giddy expression glued on his face the whole way there.

Beelzebub was a little confused initially, but when MC broke away with a smile, he quickly understood that this was just another way of them showing their love for him. His features softened as a fuzzy warmth filled his stomach. He was thinking about grabbing a snack from the kitchen before they both left, but now he didn’t really need it anymore. Only MC had the power to make him feel this way–so full of a type of bliss that could dull any hunger pang. “Thanks, MC. You knew just what I needed.” His expression grew nervous while a light blush crept on his cheeks. “Can I…kiss you, too? The more I think about it, the more I really want to. Is that okay?” With their permission, Beel brought them in for another kiss on their lips. “Heheh, now you’re all ready to go, too. Let’s do this again the next time we walk to RAD together.” In truth, after that time, he ended up asking MC almost every day if they wanted to go to school with him, eager for another one of their kisses and to spend some time alone with them.

Belphegor was still a bit drowsy after making sure he woke up in time to go to RAD with MC that morning, but the human’s kiss managed to take the lingering sleepiness out of his body completely. He blinked a few times after MC moved back, his hand rising to his mouth to graze his fingertips over where their lips once were. It was a pleasant kind of shock; perhaps this was how those fairytale characters who were awoken with a kiss felt. He chuckled at the thought as he returned to his senses. “Did you do that just to wake me up? Or were you hoping to get away with it because I was tired? Either way, now that it’s happened, I don’t want to stop there. What do you say we skip classes today and hide out in the attic to kiss in between naps? …Oh, all right, we’ll go to RAD…if you give me another kiss before we leave.” For the rest of the day, Belphie periodically asked MC for more kisses to help him get through his classes and finish his homework, relishing each one he could get out of them.

Snippet - Alternatives to “I love you.”

Happy New Year!! Here’s a cute, quick headcanon to start off the year right (and to use the new name headers I made, hehe). Enjoy! =)

What are some phrases the demon brothers use that are their equivalent of saying “I love you,” or “I care about you,” to MC?

  • “You’ve been working hard lately, so consider this a little reward.”
  • “I suppose I can help you this time.”
  • “You’ll always belong to me.”
  • “I haven’t gotten enough time with ya today.”
  • “Don’t go anywhere without me.”
  • “I’m only doin’ this for ya ‘cause I’m in a good mood, okay?!”
  • “This game requires two players, so who better to play with me than you?”
  • “Thanks for always sticking with me, even though I’m just a yucky shut-in otaku.”
  • “Hey, that new anime you’ve been wanting to see is starting soon, so hurry over here so we can watch it together!”
  • “Sure, this character is incredible, but they’re nothing compared to you.”
  • “I always feel at ease when you’re here.”
  • “Hold on, it could be dangerous, so let me go first.”
  • “Let me pamper you today.”
  • “I’d normally put myself first, but for you, I can make an exception.”
  • “You become more radiant every day.” (which sometimes is followed with: “Not my reflection, silly! You! But, that’s true, too.”)
  • “I’ll keep you safe no matter what.”
  • “I saved some food for you.”
  • “I’ll do my best to wait until you get here, because I’d rather share this meal with you.”
  • “Here, I’ll let you use my pillow.”
  • “Why would I sleep on a bed when your lap is right here?”
  • “Stay here with me a little longer.”

Snippet - Under the Mistletoe with MC

Merry Christmas (Eve)!! As a special gift to you all, and a big thanks for over 550 followers, please enjoy this long snippet with all the characters (minus Luke and the three newest ones) sharing a kiss with MC under the mistletoe! Since each part got pretty long, I broke it up into bullet points for easier reading. I really hope you enjoy this! =) ❤️

How would everyone respond to being under the mistletoe with MC?

It was the holiday season, and after a trip to the human world, Diavolo had enthusiastically decided to celebrate some of its traditions in the Devildom. The festivities were held at the Demon Lord’s Castle, where the interior was decorated with various holiday items that intrigued the demon prince enough to bring back from the human world. MC and Solomon had to explain most of the holiday traditions and the purpose behind the different decorations to the demons and two angel exchange students, but the whole celebration made the two of them feel a little less homesick.

Everything was going well until Luke noticed a sprig of mistletoe hanging from one of the doorways and questioned MC about it. They explained to the innocent angel that there’s a tradition where if two people walk under a mistletoe, then they’re supposed to kiss each other as a sign of love. They asked him not to tell anyone else about the practice, though, since it could cause a stir anytime someone walked under it. Plus, it was just an old tradition, not something anyone had to follow. Luke promised to keep it a secret, but someone else had already overheard their conversation.

Later on, while everyone was opening gifts, MC left briefly to use the restroom. On their way back, they suddenly ran into someone just as they were passing underneath the doorway with the mistletoe. They glanced nervously between the mistletoe and the face of the individual they bumped into.


  • Lucifer exhibited his typical serious expression after MC’s bodily impact, but on the inside, he was full of pride by how well everything in his plan had fallen into place. After overhearing MC’s explanation about mistletoe to Luke, he came up with a few ways that he could be alone with the human underneath the mistletoe. Their trip to the restroom worked with one of his ideas, so when he thought MC would be on their way back, he excused himself from the group gift exchange under the guise of “needing some air from all my brothers’ nonsense.” It was shortly thereafter that he came across MC at the exact time they were approaching the doorway with the mistletoe.
  • He initially acted oblivious to their nervousness while he explained why he had left the others for a bit, secretly enjoying the look on their face, but he soon pointed out how they kept peeking up above them. Even if MC tried to brush it off, Lucifer was insistent they tell him exactly why they were so distracted by a tiny plant decoration. “Perhaps it has to do with the tradition humans have about kissing underneath one?” he wondered aloud, pleased by their surprised reaction and the blush that followed it when he moved closer to them. “We’ve been following all of the other practices you and Solomon have taught us about tonight, so I don’t see why this should be an exception. What do you think?”
  • Once MC consented to it, he added with a grin, “Very well. Consider it an extra gift from me then.” He gripped their chin between his thumb and index finger and placed his other hand on their shoulder to keep them in place as he pressed his lips onto theirs. He let it be known that this was his kiss, asserting the most control during it, although the kiss also revealed how much he had been craving MC’s touch. He broke apart from them a little early just to feel their lips chase after his–well, and also because the last thing he wanted was for Diavolo or someone else to suddenly walk in on the two of them. “Hm? Was that not enough for you?” he inquired, a smirk playing on his lips. “In that case, when we return home tonight, we can continue this in my room. After all, I don’t need to use some plant hanging above us as an excuse to kiss you.”


  • Mammon also had this encounter planned out, and it surprisingly worked out almost exactly like he wanted it to! He had left the others behind by complaining that MC was taking too long in the restroom and needed to go check on them. Then, he waited near the doorway until he heard them coming. However, he got distracted by a painting on the wall that he thought could sell for a high profit, which caused MC to crash into him.
  • He started telling them to watch where they were going but fell short when he noticed their glances at the mistletoe and remembered why he was there in the first place. He cleared his throat and tried to put on his usual bravado, saying, “Well, I’m in a good mood, so I guess I can forgive ya for crashin’ into me. Though, I mean, ya could do somethin’ to make it up to me. Like, maybe…” Now he was the one looking back and forth between MC and the mistletoe, his blush growing more visible by the second. When MC asked him if he knew about the mistletoe custom, he adamantly denied it, his tsundere personality taking over until he finally admitted to overhearing their conversation with Luke.
  • He’d gotten himself too worked up now to initiate anything, so MC had to grab his face and give him a quick kiss on the lips. His face could’ve rivaled a ripe tomato with how red it was from the sudden action. “H-Hold on, I was supposed to do that!” he argued, wrapping his arms around MC’s waist to prevent them from retreating. “‘Sides, ya call that a kiss? C’mere, I’ll show ya a real kiss.” Mammon immediately dove in for a long, deep kiss with MC. His greediness for them required him to move one hand to the back of their head to stop them from dipping too far back. He especially enjoyed it when MC returned his energy, making him hold back a bit so they could lead more instead. Once they both broke apart for air, Mammon rested his forehead on MC’s. “I like ya so much it’s crazy, MC,” he murmured. “I just can’t get enough of ya. Let’s stay here a little longer, until my brothers come lookin’ for us. I don’t wanna let ya go yet.”
  • (Forget the expensive painting, he definitely stole the mistletoe to make sure no one else could use it to kiss MC–and to keep as a memento…and maybe future use.)


  • Leviathan was just as startled as MC when they bumped into each other. He was playing through a limited time holiday event on one of his mobile games and was so absorbed in it that he hadn’t heard the human’s approaching footsteps. In fact, it was because of his inattentiveness and frequent exclamations while playing this game that the others decided to temporarily kick him out during the gift exchange, which left him wandering the halls–still on his phone–until he was allowed to return.
  • He began to explain this to MC–and how normies could never understand how important these kinds of game events are to obtain special loot–but got annoyed when their focus kept drifting upward. A strange noise escaped his mouth when he realized they were looking at the mistletoe hanging over both of them, his mind recalling its purpose from MC’s discussion with Luke. He became far more flustered about the situation than the human was. “I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to be under the mistletoe with you!” he declared, starting to ramble. “I heard you say it’s a human world thing to kiss someone under it, b-but that’s not why I was here! And, I mean, of course you wouldn’t want to be forced to kiss a yucky shut-in otaku; who could blame you? And honestly, that’s fine, because this sort of thing is totally something only normies would do! Though, I wouldn’t mind being able to kiss y– Gahhh, n-nevermind!! Why are you still standing there anyway?! Shouldn’t you have left by now?!”
  • When MC admitted to Levi that they wouldn’t mind kissing him, his face turns an even darker shade of red than it already was. “R-Really?!” he questioned them doubtfully despite feeling on cloud nine from their words. “You want to kiss me? You’re not messing with me, are you? I don’t need your pity, if that’s what this is!” MC had to give him a quick peck on the lips just to prove their sincerity–and shut him up for a bit. Hoo boy, there had to be steam coming out of Levi’s ears from that simple action. Finally convinced that they were serious, he grabbed MC by the shoulders and practically crashed his lips into theirs, for if he took it too slowly, he’d psych himself out and wouldn’t have been able to do it at all. It was a short kiss since he’s inexperienced, and he couldn’t get himself to relax until the last few moments. He then turned away and attempted to hide his bright blush behind the back of his hand. “U-Um, sorry if it wasn’t good,” he apologized meekly. “I would’ve liked it to be more like the ones you see in anime, but– Um– Listen, I really like being able to kiss you, MC, so I promise I’ll get better, okay?”
  • (If MC suggests trying again right then and there, he might just collapse. But once he recovers, he’ll go for it.)


  • Satan felt fortunate that he got to learn about an intriguing human world tradition that he could actually use to his advantage over the rest of his brothers. Some time after MC had left for the restroom, he convinced the others that the human may have gotten lost on the way back and that he would go look for them. This plan ended up working since most of his brothers bickered that they should be the one to look for MC while he remained calm and rational (on the outside), which prompted Lucifer and Diavolo to agree that Satan could go find MC. He sighed while walking down the hallway, exasperated from his brothers’ annoying arguments over something so minor, only to accidentally collide with the human he was looking for.
  • He apologized to them for his lack of awareness, but they were more concerned with what was above them. He glanced up as well and was somewhat shocked that they both happened to meet up directly under the mistletoe. “Well, isn’t that something?” he noted aloud with a grin. “I was hoping to catch you here, but not quite like this.” When they asked what he meant, he replied, “You see, I just so happened to hear that there’s a practice in the human world where if two people are found underneath a mistletoe, which just so happens to be the plant hanging over our heads, then they must kiss each other. Care to elaborate on the topic?” He laughed lightly at their startled reaction before explaining himself. “I was thinking,” he then said, “since you’re the human world expert, maybe you could educate me on how this custom is done? For the purpose of expanding my knowledge…and having the chance to kiss you.”
  • After receiving MC’s approval, Satan rested one hand on their cheek and positioned the other on their waist to carefully bring them toward him. Any frustration he was feeling earlier melted away through their kiss, gradually making his movements even softer. He held MC like they were the most precious object in existence, and in this moment, they made him feel like he was truly his own person–not a fragment of a fallen angel or the embodiment of wrath. Once the kiss was over, he grasped the hand MC had on his face and turned his head to press a gentle kiss to their palm. “I never liked the idea of being vulnerable around others, but with you, MC,” he remarked, “I feel I can let my walls down completely. I hope you can feel the same way with me. Oh, and thank you for this learning experience.”


  • Asmodeus was full of smiles, as MC had fallen right into his trap. He’d kiss himself at how smart he was and how well he timed this, if he could! Well, he could in the mirror, but that would have to wait. “Hi, MC~!” he greeted them cheerfully. “I wasn’t expecting to bump into you here. What are the odds? Perhaps we’re just naturally drawn to each other, hm~?”
  • He tried to play innocent, saying he was on his way to freshen up in the restroom, but MC noticed him looking up at the mistletoe more often than they were. Soon enough, he admitted to having heard them talk about the human world tradition of kissing underneath the mistletoe. “I was hoping we could experience this special custom together,” he explained, his cheeks becoming rosy. “So, MC, will you let me kiss you?”
  • Once MC gave their consent, he brought his hands to their face and whispered for them to come closer, slowly decreasing the distance between each other until their lips finally touched. The kiss was gentle at first–with Asmo initially taking the lead to test MC’s comfort level–and gradually grew as passionate as MC allowed it. Somewhere along the way, Asmo moved one of his hands to MC’s lower back to ensure they stayed as close to him as possible. Even when they both separated, he kept a firm hold on MC, his thumb stroking their cheek as he studied their expression. “I could kiss you forever and never grow tired of it, MC,” he said, staring deeply into their eyes. “It must be because of how much I love you, and because of how great your love feels whenever I’m with you. …Say, since we’re still under the mistletoe, does that mean we can kiss again? We may as well, right?”
  • (He also totally stole the mistletoe later for future use with MC, regardless of what time of year it is.)


  • Beelzebub looked at MC with concern and asked if they were okay after bumping into him. Upon confirming that they were fine, he grinned warmly at them in relief. He explained that he was on his way to the kitchen to find something to eat while Barbatos was distracted with the gifts. He was about to ask MC if they wanted to join him, but he noticed they seemed distracted by something.
  • He followed their gaze up to the mistletoe and let out a soft, “Oh.” He then told them that he had heard their explanation to Luke about kissing under a mistletoe, sending a light blush to both his and MC’s faces. “I…want to do that,” he admitted. “With you. Can I, MC?”
  • When they agreed, Beel’s expression softened from their words, his lower eyelids wrinkling slightly from the smile that had formed. His hands rested on the human’s shoulders to keep them in place as he leaned in toward them. The touch of his lips on theirs was soft and delicate, revealing his fear that he might hurt them if he wasn’t careful. He felt MC wrap their arms around his neck to pull him closer in order to ease his worries, and he finally began to relax and deepen the kiss. After the two of them pulled apart, Beel had a loving, giddy smile on his face as he gazed at MC. “Your kisses are the best, MC,” he remarked. “They always make me feel full, in both my stomach and my heart.”
  • (Even so, he definitely ate the mistletoe before they both returned to the others. Come on, it had berries; how could he resist?)


  • Belphegor had actually fallen asleep against the siding of the doorway, only to be woken up abruptly by MC running into him. He was groggy and grumpy at first, but once he heard the human’s voice asking if he was okay and what he was even doing there, he regained his senses. As he straightened his posture, he told them that he was getting bored at the group gift exchange without them around, so he had decided to leave for a bit until they returned but fell asleep along the way.
  • There was a mischievous glint in his eyes while he pointed out the mistletoe above them, and a smirk formed on his lips when he noticed them tense in response. “What’s wrong, MC?” he teased, inching closer to them. “You seem kind of worked up about this little bunch of leaves. Is it because the two of us are underneath it right now?” He chuckled at their reaction to his claim and then admitted to overhearing them talk about mistletoe with Luke. “But since we’re here,” he continued, “we may as well kiss, right? I mean, I’d like to anyway, even if there wasn’t a tradition.”
  • As soon as MC agreed, Belphie wasted no time in taking a hold of their face and closing the distance between the two of them. The kiss he gives, on the other hand, is slow and a bit lazy–he’d rather have MC do more of the work. Still, he refused to separate himself from them, wanting to draw it out for as long as he could and even taking the lead if MC was nervous or not too experienced. After it came to an end, Belphie smiled in contentment. “That felt really nice,” he noted. “Your kisses seem to give me more energy than a full night’s sleep, MC. Since I’m wide awake now, how about we stay here and kiss some more before we head back to the others?”


  • Diavolo quickly reached out to grab MC’s shoulders and steady their balance from their collision into his torso. He fretted over them, worried he may have hurt them, but they assured him they were simply just caught off-guard. He nodded his head at their comforting words and began asking them their thoughts about the holiday party–like he came over just to do some sort of check-in–, but his hands never left their shoulders. MC answered his questions while struggling to make eye contact, too distracted by the close proximity, his grip on their shoulders, and the mistletoe hanging above them.
  • Then he asked them about the mistletoe, making their body flinch. “I heard you explaining its purpose to Luke,” he confessed. “When I visited the human world, I thought it was merely a decoration since it was hung in random locations. I never would’ve guessed that there’s a custom involving kissing under it. It’s rather interesting!” His smiling face then became more serious. “Do you practice this tradition, MC? If you don’t mind, I’d like to experience it with you.”
  • Once MC agreed, Diavolo’s hands slid up to their jawline while he moved in closer to their lips. His kiss was gentle at first to avoid accidentally hurting the human, but he melted into it on his own as he grew more comfortable. The demon prince was starved for affection, and MC’s matching energy in the kiss made him feel so whole that he had no intention of breaking away until it was necessary. When they did, though, he kept his face close to theirs, the tips of their noses lightly grazing over each other. “I quite like this human world tradition,” he said with a grin. “I’ll have to hang up mistletoe around the castle next year, too. You’ll join me again for the holidays, won’t you, MC?”


  • Barbatos responded as any refined butler would: by calmly assessing MC’s condition after they bumped into him. He behaved like his usual composed self, so the human had no idea that he had fully intended to stop them underneath this specific doorway. He explained to them that he was on his way to the kitchen to fetch some more drinks for the guests, which was true, but he made sure to time his exit well enough so that he was more likely to encounter MC on their way back from the restroom.
  • Feigning innocence, he questioned MC about the mistletoe hanging above the two of them, his smile growing a little bigger from the blush that dusted their cheeks from his inquiry. He nodded in understanding during their explanation. “So in that case, since we’re both under the mistletoe right now, it’s customary for us to kiss, yes?” he concluded. “If it’s all right with you, I’m more than happy to follow this practice.”
  • After MC agreed to it, Barbatos stepped toward them and gently cupped their face. He leaned in with his eyes closed, but he peeked open while his lips ghosted over theirs to observe the look of anticipation on their face. Amused by their expression and reassured that he wasn’t the only one who wanted this, Barbatos finally pressed his lips onto MC’s. Although he initiated it, he gradually followed their lead, not wanting to do anything they didn’t like and continuing until they were completely satisfied. Once they both separated, he looked back at them with a warm smile. “Thank you for this wonderful experience, MC,” he said. “Moments like these that I share with you mean a lot to me. I hope we continue to have many more of them.”


  • Simeon’s arms wrapped and hovered around MC’s body like a safety net to catch them in case they fell over from the sudden impact. He was just on his way to grab some more cookies that he and Luke had made to share with everyone else, but his mind was too preoccupied with other things to fully pay attention to his surroundings. He was relieved when the human was able to rebalance themselves and avoid getting hurt. He apologized for not watching where he was going while rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, but he became concerned once again when he noticed that they seemed out of sorts.
  • “Are you sure you’re okay, MC?” he inquired, his tone laced with worry. “Are you maybe feeling tired from tonight’s festivities? I could get you some water, or–” MC tried to assure him that they were fine, but when he noticed them take another quick peek at the top of the doorway, he understood what was affecting their behavior. “Ah, it’s the mistletoe, isn’t it?” he asked, relaxing a bit while speaking in a more soothing manner. “I heard you telling Luke about the tradition humans have that involves kissing under it. You also mentioned that it’s not something that has to be done, and I have no intention of kissing you without your permission, so you don’t need to worry about it.”
  • However, when MC expressed that they actually wanted to kiss him, Simeon’s eyes widened in shock, not expecting them to say that. Even so, a blush crept on his face at the thought of kissing them and from how happy he felt that they wanted the same thing. After accepting their request, he rested one hand on their cheek and tenderly placed his lips on theirs. The kiss was brief and chaste, as Simeon feared that if he lingered too long, it would become increasingly difficult for him to stop willingly. Despite the kiss only lasting a short time, he poured as much love as he could into it so that MC could get a sense of how deeply he cared for them. Still, just in case his feelings didn’t reach them completely, he told them afterward, “You know you mean a lot to me, right, MC? You always make even the darkest days in the Devildom so much brighter to me, and I want to do whatever I can to keep that smile on your face each and every day. So, even if it’s just a kiss under a mistletoe, don’t ever hesitate to ask me if you want something, okay?”


  • Solomon had temporarily forgotten about the practice of kissing underneath mistletoe until he heard MC bring it up to Luke. He had disregarded this plant some time ago since it rarely worked well in potions and he didn’t feel inclined to follow this custom from his world that mainly affected couples. However, now that MC was around, the tradition became more appealing to him, so he plotted to get the two of them alone under this mistletoe before the end of the party. Not surprisingly, it was rather difficult, considering MC’s popularity and how possessive the demon brothers were of them. By some stroke of luck, he acquired an opening after MC had left and everyone was preoccupied with a magnificent gift Diavolo had given to one of them, allowing him to easily sneak out. He was a bit early, so he hid near the doorway with the mistletoe until he heard his fellow human’s approaching footsteps. He then popped out suddenly to surprise them, and they accidentally ran into him in the process. He apologized while they tried to regain their composure.
  • Half of MC’s attention was already on the mistletoe, but Solomon pointed up to it to let them know he was focusing on it as well. “Are you familiar with mistletoe as a plant?” he inquired. “You may have seen it by itself in public places during this time of year, but in nature, it’s a parasitic plant that primarily lives off of trees. What’s more, every part of it, including its berries, is poisonous to us humans, should we choose to consume it. Though, I’m sure it’d have no effect on someone like Beelzebub.” MC wondered what he was trying to get at, so he resumed, “Anyway, despite this plant’s function in our world, there’s still the tradition where people kiss underneath it and view it as a symbol–or even a blessing–of love.” It was then that he confessed to unintentionally eavesdropping on their earlier conversation with Luke. “If you’re willing, MC, I’d like to follow this little tradition with you.”
  • After MC gave their consent, Solomon pulled them closer and tucked a loose strand of their hair behind their ear, his face flushed as he eyed their lips. He then confidently leaned in to kiss them. He was eager to express his feelings for them, and it was a big boost to his ego when the well-liked human reciprocated his kiss; it felt as though they were choosing him over the demons and angels that constantly vied for their attention–that he was able to stand out more to them than those powerful beings. He couldn’t stop his lips from curving into a smile on theirs just before the kiss reached its end. “I’ve met so many other humans in my extended lifetime, but none of them could ever compare to you, MC,” he declared. “If you’ll let me, I’d like to stay by your side and continue to show you my affection like this as often as I can. But for now, let me hold you in my arms a little longer.”

Asmodeus invites MC to his room to show off his shopping haul, which includes clothing and beauty supplies. MC notices he also got a variety of lip gloss and chapstick, making them recall that they should probably go out to get some more for themselves soon.

Asmodeus: No need for that, MC! You can just have one of mine.

MC: Are you sure?

Asmodeus: Of course! As long as I get to pick out which one you keep. Now let’s see…

Asmodeus holds up a few of the lip products next to MC’s face to see which would suit them best. He ends up stuck between two items.

Asmodeus: I think both of these would look great on you, but which one would be best? …Oh, I got it!

He opens one and applies it to his lips.

MC: Wait, shouldn’t I be–

Asmodeus holds MC’s face and kisses their lips without hesitation. After a few moments, he pulls back to observe his work, along with MC’s reaction.

Asmodeus: Just as I thought, this one looks great on you! *giggles* It matches well with your rosy cheeks, too. But to be safe, should we try the other one? Or, maybe we can keep testing this one a bit more~?

Short Story - Tell Me

Main Characters/Ship: Asmodeus x MC
Word Count: 767
Warnings: Very mild angst in the beginning; story is based off a daily in-game chat (as seen below)
A short story in honor of Asmo’s birthday.

Asmodeus’s eyes peeked down at his phone, having set it on his bed after sending the last message to MC.  The lower half of his face was hidden behind the pillow he clutched against his chest, and his fingers played with the fabric of it as he anxiously awaited a reply.  This was so unlike him, he realized.  Other demons would be begging him for loving words, all while showering him with praise and hoping for the chance to catch his eye for at least a second.  But now here he was:  Wondering if a human who was immune to his power of charm would be willing to text him three little words, or any indication that they shared even an ounce of the overflowing feelings he had for them.  He almost couldn’t believe how his heartbeat quickened the moment the checkmark read receipts appeared next to his texts.  Never in his life did he think he’d fall for someone thishard.

Based on his many interactions and close relationship with MC, Asmodeus felt confident that he would receive a favorable answer to his request, but doubt crept in when half a minute went by without so much as a typing bubble appearing on the screen.  They must be coming up with a more extravagant way of saying it back, he tried to tell himself.  After all, he was the wonderful, popular, absolutely perfect-looking Asmo!  Surely they wanted to wow him with a response as incredible as he was!  They’re just taking time to think it over and get it just right!  …Right?

The longer he waited, the more he wanted to text them to ask why they hadn’t replied yet.  It was a simple question with only one answer!  Or maybe…they truly didn’t feel the same way at all, and they were actually trying to figure out how to break it to him gently?  The possibility made his heart sink.  He rested his forehead against the pillow wrapped in his arms, restraining himself from burying his whole face in it in fear of smearing his makeup.  Had he misunderstood their behavior this whole time?  Were the few times they even expressed any trace of love back to him only out of politeness, holding no deeper meaning at all?  The insecurities he desperately tried to push down by basking in the praise of his fans and maintaining his outward beauty were bubbling up as the silence dragged on.

Just as he was reaching for his phone, Asmodeus was startled by a knock at the door.  He didn’t have the chance to check over his face in the mirror before the visitor decided to let themself inside the room.  Under the assumption that it was one of his brothers invading his bedroom, he was ready to angrily shoo away the trespasser, but he stopped himself when he saw it was MC.  Why were they–?

“I love you,” they announced suddenly.

Asmodeus’s lips parted slightly while he gazed back at them with wide eyes, rendered speechless by their declaration.

“I didn’t think it was right to say something like this over text,” they explained, “so I decided to tell you directly.  I’m sorry I don’t say it more often.  But I really should, because I do love you, Asmo, with all my heart.  So, I’ll make sure you hear it from me more, okay?”

The sincerity in the human’s words caused tears to prick the corners of the demon’s eyes.  Tossing the pillow aside, Asmodeus rushed toward MC and enveloped them in his embrace, nearly knocking them backward.  “I love you, too, darling!  So, so, so much!  Oh, you’ve just made me the happiest demon alive!”  

He excitedly peppered their cheek with kisses, full of gratitude and affection for the human in his arms.  The melodic sound of their laughter from the sensation of his kisses encouraged him to continue the gesture a little longer than he had planned before he finally separated himself from them.  A giddy smile was plastered on his face as he stared at MC lovingly while they recovered from their fit of giggles.

“Hey, MC?” Asmodeus inquired softly.  “Can you tell me again?  I want to hear it one more time.”

MC cupped his face in their hands, tenderly holding him like he was their whole world.  “I love you, Asmo.”

The demon’s heart swelled, relishing in the warm feeling that spread throughout his body from hearing these four special words.  MC’s love for him was genuine, he concluded, vowing to never question it again.  It looked like he had worried for nothing.
