#omar and edvin


We need to talk more about the strength that Simon showed. Wilhelm hugged him and whispered to him that he was sorry and that he loved him and he had the strength to let him pull back and let him walk away. He loves him too, that much we know and yet he was determined to keep his dignity and he did. It would have been so easy not to.

THIS moment always gets me. It is the first thing that has ever happened between them that can not be misinterpreted. The first blatantly sexual gesture they have ever made towards each other. There is a moment of hesitation and then Wilhelm gets on top of him and Simon immediately opens his legs to make room for him. They fall into their dynamic so easily and this is the first time we (and they) see it: Simon is underneath him, watching him carefully and Wilhelm is looking down at him, not breaking eye contact as they position themselves. Imagine how fast their hearts would’ve been beating in this moment…

Did anyone else notice that when Simon and Wilhelm are sitting outside at the party and Simon helps him remember the lyrics, neither of them uses the word “her” when singing. Wilhelm just stops at the word and Simon even looks at him and waits for him to sing it but neither of them do.

They go like “Every morning I would see…. getting off the bus”

I love how the way we see Wilhelm and Simon going back and forth and Wilhelm constantly changing his mind, them loving each other but not yet being grown enough to properly articulate their struggles and communicate clearly enough is so reflective of typical first loves and teenage relationships but at the same time we see them go through all of this under the most atypical circumstances imaginable. It is so not relatable for us to be with a prince, be at an elite boarding school and be under the pressures they’re under. And yet their relationship goes through the common motions, is so deeply relatable on the emotional level, full of love, frustration, desire, anger, need and pain. It is so very typical.

The fact that August tells Wilhelm that he needs to be really careful who he hangs out with, thereby trying to shit-talk Simon out of pure and unfiltered jealousy makes me so incredibly furious.

This is the fucking Prince of Sweden, do you really think he has not been told this before? Do you really think his mother hasn’t told him all his life that he needs to stay close to people of “his kind”?!

Do you think he hasn’t been schooled for this and that he can’t judge this situation and his relationship with Simon by himself?

That’s all his life is, being careful, not being able to do this, that, and everything in between. He is constantly holding back and being careful and when he is for once not, it becomes a nation wide scandal.

That’s why he is at this damn school in the first place. He was not allowed to continue going to a regular school with regular students. August KNOWS this.

And here goes August thinking he can explain life to The Prince when he himself is a sad excuse for an advisor and apparently fucking terrible at managing his finances. He just loves to feel like he has any kind of influence over Wilhelm.


If this Edvin’s and Omar’s most recent red carpet appearance has taught me anything it’s that Edvin can encircle Omar’s entire waist with one arm and that is beautiful
