#omar and edvin


Imagine what Malin would have felt like when the sextape was leaked and she realised she’d been accompanying Wilhelm to his dick appointments all along

Imagine receiving so little love and affection from your own flesh and blood that you seek physical comfort from your school’s headmaster. Prince Wilhelm can relate.

The Queen: you and your future children will succeed me

Wilhelm, aggressively waving a pride flag: this bloodline ends with me!

Do you think that a day or two before Wille visited Simon at home, they texted and Wille told him what he was going to do to him?

The simple fact that Kristina does not believe that love is the single most important thing in the world and that young people are foolish for believing that really sums her up as a person. Heartless and cold.

I think we can really see how much more confident Wilhelm already is when he is at Simon’s house compared to the morning after the football field. Sure, he does take control and he does lead them even there but it takes Simon urging him or specifically guiding him for him to know what he needs to do and what’s ok to do until eventually he does take charge properly. However, at Simon’s place he goes right into his role. He immediately becomes the one guiding and does not hesitate at all to take matters into his own hands, as shown by the way he undresses Simon to the way he moves them around. After their first time, it’s clear to the both of them who feels most comfortable doing what and i think their behaviour in the sexual context tells us a lot more about them than we think. It’s expressed in Wilhelm’s need to take control after being completely powerless and controlled his whole life and Simon’s need to be guided and focused on after constantly taking on the nurturing role in all his interpersonal relationships. It makes perfect sense and it is beautiful to watch.

I can’t wait to see Simon find out that August was the one who leaked the video. I want to see rage, pure, unfiltered rage.

Wilhelm really was all “shh!” to Simon when he suggested they should cut class and then one minute later proceeded to talk loudly about how they had to make it look like Simon had come from the bus while standing one meter from the door that Malin was standing behind, probably hearing every word. Logical thinking is not Wilhelm’s strength.

Edvin and Omar were absolutely right when they said that this is the sexiest scene in the entire series. You can feel every bit of the tension between them and we get to see them both react to it. This is Wilhelm’s way of showing him that he wants him and Simon’s way of letting him know that he feels the same. But Simon tries to keep talking and to keep the conversation going while Wilhelm is kissing his neck. He knows that Wilhelm will be in charge later but here he is still in control of the situation, deciding not to give in too early, keeping this tension alive.

Let’s make a list of things that are wrong with August, I’ll start:

- kissed Sara without her permission

I feel so sorry for Wilhelm when he apologises to Simon during their final hug. When Simon rejects this apology and wishes him a nice Christmas and he says “thank you, Simon” you can see in his face that he is not surprised by this response. He expected this. But i’m sure there was some part of him, deep inside hoping he could make all this go away by simply apologising. And you can see in his eyes that he is sorry, so, so sorry. Don’t get me wrong, Simon was treated terribly and he was completely right to do what he did but Wilhelm was under so much more pressure. Before he denies that it was him in the video, we see him contemplating but he was under so much pressure and receiving so much hate and unwanted attention that I’m 100% sure that in his mind this was not selfishness or ignorance but self protection and the easiest way out. Of course it hits him afterwards, he panic texts Simon, he is aware of what he just did and he desperately wants to fix it. But he did not count on Simon being so strong and final in his decision. So no, I don’t really think he actually expected his forgiveness after the final hug but he is so clearly sorry. He completely underestimated the severity of the pain this would cause Simon because from his point of view, he was stopping the shitstorm and protecting them or himself. He misjudged everything. His eyes are full of sadness and regret.

Things that happen here:

- Wilhelm checks if the guards are looking

- He slows his walking (look at that princely posture though)

- He pulls Simon back and by presumably his jacket and he turns around, looking a little surprised

- Simon stops and Wilhelm leans down to kiss him, still holding on to his jacket

- He keeps looking at Simon to see his reaction and they both giggle

And the fact that this was improvised…

This kiss always reminds me of their first kiss. They barely pull apart, barely let any air between them before reconnecting. But here, this happens for completely different reasons and not out of awkwardness. We can literally see it in Wilhelm’s face; he loves Simon so much and he does not want to let go of him even for a second. He is holding him so gently and leading them at the same time and Simon has to tilt his chin up to kiss him since they’re still standing so close to one another. We can see the pure love and affection here and we can see just how much want there is.

What did Malin and Linda even talk about while Wille and Simon were in his room? I hope they didn’t just stand there in awkward silence because i feel like they would have heard something that way and that’s just far too awkward for everyone involved. Either they made like really awkward small talk or Malin just stood there in silence while Linda watched TV or was in the kitchen and i’m not sure which i prefer. We don’t even know how long they stayed in there…

I will never shut up about their height difference. Look at this. Look at them. Wilhelm still has his shoes on but let’s ignore that. On a separate note though, I love this scene so much because Simon is having such a hard time hiding his nervousness and lying to his mother about what they were planning to do, whereas we as an audience know exactly what Wilhelm is here for, we know exactly what they are thinking and we are able to feel that excitement with them. Look at Malin being awkward in the background. This scene is perfection.

Not only did Simon have a fight with his dad about his drug abuse and then find a high af Wilhelm laying on a wet football field all in one day but he found Wilhelm laying there, high on the same drugs, the exact same pills he had taken from his drug-abusing father. It’s a blessing that he did not know it at the time.

When are we going to talk about their height difference in this scene?? And Wilhelm isn’t even standing up straight either… beautiful
