


okay I get that this is a long video, but it’s important.  this is a news feature on how the “opioid crisis” bs is causing pain patients to lose their treatments, or die from suicide, because of the way the media and government are treating this.  if you want to hear the chronic pain patient side of the story, watch this video.  

content warning for suicide, death, addiction, drugs

there are some more graphic clips of people who are overdosing (they’re short, but I know it can be disturbing)

Today’s heroin users are more likely to be female than in the 1960s, vox’s German Lopez

Today’s heroin users are more likely to be female than in the 1960s,vox’s German Lopez reports.They’re also older and much whiter than in the past, and much more likely to have gotten hooked first on prescription drugs.

Data from a new retrospective analysis by researchers at Washington University in St. Louis and Nova Southeastern University in Miami, published in JAMA Psychiatry.

Post link


Opioids have become a deadly epidemic in the U.S. — and a new study begins to show just how dire the situation has become. According to a new paper by FAIR Health, there’s been an over 3,000% increase in opioid dependency between 2007 and 2014 among the privately insured. Even more troubling,it’s highest among one generation in particular.

I had major surgery and they didn’t even have the decency to prescribe me effect pain meds to take at home because they won’t prescribe opioids anymore. So now I’m sore as hell and relying on high-CBD RSO.
