#or are you normal


Who else’s inner voice feels like an undisciplined child that goes on and on about the same things that upsets it and you constantly have to scold to shut upandcalm down, but won’t listen and will keep doing what it wants so you give up…

takemehomefromnarnia: plzzapunk: RBB/ Teddy Mercury @ King Baudouin Stadium, Brussels 13-06-2015 Ted



RBB/ Teddy Mercury @ King Baudouin Stadium, Brussels 13-06-2015

Teddy was joining the rainbow hair crew last night, looking rest Buddy!

SBB’s first appearance, 7 years ago today. Happy birthday SBB.

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This post is made specifically to shame mothers who tried to convince their child that their abusive, cold, distant, aggressive, controlling, violent, you-are-never-good-enough-for-me father actually loves them. This is made to call out every single mom who sat their child down, and told them “Your father isn’t good at showing it, but he loves you.” Or any other complete, utter LIE. 

Because how could you fucking live with yourself after teaching your child to doubt their own senses when they’re being hurt and to call it love? How could you not drown in a pit of shame after telling your child to accept abuse as love! What do you think will happen when they get a spouse who abuses, neglects and hits them? How do you think they’ll feel when they hear your repeated words “they’re bad at showing it but they love you.” How could you take action to make SURE your child keeps living in abuse?! Your children are dead right to think they’re being despised and abused and you went and messed with their fucking sanity. This is unforgivable.

And I fucking know why you did it, you wanted your family to stay together, AT THE EXPENSE OF YOUR CHILD BEING ABUSED! Abusive families should NEVER STAY TOGETHER! Not at expense of any member! And especially not the most vulnerable, most defenseless human in it, who you were supposed to be protecting from abuse, not aiding abuser in brainwashing them! 

I will never forgive any one of you. You’re an adult and you stood there and watched your child be abused and took the abuser’s side. If you loved your child you’d be jumping out of your body to try to make sure they’re away and protected from all and any abuse. You all ain’t shit and you don’t deserve your children. Fuck you. 

And of course the child will latch to any hope that they can somehow earn their father’s love and they’ll be filled with completely false hope and then try harder and work harder to please their abusive dad which is exactly what he wants and then he will go and break their fucking hears over and over again because abusive dads are not capable of loving their children and they never fucking will be. Setting your child for even more pain than what they’ve already endured at the hands of their father is fucking evil. What you should be telling to your children is “That man is complete garbage and nothing he ever said about you is true, his approval isn’t worth shit, he is incapable of love, you go and live free of that bullshit, and never think that you’re not good enough because doesn’t know shit about who you are.”

This gave me a flashback, god, fuck this shit, threatening a child with an abuser who will ‘get them’ if they’re not going against themselves to be obedient. Basically the parent thrives out of abuse of the another parent and gets to act nonabusive while still effectively threatening their own child with abuse in order to control them. Gross and manipulative.
