#traumatic childhood


your trauma is valid, even if:

it seems “insignificant” to others

it seems “significant” to others

you dont remember most (or all) of it

you remember all of it

you dont have ptsd from it

you have ptsd from it

others have it “worse”

others dont have it “worse”

you dont get flashbacks

you get flashbacks

people dont believe it

people believe you

it happened ages ago

it happened recently

you felt fine directly after

it effected you straight away

it was one event

it was multiple

the main cause was physical

the main cause was emotional

it stems from childhood

it stems from adulthood or adolescence

you cope in “odd” ways

you cope with unhealthy methods (please try to find alternatives)

you cope in a healthy way

you dont have coping mechanisms yet

you dissasociate

you dont disassociate

and so much more. trauma is trauma. if it left a lasting negative effect, the cause and what people think about it doesnt change that.

Who else’s inner voice feels like an undisciplined child that goes on and on about the same things that upsets it and you constantly have to scold to shut upandcalm down, but won’t listen and will keep doing what it wants so you give up…
