#pass it on

hptals: Just wanted to thank all my new followers as well as my trusted and devoted followers here ohptals: Just wanted to thank all my new followers as well as my trusted and devoted followers here ohptals: Just wanted to thank all my new followers as well as my trusted and devoted followers here ohptals: Just wanted to thank all my new followers as well as my trusted and devoted followers here ohptals: Just wanted to thank all my new followers as well as my trusted and devoted followers here ohptals: Just wanted to thank all my new followers as well as my trusted and devoted followers here ohptals: Just wanted to thank all my new followers as well as my trusted and devoted followers here ohptals: Just wanted to thank all my new followers as well as my trusted and devoted followers here ohptals: Just wanted to thank all my new followers as well as my trusted and devoted followers here o


Just wanted to thank all my new followers as well as my trusted and devoted followers here on hptals and on mydarkangel2pls.
You really are the best. I apologize for the quality of my photos. My hands shake a bit so things looks weird sometimes. I try to fix it but I think I do more damage…

Anyway, new corsets, thanks to a lovely tumblrette, skirts to match because it was a necessary thing to do, especially for the club! New mini skirt from Harley Davidson, new party dress, new bikini, but best of all I’m smiling, and that is my good night message for you all. I’m smiling thanks to you.

Please take this smile and pass it on, knowing it started with you.

Angel loves ya’!


I really, truly dooooooooooooo! ❤️

Licks to the dicks, and special kisses to the misses!



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Hello, people! I intend to return from my lengthy absence, and this time I am armed with Photoshop so no more crap edits. But there’s one thing. If you are still interested in me/this blog can you please like this post? No need to reblog, just like. So I can know that there would be some reason to what I’m doing. If we were friends before I disappeared, talk to me. I had my reasons to go but that doesn’t mean I stopped wanting to be friends with you :(


samuel not making it into the top 11 is the biggest joke in the universe


i dont think whites understand how being white makes literally everything easier.

it effects everything.

being trans is easier when youre white.

being gay is easier when youre white.

being disabled is easier when youre white.

being a woman is easier when youre white.

being autistic is easier when youre white.

oppression is eased when you are white, as you get extra privileges, and your whiteness is seen as a positive characteristic that in some ways counter-balances your other forms of being a minority. whiteness controls everything.

you are automatically way more innocent in your own oppression as a gay, trans, disabled person because of your whiteness.

never forget this.

pass it on



Mercelot Week 2022

June 6th-12th


stab me in the heart

All the magic, all the fun

Will be yours in 2021.


mona vanderwaal is lowkey in love with hanna marin and highkey would do anything for her including cover up a death pass it on


So, ya’ll, who runs a WoT-only blog? I need more WoT content on my dash!

I’ll start. I was brushing my teeth while tumblring, when realized I missed half of my damn mouth. ~S



I know iPads are becoming a super popular drawing medium as of late, so I just wanted to put this out there: be wary of getting your device fixed at apple.

I had a barely 2 year old iPad that just up and quit working, I brought it to apple and they said it was a software issue with no fix. My apple insurance had JUST expired, so they told me I’d have to trade it in and spend $600 on a new one. I couldn’t afford that so I took it and left.

I ended up sending it to a mutual connection who fixes apple stuff on the DL. He figured out that the “software issue” was actually just a bad battery - a $100 fix. There was NO WAY that apple wasn’t going to pocket the $600 and then turn around and resell it for a profit.

This advice could go to all apple products: if they can’t fix it in the store for free take it somewhere else! They’ve made it impossible to fix at home but there are individuals out there with the tools and knowledge to fix it for less cost to you. Apple is corrupt. Don’t let them scam you like they almost did with me.

This guy is active in the “right to repair” movement, very often involving apple.  Has a bunch of repair videos up.


Have you noticed an increase in creators feeling burnt out, creatively drained, or unmotivated to continue doing what they love? Do you suspect your favorite creator is feeling unappreciated for all of their hard work?Do you fear creators leaving Tumblr, never to provide you with free content again?

Would you like to do something about it? Great! Help me do a little something to boost the community up and encourage the amazing writers and artists and creators of Tumblr to stick around, to keep doing what they do, to know that they are so loved and appreciated.

Participate in my Smile-A-Thon and spread the love around!

How can I help?

  • Leave feedback on a post that you really enjoy! Any comment, emoji, or gif reaction will do. Whether you read it 5 minutes ago or 8 months ago, the impact is just as strong. A silent note often isn’t enough, so go that extra mile for the people who do so much for you.
  • Send an ask to your favorite creators letting them know that you enjoy what they do, and that you are rooting for them! Knowing someone is cheering them on to keep creating and sharing their passion can really brighten someone’s day.
  • Reblog the content that you enjoy so that others can enjoy it too! Help creators get their stuff out there to others, it’s the best way they can get their creations out there.

What if I’m shy?

The anon feature is a great tool for you then! It’s like leaving a little sticky note on their door with no name on it, and they’ll know that someone, somewhere out there, is thinking of them.

How long does the Smile-A-Thon last?

Forever and ever!! Showing how much you appreciate someone, supporting those you enjoy posts from, and generally helping out the creators you consume content from, has no end date.

Creating content for others to enjoy is a lot of hard work. Don’t wait around and watch as your community slowly fades away. Do something about it. Say something. Reblog something. Besomethingto this community.


hey so it’s June 26, 2022 and the world is friggin nuts right now and i think we could all use a little more positivity right now so…

reblog to tell the person you reblogged from that you care about them and hope they have a good day. <3

Happy World Elephant Day!To help the conservation of elephants, visit these sites.  Born Free, Save

Happy World Elephant Day!

To help the conservation of elephants, visit these sites.  Born Free,Save the Elephants,Space for Giants, and Tsavo Trust.

For some quick, awesome facts visit here.

Elephant poaching has gotten out of hand because of the demand for their ivory tusks. The elephant is so ancient and majestic and what is happening to the species is heartbreaking. I believe if people knew more about these amazing creatures, people would, maybe, think twice about what they’re doing.

The elephant is the biggest land mammal on earth. Their massive size also carries a massive brain making them one of the most intelligent mammals on earth and have amazing learning abilities. Their brain also has a more complex and bigger hippo campus than any other mammal. This section of the brain is responsible for emotion. Yup, this means the elephant has more feelings and emotions than even us humans do.

When baby elephants are young, they can be blind for a short time. During this time, they have been seen to suck their trunks for comfort as like human babies do with their thumbs.

Female elephants have tight bonds and don’t leave their groups for life unless one dies or is captured by humans. Males, however, are more solitary and move between different herds. Elephants are very social. They are always touching one another, communicating in certain fashions, and intertwining trunks.

Elephants show much respect. They grieve for their loved ones who have died and even if an elephant passes another elephant they didn’t know who has passed, they still pay respect. There have also been reports of elephants burying dead humans.

The elephant’s only predator is human. However, lions will prey on elephants if they’re hungry enough.

The elephant is such an amazing, intelligent creature. These animals have rights.Saving them starts with you, so please, speak up.

Photo by: Oliver via Flickr

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