


paulkins is about how amazing and terrifying chance is, okay, they’re about how you never know what’s going to happen and how much time you’ll get with someone, it’s about something good being cut short or interrupted entirely

maybe the world will end the day after you meet someone you could’ve loved, and you’ll never get to know

maybe you will get to, but only for a few months

maybe your fucking artificial doubles will prevent you from ever meeting and get together themselves, living out the connection without you, that one’s a bit of a stretch but you know what I’m getting at-

paulkins is about stolen time and never getting enough of it, but loving what you got to have anyway. they’ll never get enough time maybe they’ll never really get any, but does anyone? isn’t it enough that we get any time at all? isn’t the briefest, most uncertain thing just as beautiful as eternity?

thebiggerbadderwolf:I’m planning on creating a lil comic, and needed to nail down actual designs for


I’m planning on creating a lil comic, and needed to nail down actual designs for these characters so… have a sketch dump, I suppose?

Post link

With NMT2 breaking up Lex and Ethan I vote the community as a whole form a protective wall around Tom and Becky to shield them from the menace that is Nick and Matt

I write for only one m/f couple and it’s not good

Part 2

When Paul and Emma found their way to the helicopter, a group of women and men stood in the park. Most wore army outfits, but all of them had goggles, which were dripping with blue…blood? Whatever it was they had instead, apparently.

“Oh, jesus on a stick. How do we get past them?”

“We can’t. The helicopter’s going to land there.”

“What the fuck do we do? Go through them?!”

“I guess. But this is the only way you can be safe. They’re everywhere, Emma. They…they killed Bill, and Alice.”

“Paul…I’m so sorry for your loss, your…?”

“My boyfriend, or ex, and my…ex daughter. They killed my family.”

Paul gritted his teeth, before handing Emma the gun.

“I’m going to distract them, you get to the helicopter.”

“What? Hell no, we’re going together.”

“I’ll meet you there, okay?”

In an instant, Emma swung up her arm, pointing the gun at Paul.

“No. I know what you’re trying to do, Paul, okay? Tough but broken guy, you promise you’re going to meet back up and then you fucking die? I’m not doing this again! We’re going together, and neither of us will die, and we’ll leave together!”

“Whoa, Emma, okay. We can go together.”

Emma breathed a sigh of relief as she lowered the gun, tucking it in her shorts. Emma stepped, before losing control and collapsing into Paul’s open arms.

“But if we get in trouble, I will get you out no matter what.”

“Paul, if you don’t get out, I’ll jump right back in.”

Paul smiled, before leaning in to kiss Emma.

“Together,” he mumbled against her lips.


Part 4

it’s always “i love you” and never “i don’t think of you like that at all, emma”

The Holy Trinity of Straight Ships in Hatchetfield:

  1. Duke and Holloway
  2. Peter and Stephanie
  3. Paul and Emma

I wish

Jon Matteson


Denise Donovan


PS: Robert, my love, Jaime’s bday is in May. Love you, though, no hate. I LOVE YOU, ROBERT MANION.

me? never finishing a teachers au fic for tgwdlm? it’s more likey than you think! :’)
