#nightmare time two


With NMT2 breaking up Lex and Ethan I vote the community as a whole form a protective wall around Tom and Becky to shield them from the menace that is Nick and Matt

They should turn Hatchetfield into a oversaturated and overexposed mess of a franchise like The MCU, I’m tired of waiting until October I want new content every week /j

My favourite thing about The Hatchetfield Series is that despite the shows being about Eldritch Deities and Superhumans the first and arguably most beloved show is about

  • Some guy
  • His crush
  • His coworkers who probably should have died before the 4th number
  • Lesbian Teen
  • Jeff Blim+
  • And fucking Hidgens

A great mini-video essay by Unstructured on YouTube about the “I Want Song” (or lack thereof in TGWDLM)

It’s only 5 minutes long and definitely worth a watch cause this is one of my favourite topics to talk about when discussing the show cause it’s just so freaking clever

One unexpected side effect of the pandemic is that I can no longer watch the scene where Emma coughs up blood on Paul without cringing immensely

On this Christmas Night we’re left to ponder the eternal question of “Did Santa’s plan to disguise himself as a teen to reconnect with the youth in order to get them all back on the nice list work?”

therealteamstarkid on Instagram I know you mean well but please do not imply that the boat captain is Man In A Hurry because I will be forced to theorise

was he hurrying to his ship?!?!!

Genuine question did Starkid lose the files for NMT2? Cause it’s been 6 months without a word on the YouTube release

This blog is pretty dead and it’s for 4 reasons

  1. There has been no new updates for Hatchetfield in months regarding old stuff being rereleased or new stuff coming out so it’s hard to be hyped. I’m sure when Hatchetfield returns it’s gonna come back crazy but until then it’s hard to get excited
  2. For the first time in my life I actually care about school and doing well education wise (it’s crazy) so that’s taking up 90% of my attention now. I’m in a grind school at the moment meaning I see my friends and family a lot less and maintaining relationships with them is very important to me,I just don’t have the time to make posts or at least good ones
  3. I’m writing! I’ve always loved storytelling but I’ve finally made a story that I’m determined to share with people. I’m working on the first draft for the forceable future and it’s taken up all of my creative energy cause I want it to be as great as I know it can be but unfortunately I truly do not have the creative energy to be writing everyday for another story that’s not mine
  4. So far (and it’s still March) 2022 has been the worst year of my life, I’ve been dealing with sickness, a personal death, been trying counselling for the first time ever and am currently in the middle of getting an ADHD diagnosis which at my age is proving to be very difficult (if only I was a 7 year old boy with too much energy). Hatchetfield and Starkid in general has always brought me a lot of joy so whenever they decide to post NMT2 to YouTube or create more stuff for the series I will be back but until then enjoy this photo of Nick Lang’s original design of Lex

(The leg warmers tho….)
