#phases of life


I just woke up 8 minutes before a virtual interview, and just got offered a job in a field I knew I was destined to be in making $6ish more than my highest paying job. While still having time to focus on my upcoming business ventures.

Recap; For the first interview I showed up late late, forgot to mention having any experience with kids, and got a ticket. Normally this would all seem like signs to not do it but to me they’re just distractions to test my desire and fire for this job.

This proved to me what it means to be the creator of your own reality. I could of beat myself up for going to be 5 hours before my interview, i could of just went back to sleep and said fuck it. But giving up doesn’t live here anymore, I did my best to fix myself up, set up my camera, and hopped on that call. I’m so fucking grateful, thankful, and honestly empowered by source and my entire spiritual council.


to everyone who has crazy dreams they’re pulling out the void to bring to reality. If nobody else believes in your passion, mission, or goal just know a random 22 year old somewhere in the world is rooting you on, standing by your side, and wants to see your mark be made on this world.

What does “fear of success” actually mean?

I’m about to be 23 years old, and i’ve seen people with money and people without money grow up. Here’s a couple differences i’ve picked up from (doesn’t apply to everyone)

Kids with more money typically had money in their youth. Mainly from having a job.

Kids without money were more likely do go home and do whatever tf they wanted with their time.

As adults those who grew up with money more than likely have more lavish (we not taking kim k lavish, just causal nice looking lives) lives today whether it be starting families, leasing cars, buying homes, ect ect.

Those who grew up without are still in a childish mindset, living at home, working a job just to have money to go out and do whatever they want, ect blahzay blahzay. ON THE FLIP SIDE these adults are also the most creative mother fers, starting businesses, working on their craft and passions everything. It’s amazing to see honestly. that being able to keep your childhood lead to more creative adults.

This still begs the question, what is a fear of success? I believe, and you take what resonates, that a fear of success comes from the experience of how difficult it was for your family to make enough money growing up. Some don’t fear success they fear unhappiness and know that their success will make them happy. To change the game for yourself would mean facing the unknown.

and we know how scary that shit is.

So now i ask myself, do i fear success, do i fear uncertainty, or do I fear failure?

In hindsight and for the future, maybe we need to find a balance. i’m choosing to live ✨LAVISH✨ and starting young would of been a nice jumpstart. Love that i’m who i am just wish i had a better idea of where i was going when i was younger. But where i’m heading wouldn’t have existed had i not gone through it all.

I will actively choose everyday to be the antihero. mind my own business and help if i wanna
