#pixar brave


I’m contemplating of whether or not I’ll ditch my documentary film and re-read all the rise of the brave tangled dragons fan fictions I’ve saved. I’m over here like:

I can’t even ask help from you guys, cus honestly you’d pick the latter option. Yeah I know you guys

So, here is my part on the Challenge @big4girlposted.

I made some bad parts on this cus I was really not good with hands if it’s like small LMAO HAHAHA.

Here’s Merida, she’s the guardian during the Fall/Autumn. She loves to do Archery, and she plays with fire. I did my best, and I’m not really good with Digital art so I did what I can. Hope you like it tho!!

Hey ya’ll, I’m here to gift you a story uwu. Hope you like it! 

»»————- ★ ————-««    {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.}     »»————- ★ ————-««

I wished everything was just a dream, but of course that’s an understatement of the century. “Why are we even here?” I asked, Alex pulling up as she looked at me. “Come on Y/n, lighten up! This is a party you’ve been wanting to go remember?” “Yeah, when I was gooie eyes with my ex.” I said, rolling my eyes as I slump further to the seat. “Come on, you’ve been bugging me to go here. I won’t even go here if you won’t! Besides, you told me you wanted to take your revenge, then this is the right moment!” Alex narrowed her eyes on me, before giving out a sigh of defeat. “Fine, but you’re sticking with me the entire day.” “Of course, I wouldn’t even miss the opportunity to see his face.” She said, as she got out of the car followed by me. The party, which I longed to be part of, was just another ploy of Alex. I didn’t knew about she had planned another ‘make-the-ex-suffer’ until a while ago. She planned it all along, but I know it’s not all about me. I have a tingling idea that she did this because her crush was here and she wanted to push her luck to him. The bloke hasn’t realize the man is already in love with her. 

Alex looped her arm around mine, looking at me with her mischievous glim. “Are you ready?” “Ready when you are.” I said, giving her the same mischievous grin. We walked up to the door, ringing the doorbell. The door swung open revealing, Travis, Alex’s crush. “Hey Travis. Mind if we come in?” I said, giving him a wave. Alex, shut up for a moment before giving Travis one of her genuine smile. “H-Hey, Alex.” “Hey.” I rolled my eyes, and raise my eyebrow at him. “Oh right, come on in ladies.” He said, gave space for us to enter. The place was packed, a lot of people coming from various univerisities. “Nice place Travis.” “Thanks, it’s one of our vacation house. Make yourself comfortable guys.” Travis said, before leaving us. It took for a moment before Alex looked at me quickly, causing me to jump a little. “Do I look okay?” “Like a goddess.” I said, hiding my smile at how fidgety she was. We took a glass of champagne, and took our time to look at the people. Me and alex went straight to the bar counter after dancing for a while. “Not bad for a party, I’ll give that to Travis.” “Yeah..” Alex said, I looked at the direction she was looking. Travis was being surrounded by ladies who were grinding themselves at him. I can see the bitterness all over her face, I was trying not to laugh at her. “You can go and catch your man.” “What?” Alex said, looking as if she heard me right. “I won’t leave you. I made a promise.” “And that promise was fulfilled, so go on. I’ll be okay.” I said, smiling at her, giving her the grin I’ve been hiding for a while. She looked at me before giving me a hug. “I’ll give you your favorite sweets.” She said and went off running to the direction Travis is.

“Can I get an Espresso Martini please.” I said, “Looks like somebody’s here to babysit.” He said, which I chuckled as a reply. The drink was finally made and was given to me. I took my time drink and drank it slowly. Nothing like a caffeine could make me survive. “Can I have a Daiquiri please, thanks.” A person beside me said. I looked at the person beside me, took me by suprise when his hair was white as snow. His side was a scene to be admired for. Like a figure sculpted by Michaelangelo himself. “Am I that good looking that you’re staring at me intensely.” The man said, I shooked my head and looked down, trying to hide the creeping blush. The man chuckled beside me, he turned around to face me. His gaze on my face, causing me to fidget but I did what he did. I turned to look at him, feeling his eyes look at me from top to bottom. “Nothing of that sort, you’re just full of yourself.” I said, taking a sip of my drink. The man gave out a chuckle. “Did you just arrive?” “Why do you ask?” “Cus’ I’ve never seen such beauty before in my life.” He said, giving me a smile that could lure anyone. I gave out a scoff, a mockery if you ask me. “Beauty on the outside, doesn’t define anyone. Perhaps you’re looking on the outside and not trying to deepen the conversation.” I said, sipping again as I hide a grin. The bartender gave out a short laugh not until he turned around to hide it. The man looked at me in bewilderement, only give me a mischievous smile. “Let me formally introduce myself. My name is Jack.” “A pleasure to be acquianted with you Jack.” I said, giving him a handshake, he lift my hand to only place a kiss to it. “All pleasure is mine.” 

I pulled away, my smile forming at his action. I heard a loud cheer until I finally saw who it was. Alex was pulling on Travis’ collar, kissing him ina heated manner. “Are you a friend of Travis?” “Yes, I am. We went to the same school before taking different Universities.” I said, finally being able to finish the drink. The drink finally awoke my body, seems a better choice. “How about another drink Miss..” “Y/n, call me in that name.” I said, looking at the direction Alex was, only to find them nowhere. “Looks like your friend left.” Jack said, I looked at him warely before taking out my phone. It only rang for a while before it beep. “How about I take you home?” Jack asked, I looked at him, narrowing my eyes as I thought of any possible circumstances. “Look, I’m not going to do anything to you. Unless you ask for it.” He said, smirking at me. I rolled my eyes at his joke, “Come on.” I said, as I struggled to leave whilst everyone was dancing. Only to be pulled by a hand. I looked at the hand before looking up. “Y/n? Is it really you?” My ex said, looking at me smugly. I pulled away hard. Grimacing of the thought of him here. Can’t believe I fell for this boy. “Nice to see you here. You’re looking better. Just the way I like it.” He said, eyeing me from top to bottom as his eyes hungrily looked at me. “What do you want?” “Nothing, just wanting to say that I’ve missed you.” He said, as his hands snake to my hips. “Excuse me, do you mind? Don’t touch my girlfriend.” Jack butted in, pushing my ex away from me. I looked at Jack signaling him that I wanted to leave. “Jack, seems you found my girl. How is she? I heard she’s a good–” He wasn’t able to finish his sentence when Jack’s knuckles met his face. “Another word from you is enough to sour my day.” Jack said, as he got my arm and pulled me away from the crowd. The crowd parted, giving us some space. 

As we left the place, Jack pulled me infront of his car. Opening the door for me. “Come on, we’re just going to get some ice-cream.” He said, signling me to come inside. I decided, to just go with him since my ride won’t be leaving anytime soon. So i got in his car, he closed the door and went to the drivers seat. He drove a few miles before speaking up. “You okay?” I looked at him momentarily before giving him a small nod. We arrived to an ice-cream parlour, the parlour I usually go to when I’m feeling unwell. He got out first followed by me. As he open the door for me, I gave him a small smile before entering. “Hey welcome! What can I get for you?” “Can I get a chocolate and cookies n cream flavoured Ice-cream?” “And how about you ma’am?” “Same flavor as well. Thank you.” I said, and got to sit at the nearest table. I was followed by Jack and he to sat in front of me. “Thanks, Jack. For everything.” “Don’t mention it. I won’t leave a pretty lady behind.” He said, grinning at me as he said does words. Flutter felt through my tummy, trying to conceal the eminent blush on my face. Jack laughed at my reaction. I gave him a small smack on the hand, until I finally smiled at him. “You’re more beautiful when you smile, you know that right?” “Flattery won’t get you anywhere Jack.” “What? I’m just stating the fact here.” He said, we continued to converse until we finally left the parlour. He drove me to my home.

 I got out of my car, along with him who seemed to be please of the events. “Thank you for everything again Jack.” “No problem, I’m glad I did everything.” I said, giving him a chuckle. “Now, can I at least get something in return?” “What do you want?” “How about a kiss.” He said, I looked at him shortly before coming closer to him. I was about to give him a kiss on the cheek when his face turned, causing me to kiss his lips. It was a short one, only a mere peck. But it got him grining widely. I pulled his collar and kissed him, he seems to be please at the sudden action. He deepen the kiss, who knows how long it was. But after we parted, he rested his forehead on mine. “Didn’t know you had the guts.” Jack said, I only gave him a smack on the arm, a playful one of course. “I’ll see you tomorrow how about that? The same parlour a while ago. “Sure, it’s a date, love.” He said and winked at me before entering his car. I was about to enter my house when Jack called my name. “I’ll be sure to taste those lips again tomorrow!” 

»»————- ★ ————-««    {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.}     »»————- ★ ————-««

And with that I bid you all farewell. I am glad to actually make another story. I’ve been wanting to write one but I’m a lazy ass for sure. HAHAHAH Anyway Hope you guys love it.


Chapter 10: Team Planning

Rapunzel’s POV: 

After the dragon racing, it took a lot of effort to push Merida to do something. Perhaps it’s because of how she felt about the dragon racing, or so we thought. “I told ye guys, I can’ walk!” “Oh come on red, you’ve been cooped up in the Phoenixs’ house for a week now!” Jack said, trying to pull up Merida from the coach. “Honestly Jack, ye can’ just leave me alone for another week! I told ye, my body aches from the flyin’!” Merida said, as she roughly kicked Jack away from her causing Jack to stumble. “What did you even do to get to this state anyways?” I said, wrapping my hair at the exact location merida is pointing where it aches. “Even ya Punzie? Mor’du help me.” “Don’t push away the question red-head.” Jack said, sitting down as he twirls around his staff. I sang as my hair glows from the roots to the tip of my hair. “Like I said a few days ago, I went out after te Dragon racing.” All of us raised our eyebrows as we looked at each other before looking back at Merida. 

“ And I had uhm, caught into a problem so I had te fend me self.” So that’s news for us. what problem was it?” Hiccup asked, pushing Merida to tell us but to no avail. “It was no biggie, Kryton was with me. Das why me body aches till now.” Merida said, removing my hair from parts of her body as she tries to move slowly but surely. “Ye done this couple of times now, it ain’ workin’ I’m tellin’ ye.” Merida started, gasping as one part of her body still ached even after wrapping it with my hair. “Maybe you should see Professor Strongbear?” Hiccup asked, as we both help Merida settle down gently to the couch. Suddenly Jack came walking at us, shoving both of us out of the way. “Jack, what’s the problem?” I asked, a little shock to his sudden action. Jack scan Merida’s body, until he finally caught a glance at Merida’s neck. “Did someone bit you?” “No, but I do remember bein’ stung last time.” She said, rubbing the sore place. “We gotta get you to Strongbear ASAP. Come on Hiccup, help me carry her.” Jack said, Hiccup nodded and quickly went to Merida’s side to support her. “I knew it, If you can’t tell us something sooner, you’d be dead by now.” Jack blurted, The shock in all of our face was shown whilst I opened the door for them. Closing it as soon as they got out, I quickly went beside Jack. “What do you mean ‘dead’?” “There’s a small purplish spot on her neck. It’s not some paint nor ink, it’s one of Pitchs’ weapon.” Merida looked at Jack horrified, “Wait, so am I goin’ te die?!” “Hmm, tell me princess, are you afraid of a train coming out of your body?” Jack asked, a smirk plastered on his face. Hiccup and I looked at each other, confuse to what he was referring to.

Merida’s POV: 

AHHHH! Bloody Roaster!” I yelled, I didn’t asked for this. I swearto Mor’du myself that I’d rather get eaten by a pack of wolf than be in this situation. “Miss. Merida, I have you know, stating a foul word won’t help you.” Professor Strongbear said, as he did what he was doing for the past 30 minutes. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” “Oh shut yer pus Jack- GAHHHH!” I gasped, tighting my hold to Jacks’ arm. “Okay ow ow ow!” Jack said, trying to remove my hand from his arm. Hiccup on the other hand, was trying so hard not to laugh while pinning down my other arm. “And done!” Professor Strongbear said, as he got the last one out. I finally removed my hold to Jack, whilst Hiccup let go of my other arm. Professor Strongbear got a plaster and put it on my neck. I got up from the bed, and looked at the plate filled with dark wiggling worms. “Wha’ in Hackit is tha’?” I said as shivers ran throughout my body. Rapunzel twirled her hair around my neck, “Come on, let’s heal it quicker.” She said, which I obliged her to do. As her golden hair glow, Professor Strongbear got them in a small jar and closed it. “These are some rare parasites you have Merida. Where on Earth did you go to be able to have 5 parasitic worms in your neck?!” “A long story Professor, but wha’ is et?” “These are curvigris. A type of worm used to paralyze people. I haven’t seen one especially it has been extinct for-” “For 5,000.” Jack stated along as Professor Strongbear nodded in agreement. “Just rest up a bit, you’ll get better in no time. The toxins from the worms will be gone soon. In the meantime, I’ll leave you guys to take care of her.” Professor Strongbear said, and left us. The three then looked at me, as if I needed much more explaining to do. “Where did you go after the dragon racing?” “Who did you or what did you find?” “Speak up or I can spank you with a pan Merida.” Rapunzel said last, looking at me as she squints her eyes to be intimidating. “Okay fine! I’ll tell ye wha’ happened that night.” I looked at them and got out something from my pockets. A small fragment of a gem that glowed vividly. “Is that–” “Yes, it’s a small piece of the gem Eve was talkin’ about. Remember what she told us about it?” Rapunzel said, picking up the small piece, as she passsed it on to the others to looked at. “Why do you have a fragment of it?” Hiccup asked, passing it back to me. “Last night after the Dragon Racing..” 


Nobody’s POV: 

The night was chilly, after the gangs small get together for Hiccup and Merida’s mini party. They went to their seperate ways. Merida has thought of going back to her room when a small cry was heard. She looked around to see if someone was just playing with her hearing, but it happened again, causing her to leap from the sound. She went back inside and got on Kryton. She instructed Kryton to follow the sound. They finally landed on the farthest end of the forest. Merida followed it, Kryton follow pursuit as it also analyzes it surrounding. Until finally, a small glow of an object was illuminated by the Moonlight. Merida went closer, slowly as she tries to look for any traps or possible predators just waiting to jump on her. As she finally got closer, she circled the gem, seems to be floating above. As she was about to touch it, a small evil laugh was heard from behind them. Merida twirled around to find a shadow figure, eyes glowing from the dark. “W-Who are ye?!” Merida asked, but only a laugh was heard from the figure. Merida thought of her bow and arrow, but she have forgotten about it, a stupid part of her as what she said. “It seems, you’re just what my father have said, a little fiesty.” The dark figure said, as it moves ever so slowly in to the light. The figure slowly sown apart of its face. “I said, wha’ ye want?!” Merida said, signaling Kryton to be prepared if the figure does something stupid. “I’m no one, but perhaps, you’ll know me soon enough, my love.” The figure said, disappearing but suddenly was now closer to Merida. Merida twirled around to find the figure taller than her, much more pale, and eyes whiter than it should be. “For now, this is my gift for you.” The figure said, and slowly cares Meridas’ neck and before Merida could remove the person’s hands away, a stung caused her to stumble a little. She looked at the figure, holding her neck as it stung even worst that it should be. “Wha’ did ye do!?” Merida said, her breathe getting rougher by the second. The tall figure only laughed and slowly backed away from the light to finally disappearing. Kryton helped Merida to stand up, whimpering at her Masters state. “I’ll be alright ye big beby. Ugh, just, we gotta go back.” She said, and slowly got to Kryton. 


To Be Continued

  • »»————- ★ ————-««            »»————- ★ ————-««

Knock Knock! Yes it is I, Lord Farquaad, here to bring you the next update. Just kidding! Hey guys what is up?! It’s finally summer break and I had an inkling to update as soon as possible. I hope you guys like this chapter, it’s not much of an event but I tried, I still have a lot of things to think about especially our finals wasn’t pushed through because of the COVID happening. But no matter, I still am a reckless bad ass I am. 

Thank you guys so much for welcoming me back! I’ll have a story come up soon for the one shots *wenk wonk* If you have any request, feel free to leave a message at the tone *Stonks* What I meant is leave a message privately. Give me details for what you want. And that’s all it’s like 10:18PM here at my country. Guess I won’t be having a goodnight sleep again. 

Book 1:  CHAPTERS:1-2-3(1)-3(2)-4(1)-4(2)-5(1)-5(2)-6(1)-6(2)-7(1)-7(2)-8(1)-8(2)-9(1)-9(2)

Scribbly Merida (some color over an old storysketch of mine) for World Princess Week.

Disney Princess Precure! I know people have tried this concept before, of them being magical girls, Disney Princess Precure! I know people have tried this concept before, of them being magical girls, Disney Princess Precure! I know people have tried this concept before, of them being magical girls, Disney Princess Precure! I know people have tried this concept before, of them being magical girls, Disney Princess Precure! I know people have tried this concept before, of them being magical girls,

Disney Princess Precure! 

I know people have tried this concept before, of them being magical girls, but I wanted to be a bit more specific. I wanted to see all the princesses from the Precure/Pretty Cure season I felt they would best fit in. Didn’t want to go too into it because I have other projects in the works, so I admit these are just traces with some edits here and there to fit them. Color was picked from their official art. 

1| 2 | 3

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Cartoon Characters quote Marvel Cinematic Universe 
