#pizza bread


Recipe #115 - Pizza Bread

For full effect, listen to the Luca soundtrack.

Just in case you have no idea what this recipe has to do with Midnight in Salem, here is an image I received from Her to help me identify the food items on sale at Lauren’s shop:

This was so fun to assemble! It really felt like I was making art because I painted the sauce on with a brush and arranged the toppings to fit the aesthetic I was going for. I added the fresh basil after the bread came out of the oven so it would keep its bright green color and make everything really pop. I could’ve gone for a normal pizza, but I just can’t say no to fresh mozzarella so I went Margherita.

My two complaints about the results I got were the lack of sauce and the thickness of the bread. I think if I made this again I would spoon the sauce onto the bread instead of painting it on, the sauce layer was just too thin. The bread (ciabatta) was fine once I got it in my mouth, but it was very challenging to cut, even with a heavy duty steak knife.

The pizza sauce recipe I followed was very good, but it felt less “from scratch” than I had hoped. The majority of the sauce came from a big can of crushed tomatoes, so it didn’t feel too different from just buying a can of sauce. Oh well, I tried.

Recipe for pizza bread:

Here is my source

-1 loaf of bread (I went with ciabatta because it has a wide surface area to work with)

-¼ cup olive oil

-1 ¾ cups shredded mozzarella (I went with fresh mozzarella)

-¼ cup finely shredded parmesan cheese

-Desired toppings

Recipe for pizza sauce:

Here is my source

-1 ½ tbsp olive oil

-2 tsp minced garlic

-3 tbsp tomato paste

-1 (15 oz) can of crushed tomatoes (I used a 12 oz can and was fine)

-2 tbsp chopped, fresh basil

-1 ½ tsp oregano

-Salt and pepper

Excited to be getting into some more MID recipes. Not my favorite Nancy Drew game, but it brought me a bunch of new cooking/baking opportunities and for that I’m grateful. Until next time, keep on cookin’!
