#please im gay and broke


Hey I’m not dead

And I’ve got these

All are available in white and black

If you like these, go have a look

(I’ve got more colours but tumbler won’t let me add them):

I’m sure there’s some weird fucker out there who’d like this

I still don’t know why I did this, but it exist, and that’s not my problem. If you want this cursed design on a T-shirt, or shower curtain, have a look at my Redbubble:

Hello There

I’m an Australian artist who recent thought It would be a good idea to open up a Redbubble shop, yay

I do a bunch of art from lgbtq art, black and white art, and more, for example:

If your interested in my art, or just want to support me, go have a look (please I’m gay and broke)

I’m open to suggestions and new ideas
