#redbubble account


To the one person who brought pole dancing Kermit, you’re gonna have one hell of a year.

Ay, I’ve got new stuff

I may have stated befor but I’m an aboriginal artist. I’ve been trying to incorporate tradition aboriginal art into a contemporary digital art style, this is the result of that, the meaning of the art is basically different people coming together into the middle which is the syomble for meeting place or campfire.

Now available on my redbubble

Hey I’m not dead

And I’ve got these

All are available in white and black

If you like these, go have a look

(I’ve got more colours but tumbler won’t let me add them):

I’m sure there’s some weird fucker out there who’d like this

I still don’t know why I did this, but it exist, and that’s not my problem. If you want this cursed design on a T-shirt, or shower curtain, have a look at my Redbubble:

Spooky ghost, but they’re gay

A but late for Halloween, but adorable nonetheless

Available on my Redbubble


Hello Tumblr! This is a little embarrassing for me, but I recently ended up in the hospital. I have to wait 30 days for the bill but I already have a feeling it is going to be a lot because I have really awful insurance. I’m not asking for money, but if you can see this post please take a moment to check out my redbubble or please reblog/signal boost. Anything helps and I am incredibly appreciative.


Hello Tumblr! This is a little embarrassing for me, but I recently ended up in the hospital. I have to wait 30 days for the bill but I already have a feeling it is going to be a lot because I have really awful insurance. I’m not asking for money, but if you can see this post please take a moment to check out my redbubble or please reblog/signal boost. Anything helps and I am incredibly appreciative.

Hello Tumblr! This is a little embarrassing for me, but I recently ended up in the hospital. I have to wait 30 days for the bill but I already have a feeling it is going to be a lot because I have really awful insurance. I’m not asking for money, but if you can see this post please take a moment to check out my redbubble or please reblog/signal boost. Anything helps and I am incredibly appreciative.
