#pokemon giovanni


pokespe be like

giovanni: i run a business based on mishandling living creatures. long term plans include world domination.

pryce: i will steal your 2 year old son and make him a faceless slave to further my plans to control time so i can bring my pokemon back from the grave




EYYY, Monstrosity au! Let’s start off with the big man himself, Giovanni

(Please, for the love of all things holy and unholy, click the image for better quality lol)

Short summary. Monstrosity au Giovanni is the result of experimentation gone bad. He’s very dangerous if provoked but is also trapped in the lab where he was altered into… well… this

Story and “gameplay” below the cut

Keep reading

Holy shit i love this au. Well i am a huuuuge giovanni fan as well so that helps but this au is also rly cool. Totally invested, id love to hear more about it. I do wonder what happens to giovannis brother after gio basically saves his bro from their mom, does his brother tries to save gio from the abandonned rocket lab? Oe maybe he wasnt aware. Do they come in contact again after the good ending? I do wanna know what gio does of his life after the good ending as well. Ah so many questions, sorry for the rambling!

I can answer some of your questions right here!

Fran has no idea that Giovanni saved his ass and is trapped in a lab. He has near to no contact with Giovanni so he just assumed Gio not picking up his phone was Gio finally cutting contact with him.

They would come in contact after the good ending. It would be a very emotional reunion with Fran blaming himself for not finding Giovanni sooner and Giovanni just happy that he’s there with his brother and that Fran is okay.

As for Giovanni’s life after the good ending: he would spend a lot of time in therapy to relearn how to walk, act like a person again, and deal with the trauma of… well, everything. He’d never be able to live on his own and would likely end up living with one of his admins, Fran, or Silver. Basically just try his best to recover and live quietly while constantly fighting the urge to return to feline and knock the glass of water off the counter. (Also hardcore catnip addict lol)

If you have any other questions feel free to shoot me an ask

EYYY, Monstrosity au! Let’s start off with the big man himself, Giovanni

(Please, for the love of all things holy and unholy, click the image for better quality lol)

Short summary. Monstrosity au Giovanni is the result of experimentation gone bad. He’s very dangerous if provoked but is also trapped in the lab where he was altered into… well… this

Story and “gameplay” below the cut

Story: After the events of Red and Blue Giovanni was left shamed and made a fool of by mere children. This caused some internal friction among not only the grunts and admins but also with Madame Boss, Giovanni’s mother and superior. She demanded that he would make up for this failure, starting with the recreation of mewtwo. Giovanni explained that everything used to create mewtwo had been destroyed but Madame Boss didn’t care. She demanded it and her word was final.

The team initially tried using Alakazam as a stand in, upping their psychic potential but almost all subjects died or were left in a vegetative state. With pokemon bases being a bust Madame suggested using human subjects, Giovanni and the admins reluctantly agreeing. More progress was made over the following months, but as they were reaching perfection they had exaughsted all psychics in Kanto and Jhoto. Madame insisted that they’d need just a few more and decided to use Giovanni’s twin brother, Francisco, to get the job done.

Giovanni disagreed, wanting to protect his brother from such a fate. Madame Boss agreed but decided to use him instead. By this point most of the afmins had left Team Rocket, believing Madame Boss was out of control, so there was little resistance to the idea.

Giovanni was the first and only success.

It was not long after that that Team Rocket completely caved, the death of Madame Boss hitting the team hard. Giovanni was left abandoned in the lab, stuck in his cell waiting for someone to find him, his mind slowly deteriorating.

Gameplay: You play as Looker investigating not only the downfall of Team Rocket but the reports of strange psychic happenings in an old Team Rocket hideout. Which exploring the hideout you’d accidentally trigger the “Intruder Lockdown” system, kicking everything into action.

You’d plunge deeper into the hideout and slowly piece together what happened to Team Rocket while also figuring out what this hideout was used for, that second part becomes clear kinda quickly though. After encountering Giovanni the main goal would likely be to escape: turning off the intruder lockdown and getting back upstairs.

If you choose to stick around and find all the information surrounding the hideout and Giovanni you could encounter a second ending: one where you rescue Giovanni and take him out of the hideout.

And thats it for Giovanni (story and “gameplay” wise) if people find this interesting I could post stuff outside of the basic summary.

Some screenshots of google translate trying to translate some text on the reference sheets for the team rainbow rocket leaders in USUM

“Smile” with some added features by me 

“Megumi” who dat

*tips fedora* “M’Mortal”

Seems accurate 



ᴼ ᴾ ᴱ ᴺ ᴵ ᴺ ᴳ


Face ONLY for Hama


“Face” I see that

He can’t feel joy unless it’s ✨ₒₒₗ✨



Now it’s textured


You can tell Giovanni is getting a little long in the tooth because he’s wearing a cardigan and a turtleneck

Ghetsis Sketchdump

Feat my friend‘s and my cursed crack Shit. GG. Giovanni and Ghetsis.

I refuse to elaborate further.

No one Probably gives a shit since this isn‘t submas. But I really felt like making kid versions of some of the villains.

Some additional info headcanons Me and My friend came up with while I was designing them :

•Archie grew up by the beach and often went looking for heartscales and pearls. He loved bringing them home to show his mom. His dad was either a sailor or captain, so he wasn‘t home much.

•Maxie is really into scrapbooking and treasure hunting/looking for knick knacks and other fun stuff. He does have a metal-detector in his funny little bag, but often his Numel helped him dig for stuff.

(Additional for them - Maxie and Archie met through treasure hunting at the beach one day and became friends because I said so.)

TW/ hinted Pokémon/Animal abuse

• Ghetsis grew up without a father figure and only had his mother looking after him. He developed a hatered for Pokémon and discovered that he enjoys seeing them suffer or in pain. It‘s a bit dark so make of this whatever you will.

What he‘s using the stick for? Who knows. But rest assured that Karma came back and bit him in the ass. He‘s covering his eye for a reason.

• Giovanni is a spoiled brat. He grew up wealthy since his mother (canonically known as ‚Madame Boss‘) founded Team Rocket and made a shitload of money through that. His mom didn‘t really have much time for him so whatever he wanted, he gets. His Meowth (which evolved into his beloved Persian) was meant as a distraction for him so he doesn‘t bother her. It‘s safe to say that she is now his little princess and closest friend.

Additional sketches of Giovanni‘s Mother (she‘s canon, go look her up.)

They don‘t have the best relationship. Ever since Giovanni took over Team Rocket, they barely ever see eachother.

• Cyrus is a neglected, introverted kid that spends most his time in his room. He loves tech and tinkers around with it all the time. His Zubat (later Crobat) is his only companion to keep him company all day.


James: Please don’t die.



Giovanni, confused: Why are they yelling at a plant?

Meowth, watching while eating popcorn: They bought it together and want to accept it as their child.

Jessie:What if people had food names and food had people names?

James:Hey spaghetti, we’re having Giovanni for dinner.

Meowth:What is wrong with you two?

Jessie:Shut up, shrimp.
