#political discourse


Just read this and had to share.

“I’ll admit that I’m reasonably certain of a lot of the kinds of things that people talk about.”

Just leaving it here.

hey lmao i changed my name to gus/reno and also im a tucute and use neopronouns and i dont reeaally feel like using this account ever again but if you’re chill with me i run an active (we have like. 40 people) discourse server and im potentially looking for a new mod or two




here have fun, link never expires

hey so my opinions in the past were kinda doodoo and i guess i never really addressed them, which is awfully stupid of me

so here!

honestly gave up on being a transmed. not a tucute but jesus christ im just tired of y’alls toxic asses

same thing for the ace debate, i could care less 

pro choice 

left leaning

acab (this one has changed)

blm (my uneducated ass used to say alm)

i strongly dislike donald trump AND biden

thank you these have been my opinions no one asked for, i will now die for the next 4885745874858.34889 years 

uhh, hi! i made a discourse server! again! because i want to be active in this stuff without the toxicity of tumblr beyond me!

i’ll make an official post soon but it’s still in its baby stages so ;;;

everyone is welcome! we have multiple fun bots, discourse channels, channels to show your art or your pets or the like, etc. feel free to promo this to your friends! keep in mind that we do have measures in place to prevent raids.

come on and join trans rights, baby!




