

If a label is comfortable to you, it is your label. No one but you can define your own labels. Not your friend. Not your family. Not the cryptid staring at you in the corner- you: wait there’s a cryptid staring at me in the corner- not an exclusionist. The point is. Be proud of your identity. No one can ever tell you who you are. Your existence is vaild.


All of you anti-pan bi’s and anti-bi pan’s are literally so infuriating. Stop with the revisionist bullshit. Literally just think critically for ONCE people.

Stop using the bisexual manifesto agaisnt non bi mspecs. Stop saying bisexuality is transphobic or pansexuality is transphobic. Stop saying pansexuality doesn’t exist and is just bisexuality. And for fuck’s sake recognize polysexual people?

Neither bisexuality or pansexuality are transphobic or problematic. Some of the people who use the terms may be, but the terms themselves are NEUTRAL.

There is nothing wrong with coining a more specific term to describe being attracted to all genders. Would you tell lesbians to not call themselves lesbians and that they’re just gay/homosexual? No! You wouldn’t. Just like lesbian, pansexual is a term to simply specify attraction further. So is polysexual.

Bisexuality includes trans people always has. Bisexuality isnt just about being attracted to men and women and includes nonbinary people.

Pansexual and polysexual may be used by some transphobes to describe being attracted to trans people but that is an issue with transphobes not pansexuality or polysexuality.

Bisexual is functionally an umbrella term but that doesn’t mean you can shove individual people who specifically do not identify as bisexual under it and call them bisexual.

Literally. I promise you this shit about bi pan hostility is so FAKE stop buying into it. PLEASE.

I am BEGGING you, as someone who has been involved in the lgbtq+ community for nearly half their life, STOP IT.

You are encouraged to reblog this.

Ace people are wonderful and deserve love and happiness.

People who aren’t ace don’t get to decide what ace issues are, or which ones are most important.

And don’t y’all comment with any “but the cishet aces!” crap because ace issues affect more than just cis straight aces, and if you can’t see past your exclusionary rhetoric to know that, then leave.

People who aren’t ace don’t get to decide what ace issues are or which ones are most important.

Ace and aro people are awesome and wonderful and great ✨

Ace people are wonderful and amazing and deserve to be proud of their ace identity.

recently got targeted on ig for using neos and most of the people here were bullying me for it

so here’s a handy blocklist for any neousers/inclus who wanna stay safe and avoid bullying on ig for their opinions /srs

just got told i’m transphobic and make a mockery of the trans community since i use neos

all from a cis girl

not sure how to feel

hey so my opinions in the past were kinda doodoo and i guess i never really addressed them, which is awfully stupid of me

so here!

honestly gave up on being a transmed. not a tucute but jesus christ im just tired of y’alls toxic asses

same thing for the ace debate, i could care less 

pro choice 

left leaning

acab (this one has changed)

blm (my uneducated ass used to say alm)

i strongly dislike donald trump AND biden

thank you these have been my opinions no one asked for, i will now die for the next 4885745874858.34889 years 

uhh, hi! i made a discourse server! again! because i want to be active in this stuff without the toxicity of tumblr beyond me!

i’ll make an official post soon but it’s still in its baby stages so ;;;

everyone is welcome! we have multiple fun bots, discourse channels, channels to show your art or your pets or the like, etc. feel free to promo this to your friends! keep in mind that we do have measures in place to prevent raids.

come on and join trans rights, baby!





Like Rachel Dolezal, ace inclusionists predictably don’t understand healthy boundaries or consent.
