







love is the most important thing ever

not just romance . just having love in ur heart

Please stop this amatonormativity ;-;

what exactly is wrong with this post genuinely what problem is there like are u good do u need something

Actually upon rereading this it’s possible this post is more ok than I thought, could you define what you meant by “having love in your heart”?





The greatest trick the right ever pulled was convincing queer people that other queer people are the enemy

What a load of bullshit lmao

Other LGBT people can absolutely be “the enemy”. Cis LGB people can be transphobic, non-bisexuals can be biphobic, non-lesbians can be lesbophobic etc.

Am I supposed to ignore those people just because they’re in my community? Am I supposed to bite my tongue when I see other LGBT people telling me that bisexuals are diseased whores, that trans people are mentally ill, that lesbians are all disgusting man haters or that gay men are a plague because “other LGBT people are not the enemy”?

Also, what on earth is even “the right”? What “right”? Which party? Of which country? Its ridiculous to use a generic “right” as a scapegoat because you don’t want to acknowledge that LGBT people can be bigoted other LGBT people.

Solidarity without holding your own community accountable is absolutely pointless, as its pointless to blame a generic group of bad guys for the actions of people within your community.

I wanna add that not only can LGBT people be bigoted towards each other, you can also be bigoted towards people like yourself. If bullies who are gay can be homophobic towards, and harass, their openly gay peers, is it such a stretch to point out that trans people can say transphobic things? That bisexuals, particularly those who are in denial of being bisexual, can spread biphobic misinformation? what about lesbian TERFs, that regularly spew lesbophobic rhetoric, claim that all lesbians have the same preferences, and erase trans lesbians? 

Ever heard of the phrase “too gay to be straight, too straight to be gay” OP? bc that’s a sentiment echoed by bisexuals who feel as though they are “too gay” to fit in with their straight peers while being simultaneously being “too straight” to fit in with their gay peers (i.e., to exist in LGBT spaces, and this becomes magnified if they are dating an opposite-sex partner). 

The LGBT community may be full of rainbows, but it sure as hell isn’t full of fucking sunshine! 

Just because two people are lgbt doesn’t make them friends. It doesn’t mean they respect each other. lgbt people can 100% still be bigots.


Spicy hot takes ladies

• you can’t be a lesbian and use he/him pronouns outside of roleplay in bed, same for ‘she/her gays’

• neopronouns are embarassing

• most transtrenders are afab and that is because of mysoginy and/or because they’re cringy fujoshis

• non-binary is a thing

• you NEED dysphoria to be trans

• cishet Asexuals are not 100% LGBT

• Pan = Bi

• Kinning is cringy and Kinphobia isn’t real

• Furries, Pedophiles and rapists do NOT belong in the LGBT community

• the whole picrew debate is stupid. Put japanese instructions on a japanese website wtf




no offence but literally no one gives a fuck if you don’t feel included, sometimes certain spaces need to practice exclusion, this is not oppression and if it makes you feel invalidated then that’s a personal problem you must deal with

Full offense but some spaces are actively improved by excluding some of y’all

Some spaces need to be exclusive in order for them to be safe spaces because not every space is going to be safe for every single person. it’s ok to not be included in certain spaces. It’s not the end of the world. There are other spaces you can go to that are gonna be more tailored for you. Go find those instead of trying to change current ones to expand and become less effective for the people currently using those spaces.

It’s exclusive to state that cishet LGBTphobes aren’t allowed in LGBT clubs and safe spaces when their intentions are to harass and bully those attending. Exclusive =/= wrong








Allosexuality is the real spectrum here. There are many ways to experience sexual attraction. There’s only one way to experience no sexual attraction.

please let this become common knowledge. I’m so tired of demisexuals, greysexuals, etc. saying they’re ace. No you’re not. If you experience sexual attraction even once, you’re allo.

Normalize low libido

Normalize all levels of sexual attraction and that there are many ways to experience allosexuality. Low and high libidos are still allosexual. No libido is asexual.

Exactly, in America it’s set up that if you’re not fucking twice a week then there is something wrong with you, that there is a special term for you. No, the sex crazed have just taken over now they have been released. Just let them do their thing bro

OMFG we really need to talk about how weird Murricans definition of asexuality is:

Like this post right here has a checklist to see if you’re ace and more than half of them are just normal traits! Not even traits of introverts! Just normal traits! Worst of all this is culture-specific so by this logic - every Asian and Jewish person is ace!

The most egregious is “you can’t understand why people would cheat.” Being faithful to your partner makes you ace?!? Murricans?! Are you okay?!

Same with aromantacism, there’s no “spectrum”, either you feel romantic attraction or you don’t.

^^ yup! Typically when I discuss topics involving asexuality I also mean the same with aromanticisn.

Ace people are wonderful and deserve love and happiness.

People who aren’t ace don’t get to decide what ace issues are, or which ones are most important.

And don’t y’all comment with any “but the cishet aces!” crap because ace issues affect more than just cis straight aces, and if you can’t see past your exclusionary rhetoric to know that, then leave.

People who aren’t ace don’t get to decide what ace issues are or which ones are most important.

Ace and aro people are awesome and wonderful and great ✨

Ace people are wonderful and amazing and deserve to be proud of their ace identity.

Ace and aro people deserve to celebrate pride month too. They deserve to be proud of their orientations in a world that does not accept them. They deserve to celebrate their identities without fear of retribution.

Ace and aro people are wonderful

recently got targeted on ig for using neos and most of the people here were bullying me for it

so here’s a handy blocklist for any neousers/inclus who wanna stay safe and avoid bullying on ig for their opinions /srs

just got told i’m transphobic and make a mockery of the trans community since i use neos

all from a cis girl

not sure how to feel

uhh, hi! i made a discourse server! again! because i want to be active in this stuff without the toxicity of tumblr beyond me!

i’ll make an official post soon but it’s still in its baby stages so ;;;

everyone is welcome! we have multiple fun bots, discourse channels, channels to show your art or your pets or the like, etc. feel free to promo this to your friends! keep in mind that we do have measures in place to prevent raids.

come on and join trans rights, baby!








“You’re not systematically oppressed!!” *refuses to define systematic oppression so that when they’re rebutted they can move the goalposts*

Systematic =/= Systemic, but here, in case you didn’t know, oppression is typically discussed as being three parts: individual, institutional, and systemic. Systemic means of or relating to a system (here we might say an ideology). Systematic implies a pattern within a system. These are different things.

I find this breakdown in relation to racist oppression to be incredibly helpful in explaining these three parts:

“Racism is both overt and covert, and it takes three closely related forms: individual, institutional, and systemic. Individual racism consists of overt acts by individuals that cause death, injury, destruction of property, or denial of services or opportunity. Institutional racism is more subtle but no less destructive. Institutional racism involves polices, practices, and procedures of institutions that have a disproportionately negative effect on racial minorities’ access to and quality of goods, services, and opportunities. Systemic racism is the basis of individual and institutional racism; it is the value system that is embedded in a society that supports and allows discrimination.”

Individual Oppression: overt acts by an individual which cause death, injury, destruction of property, denial of services, or opportunity.
Institutional Oppression: involves policies, practices, and procedures of institutions that have a disproportionately negative effect on the group’s access to and quality of goods, services, and opportunities.
Systemic Oppression: the basis of individual and institutional racism - a value system that is embedded in a society that supports and allows discrimination.


Others break this into four parts, thus:

Four Levels of Oppression/”isms” and Change:
• Personal: Values, Beliefs, Feelings
• Interpersonal: Actions, Behaviors, Language
• Institutional: Rules, Policies, Procedures
• Cultural: Beauty, Truth, Right

Oppression’s definition however, OFTEN references systematic occurrences which is not the same as systemic.

Here’s more standard definitions which are mutually agreed upon “academically” and which largely reflect reality. You’ll notice that these are dictionaries of social work, or sociology.

The Social Work Dictionary, ed. Robert L. Barker defines oppression as: “The social act of placing severe restrictions on an individual, group or institution. Typically, a government or political organization that is in power places these restrictions formally or covertly on oppressed groups so that they may be exploited and less able to compete with other social groups. The oppressed individual or group is devalued, exploited and deprived of privileges by the individual or group which has more power.” (Barker, 2003)

The Blackwell Dictionary of Sociology has an excellent definition of social oppression: “Social oppression is a concept that describes a relationship between groups or categories of between groups or categories of people in which a dominant group benefits from the systematic abuse, exploitation, and injustice directed toward a subordinate group. The relationship between whites and blacks in the United States and South Africa, between social classes in many industrial societies, between men and women in most societies, between Protestants and Catholics in Northern Ireland - all have elements of social oppression in that the organization of social life enables those who dominate to oppress others. Relationships between groups and relationships between groups and social categories, it should not be confused with the oppressive behavior of individuals. A white man may not himself actively participate in oppressive behavior directed at blacks or women, for example, but he nonetheless benefits from the general oppression of blacks and women simply because he is a white man. In this sense, all members of dominant and subordinate categories participate in social oppression regardless of their individual attitudes or behavior. Social oppression becomes institutionalized when its enforcement is so of social life that it is not easily identified as oppression and does not require conscious prejudice or overt acts of discrimination.” One of the purposes of the exercise we’ll do is to help use better identify the feelings that oppression produces in us and in our clients. (Johnson, 2000b)

Oppression: Charlton (1998: 8) states, “oppression occurs when individuals are systematically subjected to political, economic, cultural, or social degradation because they belong to a social group…results from structures of domination and subordination and, correspondingly, ideologies of superiority and inferiority.” (Charlton, 1998)

Oppression: Johnson (2000: 39) recognizes that “for every social category that is privileged, one or more other categories are oppressed in relation to it. The concept of oppression points to social forces that tend to press upon people and hold them down, to hem them in and block their pursuits of a good life. Just as privilege tends to open doors of opportunity, oppression tends to slam them shut.” (Johnson, 2000a)


So there are two different things being addressed here.

One: what is the systemic oppression which exists? We may call this heterosexism - an ideology which largely privileges cis-heterosexual sex and cis-heterosexual relationships in various value systems. This creates an atmosphere which allows for people to support and allow discrimination. Cissexism and Heterosexism affects everyone, but specifically targets for discrimination people who are seen as in “polar opposition” - people who are not cisgendered (trans or similar nonbinary people) or people who are gay/same-similar-multi gender attracted. Can systemic discrimination affect asexual people? Sure - but discrimination is not oppression - which requires power to back up the discrimination. Just like how men can be negatively affected by misogyny and sexism - they aren’t the targets, but they may receive blowback. Importantly, systemic oppression is about collective, ideological action which causes oppression. Systemic oppression is Social Oppression - defined above by the Blackwell dictionary.

Two: What is the systematic subjection of oppression which is experienced?

Do cishet aces experience institutional discrimination, abuse, or exploitation? Are they regularly subordinated to a privileged portion of society due to their asexuality? Are there formal or covert laws or regulations in place to control or limit them? Are there policies, practices, or procedures in place to limit, control, or prevent the existence of cishet asexuality? Are Cishet aces devalued, exploited for labor, deprived of privileges? Are cishet aces denied services or opportunity, are they murdered, injured, or subject to loss and destruction of property for their asexuality and nothing else? Are they denied goods and services due to their asexuality, and nothing else? Do political organizations organize against asexuals - do they have million dollar or multi-million dollar organizations who work to promote laws, policies, publications, and other lobby concerns against asexuality in specific? Are asexuals - at a widespread rate - denied health care, social services, employment, economic opportunity, access to food, and housing - because of their asexuality, and nothing else?

www.nasco.coop/sites/default/files/srl/Types%20of%20Oppression.pdf Do any of these examples of individual, cultural, or institutional direct and indirect forms of oppression ring true?

The answer is that no, cishet asexuals do not experience systematic oppression.

And no one has changed the goalposts.


Tw: antisemitism, antisemitic dogwhistles

So, to any inclus, exclus/transmeds, block magic/dayz for antisemitism. Do not interact with or harass or send threats to him though. Please.

So let’s start from the beginning to understand the situation. magic/dayz posted this:

To which I sent this ask that he replied to (but didn’t add my tag because I figured maybe they’d listen if I didn’t use my openly inclus main blog):

Ok, ok. I figured this could be a kid who just doesn’t understand why this is not good. I wasn’t able to screenshot my original reply to him from the notes because he blocked me immediately after sending me this.

(@rittz is an exclusionist who basically said that the anon I sent was right about the antisemitism)

But what I said in replies was basically, antisemitism is deeply rooted and often heavily influences media. Even if the people making a show don’t intentionally do something antisemitic, this is so deeply rooted that people often make antisemitic caricatures without fully realizing that they’ve done it. That doesn’t make it any less antisemitic. I remember using Mother Gothel from the Tangled movie’s design as an example because it ticks a lot of boxes.

I was upset and frustrated so I sent this anon that was more aggressive than I meant it to be and tagged it this time:

And his response was this:

And after that came this because I was upset that he kept brushing off a Jewish person telling him he was saying something antisemitic:

And there we go. I think I explained things pretty well in the asks about whats bad and why even if they were much more aggressive and emotional that I’d have liked.

So again. Block, don’t interact or harass.

Like Rachel Dolezal, ace inclusionists predictably don’t understand healthy boundaries or consent.
