#positivity quotes


not everyone you meet is meant to be permanent in your life. it’s sad, but some people are supposed to be temporary. what’s yours will find you. what’s yours will stay.

stop forgiving people who continuously cross the boundaries you set. they’re testing the waters trying to see what they can get away with, finding out how hard they can push you. they want you to give in because they benefit from you not having strong boundaries. they know exactly what they’re doing; don’t tolerate their disrespect.

make peace with the fact that not everyone is meant to be in your life forever. some people are only temporary, and that’s okay. feel the pain of loss, grow from the experiences they gave, and then cherish the memories made. don’t worry; you will find your forever people.

i don’t know what straight man needs to hear this, but not every woman is replaceable. some are once-in-a-lifetime. if you find a girl who has a genuine heart, treats you good, makes you one of her priorities, connects with you on a deeper level, and does things for you and your family, all without being asked to, you need to understand that you are in the midst of an absolute gem. she really cares for you. everything she does is done out of pure kindness, consideration, and love. anything that you do to hurt her will ultimately only make her stronger and less tolerant of shitty behavior. if you ever fuck up badly enough that she leaves, because you think she can be replaced, know that you are the one losing. not her. if she doesn’t choose to stay single, she’s going to find someone who reciprocates the effort she gives and appreciates every bit of it, every bit of her. meanwhile, you will spend the rest of your life trying to find pieces of her in every other woman you meet, hoping they might do you half as good as she once did when you were taking her for granted.
