

Хорошо, когда хищ большой и мягкий.

Дженька и Память после перемирия. Видимо, сяду за новую главу…



I drew this design in early May. My speculation how Prey predator would look like (but he 1000% wouldn’t)

Btw, you can buy him as adopt — more info here


captainrayessketches:Prideator!Happy pride to monster lovers



Happy pride to monster lovers

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This is pretty good. Two more books in the series.

*Spoiler* Isa better end up with a Yautja boyfriend by book three


Headcanon that yautja infants are tough little nuggets and adult yautja can hold them with their lower tusks. The upper tusks are tucked inwards. The lower tusks hook on the bottom of the jawline, either side of the infant’s dish-shaped skull, and the infant nestles there. The infant ‘locks up’ and stays still/stiff, much like when baby animals, like kittens, are picked up by the scruff of their necks. The infants are not hurt being picked up like this, and allows the adult to have free hands in case their need them to either perform another task real quick, or climb to escape.

Once the infant gets older, like toddlers, they will have enough strength in their hands and feet to clutch on the adult’s locks and cling on like a monkey.


A little tribute to Kevin Peter Hall- the man behind the Predator. It’s based on part of an interview describing his nights filming in the jungles of Mexico which I found so moving.

I love everything he brought to the character- a graceful, deadly, otherworldly and fascinating performance.

Yeah - that’s right, watch it!

Yeah - that’s right, watch it!

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A little tribute to Kevin Peter Hall- the man behind the Predator. It’s based on part of an interview describing his nights filming in the jungles of Mexico which I found so moving.

I love everything he brought to the character- a graceful, deadly, otherworldly and fascinating performance.

Morning everyone! My Etsystore has got some new stock in. Got any horror friends who has got a birthday coming up?

Have a nose at my store here: etsy.me/2XAQgB8

Where there is a Xenomorph, there is also a a Predator not far behind.


A little tribute to Kevin Peter Hall- the man behind the Predator. It’s based on part of an interview describing his nights filming in the jungles of Mexico which I found so moving.

I love everything he brought to the character- a graceful, deadly, otherworldly and fascinating performance.

thebristolboard:Original pin-up by Art Adams from Batman Versus Predator #2, published by DC and D


Original pin-up by Art Adams from Batman Versus Predator #2, published by DC and Dark Horse Comics, January 1992. 

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Lemmy Ain’t a Nazi, Metallica Warned Us, and More Top Stories of the Week

Lemmy Ain’t a Nazi, Metallica Warned Us, and More Top Stories of the Week

The MetalSucks Playlist – This Week’s Top Tracks, from June 5 to June 11


So stoked for the summer that you forgot about the winter of your soul that is MetalSucks? Don’t worry, we got your covered — here are this week’s top stories…

In response to a fan, Motörhead’s Phil Campbell made it clear that Lemmy was not a…

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Yoongi is a Canadian Lynx with very cat-like features, especially his eyes and behavior. Scent reminding everyone of warm green tea with a hint of patchouli. He can be rather shy, but also deprecating and stubborn - usually getting what he wants, even if he has to fight (maybe even unfair) for it. His father was a rare breed of a fox, which somehow got into his DNA, now he has a fox tail - his other hybrid features are those of a lynx.
He’s a CEO, but his name isn’t well known because his company sells mostly to the US, so Jungkook doesn’t know him, but soon finds out that he has lots of money and holds lots of power in his job.  He drools over Jungkook and gets flustered around the attractive fitness instructor, so some of his animal-like antics come out whenever he’s shy or nervous. 

He has some patchwork tattoos on his thighs. 

Hybrid features: pointy ears with sand-colored thick fur, thick gray fox tail, canine teeth (not that huge though, just slightly bigger than average), his eyes can change colors - they turn yellowish.

 Comic #291: -The Duality of Bear - Website links: Here! Bears exist. This is a threat. Hahah! I dun Comic #291: -The Duality of Bear - Website links: Here! Bears exist. This is a threat. Hahah! I dun Comic #291: -The Duality of Bear - Website links: Here! Bears exist. This is a threat. Hahah! I dun Comic #291: -The Duality of Bear - Website links: Here! Bears exist. This is a threat. Hahah! I dun

Comic #291: -The Duality of Bear - Website links:Here!
Bears exist. This is a threat. Hahah! I dunno, of all the top carnivore types bears seem to get little respect for their ability to dredge up that “DAMN NATURE YOU SCARY!” feeling. Despite being highly capable of doing some messed up things

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She could feel the eyes of all the Hunters as she danced just over the line. Her clothes were loose, swaying and flowing to the rhythm of a song only she could hear, advertising just how easily they would be stripped away. Every man present pictured himself as the one to claim her, but in the end her body would belong to only one…


City Hunter Appreciation. Predator 2 is super underrated. City Hunter is definitely my favorite look-wise.


This is Bull (inspired by the Lost World bull t-rex )

His friends dumped him without his armour and weapons- he’s not happy

Predator.@iamjoncooneyModel @lucindaderbyshire#predator #futurefeminism #graduatecollection #f

Model @lucindaderbyshire

#predator #futurefeminism #graduatecollection #fashiongraduate #tailoring #embroidery #womenswear #menswear #minimal #wearegalvanise #wearegraduatefashion #GFW17

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Predator (1987, John McTiernan) USA A team of commandos on a mission in a Central American jungle fi

Predator (1987, John McTiernan) USA

A team of commandos on a mission in a Central American jungle find themselves hunted by an extra-terrestrial warrior.

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Descalça, sentada no chão do apartamento onde acontecia a festa, minha amada conversava com as amiga

Descalça, sentada no chão do apartamento onde acontecia a festa, minha amada conversava com as amigas e um rapaz desconhecido. Para não parecer controlador, eu apenas observava de longe: a maneira como sorria e deixava-se tocar pelo rapaz, os olhos fixos nele quando falava, principalmente quando aos poucos as amigas foram levantando e deixando-os a sós. O som das vozes da festa abafavam o que eles diziam, mas eu podia adivinhar alguma coisa pelo movimento dos lábios dela, especialmente: “Tenho namorado, sim. É problema pra você?” e quando ela puxou o celular: “Então me dá seu número que eu ligo para a gente marcar”. A bandeija com as taças passou e eu aproveitei para trocar a minha por uma cheia, quando percebi minha amada já me abraçava carinhosamente por trás: “Não me deixa sozinha, amor: sabe que é uma mulher em uma festa assim cheia de homens é presa fácil…” disse em tom de brincadeira. Abracei-a com toto o mau jeito de quem segura uma taça cheia e sussurrei no seu ouvido: “Não tenho com o que me preocupar: minha amada é topo de cadeia alimentar; não é presa, é predadora

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Not gonna lie.. that new Predator movie ‘PREY’ looks all right.. 

hoping the movie is R rated.. please no comments that alien or predator movie can work in a PG environment.

Want to see some skull and spine fatalities from Predator
