

Taking a chance to reflect on it, Seulgi was amazed she had survived her debut, being a replacement member was hard and she grew to have an even bigger respect for those guys that had come in to take over for the Convex members when they had all left.  It almost seemed like a dream now that they had been thrown right into preparing for their comeback.  It was obvious that the other girls really weren’t into the song at all.  She didn’t mind it, it wasn’t her favorite, but she could handle working on it just fine.  A few of the girls acted as though this song was the equivalent of a major crime or something of that sort.

Between working on the album, they were tasked with having their pictures taken for the album booklet.  Seulgi hadn’t really thought too much about doing any sort of modeling before, she usually thought trendy fashion things didn’t really suit her that well, but the actual process, she actually was growing to like it a bit more.  Maybe if she could find a particular brand to associate herself with, she’d be willing to add some modeling to her resume.

Towards the end of the month, they were given an opportunity to perform at a mini-concert one of the music shows were hosting.  Most of the other groups were performing a song from one of their company sunbaes, but they were performing one of Luxe’s songs.  She liked the song and she liked the girls in that group, but it did seem a little odd that they were the one group chosen to perform a song from the same generation of artists.  Again, she pushed the negativity aside, focusing on giving her best performance, just like she always had and always would.  She hoped something would come along to make the rest of the group happy soon.  

Hope you are all enjoying your Sunday! - I decided to take this day to prepare for next week, plan o

Hope you are all enjoying your Sunday!
I decided to take this day to prepare for next week, plan out a couple of things, rest, and binge watch @thecrownnetflix on Netflix. How is your Sunday going?
#sundaythoughts #sundayvibes #sundaybumday #sundaymood☀️ #chillvibes #thecrownnetflix #bingewatching #relaxingtime #preparing #preparingmyself #goalsetting #weeklyplanner

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The valet led O, Natascha and Idetta into a room where three walls were covered in mirrors going from the floor to over two meters high. It was a little disorienting to Idetta to see all the reflections. She noticed that against one wall of the room was a chair like that used at hair salons, along with a step-up tub and make up table. The valet said, “I will leave you to prepare the new woman.” Then he left leaving Idetta alone with O and Natascha. O looked at Idetta and said, We will bathe you, but first we must remove your clothing.” Then Natascha took Idetta’s jacket, O unbuttoned and removed her blouse and undid her skirt which fell to the floor. Idetta stepped out of her shoes and caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror, naked as the day she was born. As she stood there, Natascha said, “You truly are beautiful.” Idetta wasn’t sure how to respond, but finally murmured, “Thank you.”

She stepped up into the tub and O ran some warm water. Then both O and Natascha using cloths and sponges bathed Idetta, paying particular attention to her nether regions. As she washed her inner thigh, Natascha slipped a finger into Idetta who gasped a little. Then she gave her a quick kiss on the lips.

After the bath Idetta was led to the chair which reclined some. “Now we will fix your hair and make-up,” said O. Once in the chair Idetta went to cross her legs, but O told her that she must not do that or even close her legs. Thus by looking at her reflection in the mirror across the room, Idetta could see herself quite open. Open for O and Natascha or anyone who came in to see. Natascha then took electric clippers to Idetta’s pubic hair before applying a wax depilatory.

O was skilled at applying make-up, an art she had learned as a photographer and perfected during her time at Roissy. She penciled in eyebrows and liner around Idetta’s eyes before applying lip liner. Meanwhile Natascha applied a liquid on Idetta’s nipples which turned to a rich, very dark pink as it dried. Then she used the same liquid on the inner lips of Idetta’s sex. Idetta noticed that the liquid produced a distinct, almost unpleasant, sensation as it dried. When she mentioned it to Natascha, she replied, “It not only highlights, but also makes you constantly aware.” Once O and Natascha finished with the bath and make-up, it was time to perfume Idetta. Prior to tonight Idetta had always used a light airy fragrance, but O chose a heavy woodsy one. The perfume was applied to pulse points on Idetta’s wrists and neck, under her arms and the curve of her breasts. And, of course, her pubis, where it burned the tender skin. Idetta thought she might cry out but gritted her teeth and remained silent.

The girls then helped Idetta from the chair. Only then did O step back and admire her work. Studying the naked Idetta, O finally said, “Natascha was correct. You truly are beautiful.”

Devotional Training : Preparation.

Wild Field Mustard: How to Pick & Process by Haphazard Homestead

“This video shows how to identify and pick Wild Field Mustard that’s growing as a weed in your garden, or out in the wild.
