#pro vaccines


“I’m not getting the vaccine because it’s my body, my choice”.

The phrase “my body, my choice” is a good argument when it comes to abortion rights and sexual consent. That is a choice that will only affect either solely your body (in abortion’s case) or you and your willing partner(s).

But vaccines are not the same thing.

Saying “my body, my choice” as an excuse not to get vaccinated fuels the false assumption that getting vaccinated is only to protect yourself. It’s the assumption that it’s okay to not get the vaccine because you think you’ll be okay not taking it.

The truth is, the vaccine is meant to protect both yourself AND the people around you. Maybe you’ll be fine without it. But what if you spread it to someone who won’t be?

As life slowly goes back to normal, you’re gonna come into contact with people. It’s inevitable. Without the vaccine you could contact and unknowingly spread it to another.

Maybe it is your body, your choice. But you’re also taking away someone else’s choice not to get sick.

Purposely not getting the vaccine is an act of selfishness.

(Anti vax and pro life people don’t fucking clown on this post )





A PSA for anyone getting the Covid vaccine, just so you know what to expect, some people experience no side effects, but it’s also not uncommon for people to feel like they have cold/flu-like symptoms for a day or two after getting the vaccine. For most people the symptoms are slightly worse after the second shot. The hospital I work at is recommending that employees get the vaccine the day before they have a day or two off. They have provided some extra PTO days in part because of this. I took a day off after each shot and was glad I did. This should not discourage anyone from getting the vaccine, but is just information to keep in mind when scheduling you or your loved ones vaccines. I highly recommend OTC pain relievers like Tylenol, Advil, or their generics. Tylenol relieved all of my symptoms. There’s no prize for toughing it out, just take them and they will make it so much easier. 

For me, I got my first shot in the morning and about 14 hours later I started to feel muscle aches and pains, especially in my neck. I went to bed and then woke up feeling worse; headache, lightheadedness, a temp of 99.2 (higher than normal, but not technically a fever), and worse muscle aches and pains. I started taking Tylenol and I felt much better. The symptoms lasted for about 24 hrs. After my second shot, I felt symptoms much faster, about 6 hrs after the shot, I kept up with the Tylenol a little more aggressively this time and it kept the symptoms at bay, still wouldn’t have wanted to run a 5k or give a big work presentation or anything. Over all I would say the symptoms last about 36 hrs. 

And I feel like I have to put this in here, just in case it crosses people’s minds, “What’s the point of getting the vaccine if it’s just going to make you sick?” You may feel sick, but you are not infected. You feel sick because the vaccine has “tricked” your immune system into thinking you are infected so that it starts to produce antibodies, but you are not actually infected. The symptoms from the vaccine last a day or two. In contrast Covid can last for weeks or months. The symptoms from the vaccine will not land you in the hospital or, more importantly, the morgue like Covid can. Also, you won’t be able to transmit the virus or the symptoms to anyone around you. 

Hopefully being informed can lead to us all making smart choices that help us get out of this pandemic as soon as possible. 

I think we all know at least a few people who need to hear this perspective

This is basically exactly what happened to my wife after her second shot. It’s normal, it’s fine, get your shots anyway!

FYI it is literally impossible for the vaccines to infect you with covid. The vaccine has no viral particles in it, only mRNA. The types of vaccines that have a risk (usually negligibly small risk for the ones that make it to market) are made of viral particles that have been rendered harmless. This vaccine is not one of those vaccines. There is no covid virus, dead or otherwise, in the vaccine. The reactions described above are just your immune system figuring out how to make antibodies that will kill covid.

I’m kind of late posting this. But support and good vibes to all HIV positive people as they navigate the COVID 19 pandemic and selfish anti vaxxers. 
