#important psa



if you see an dead opossum in the road PLEASE check to make sure it’s not a momma with babies! it could be the difference between life and death for babies like these




(But seriously please send help I’m in too deep, I need this ship so bad it physically hurts, if they don’t fall in love Imma just-)

Alright guys IF YOU WANT you can send me an ask ya know? I really like interacting with you guys… and if you just wanna ask a question or you want some fic recs or you want me to write some headcanons, I’ll do it. Because I love you guyssss ❤️

(But seriously I really like doing stuff for you guys and just give me some ideas or ask for fics and I will give you what you ask for)





A PSA for anyone getting the Covid vaccine, just so you know what to expect, some people experience no side effects, but it’s also not uncommon for people to feel like they have cold/flu-like symptoms for a day or two after getting the vaccine. For most people the symptoms are slightly worse after the second shot. The hospital I work at is recommending that employees get the vaccine the day before they have a day or two off. They have provided some extra PTO days in part because of this. I took a day off after each shot and was glad I did. This should not discourage anyone from getting the vaccine, but is just information to keep in mind when scheduling you or your loved ones vaccines. I highly recommend OTC pain relievers like Tylenol, Advil, or their generics. Tylenol relieved all of my symptoms. There’s no prize for toughing it out, just take them and they will make it so much easier. 

For me, I got my first shot in the morning and about 14 hours later I started to feel muscle aches and pains, especially in my neck. I went to bed and then woke up feeling worse; headache, lightheadedness, a temp of 99.2 (higher than normal, but not technically a fever), and worse muscle aches and pains. I started taking Tylenol and I felt much better. The symptoms lasted for about 24 hrs. After my second shot, I felt symptoms much faster, about 6 hrs after the shot, I kept up with the Tylenol a little more aggressively this time and it kept the symptoms at bay, still wouldn’t have wanted to run a 5k or give a big work presentation or anything. Over all I would say the symptoms last about 36 hrs. 

And I feel like I have to put this in here, just in case it crosses people’s minds, “What’s the point of getting the vaccine if it’s just going to make you sick?” You may feel sick, but you are not infected. You feel sick because the vaccine has “tricked” your immune system into thinking you are infected so that it starts to produce antibodies, but you are not actually infected. The symptoms from the vaccine last a day or two. In contrast Covid can last for weeks or months. The symptoms from the vaccine will not land you in the hospital or, more importantly, the morgue like Covid can. Also, you won’t be able to transmit the virus or the symptoms to anyone around you. 

Hopefully being informed can lead to us all making smart choices that help us get out of this pandemic as soon as possible. 

I think we all know at least a few people who need to hear this perspective

This is basically exactly what happened to my wife after her second shot. It’s normal, it’s fine, get your shots anyway!

FYI it is literally impossible for the vaccines to infect you with covid. The vaccine has no viral particles in it, only mRNA. The types of vaccines that have a risk (usually negligibly small risk for the ones that make it to market) are made of viral particles that have been rendered harmless. This vaccine is not one of those vaccines. There is no covid virus, dead or otherwise, in the vaccine. The reactions described above are just your immune system figuring out how to make antibodies that will kill covid.


Happy March 15th.



Sick sick sick of possibility of being fucking recorded every waking second by tiktok obsessed quasi celebs. Video titled something like “Caught him thinking he’s the main character” but it was just a kid wearing headphones, looking out the bus window. Of course it was posted without his knowledge. Stop recording strangers and everything you see, nobody gives a shit and not everyone is happy to be on tiktok or youtube because of a moron with no braincells and an account. What could be a forgettable awkward moment is now permanently there for the victim of lackabrainis infested idiot to get anxious about forever.

Okay, this seems like a relevant thing to share today: I’ve been in this position. Back in college while on that student lifestyle, I somehow ended up with a pretty bad iron deficiency. How bad? I was not only sleeping too much, I was falling asleep everywhere – in class, in the library, in cafes five minutes after drinking coffee. It was terrible. Anyway, during a class I enjoyed, I was sat at a table with a few classmates, and I started falling asleep while taking notes; nodding off, dropping my pen, startling awake and falling asleep again, until my head was on the table. No one seemed to mind, we were all going through it I guess, and my lecturer was nice enough not to make a big deal out of it.

Cut to the next day and I was in the Students Union, when a friend came up to me and told me how funny that video was of me falling asleep in class was. What? I asked her about it, what did she mean, who made the video, and she realised I literally had no clue about it. Kindly, she told me who to talk to and I thanked her. I was already upset, but I knew it wasn’t the messenger’s fault. So, I took to Facebook and messaged the girl who made the video – a girl on my table in the class from before. I asked her about it, and she admitted it right away – she took the video on her phone during class and posted it to her snapchat. That’s how the other girl saw it, not to mention countless others.

Sorting this out was an absolute toil. I felt betrayed and violated that someone would do that while I was obviously not in a position to have any say about it. I lost friendships with the people who took the girl’s side, as if it was no big deal or “funny”. I had to tell the lecturer about it, because let’s face it, that’s a shit thing to allow to happen during class itself, the department moved to be more alert and proactive about restricting phone use in class, and all that girl had to do was give a half-hearted apology. The next semester, she was still openly using her phone in another class we had.

For a long time, I couldn’t trust anyone who held their phone up around me, as if to take photos or video. It would make me so anxious and put me on edge. I never did speak to the people who cosigned her behaviour, who acted like it wasn’t their problem that their bff video-recorded a person in class over their health condition without their consent.

I did eventually grow out of my anxiety around phones, and I resisted the urge to break that girl’s phone, but, I will absolutely bring back that energy if I see someone record a stranger in public without their consent. Take it from someone who’s been that target – if you think it’s okay, you deserve to get your shit wrecked.



Okay so I, among many others, were excited to point out the little bisexual rainbow Mirabel embroidered onto her dress (and many people in the fandom has accepted the headcanon that she is bi)

I saw an ad for Build-a-Bear (because I love them) and I saw they were selling Mirabel’s dress! … But something was different.

This lead me down a rabbit hole to see that on the majority of Mirabel merchandise that I have found, this one detail is clearly changed.

I understand the translation from screen to toy is never perfect, but everything else on the dress remained faithful to the design apart from this. Why?? I’m genuinely curious if this could be an accidental change in the design process or if it was intentional.

More examples. I said “the majority” of figures but no, not a single Mirabel toy that I have seen has the correct rainbow.

Umm okay so the dress being advertised on ShopDisney has the correct rainbow

But the ones being sold at Target and Walmart do not. Does this mean this merchandise isn’t officially licensed by Disney?


Okay so I, among many others, were excited to point out the little bisexual rainbow Mirabel embroidered onto her dress (and many people in the fandom has accepted the headcanon that she is bi)

I saw an ad for Build-a-Bear (because I love them) and I saw they were selling Mirabel’s dress! … But something was different.

This lead me down a rabbit hole to see that on the majority of Mirabel merchandise that I have found, this one detail is clearly changed.

I understand the translation from screen to toy is never perfect, but everything else on the dress remained faithful to the design apart from this. Why?? I’m genuinely curious if this could be an accidental change in the design process or if it was intentional.

More examples. I said “the majority” of figures but no, not a single Mirabel toy that I have seen has the correct rainbow.

Okay so I, among many others, were excited to point out the little bisexual rainbow Mirabel embroidered onto her dress (and many people in the fandom has accepted the headcanon that she is bi)

I saw an ad for Build-a-Bear (because I love them) and I saw they were selling Mirabel’s dress! … But something was different.

This lead me down a rabbit hole to see that on the majority of Mirabel merchandise that I have found, this one detail is clearly changed.

I understand the translation from screen to toy is never perfect, but everything else on the dress remained faithful to the design apart from this. Why?? I’m genuinely curious if this could be an accidental change in the design process or if it was intentional.







not to be one of those people who’s like “go to therapy” but jesus christ dude. this having 86 thousand upvotes..

maslows hierarchy of needs for The Fellas:

-die at the alamo

-mommy gf

is it just me or is it weird that people are seeing something sexual about this meme when it’s just talking about wanting to cry and be vulnerable?

Something about “men are discouraged from sharing feelings and being vulnerable with anyone, and the partner they have sex with is the only exception”. Which suggests “If a guy is emotionally vulnerable with someone, he is in a relationship with them that involves sex”.

It’s sad…


I posted a long rant about this the last time it showed up on my dash but the tl;dr is that this meme is (a) being hyperbolic for the sake of humor and (b) behind the joke is a very important point about gender roles, because the meme is contrasting a fantasy which it’s socially acceptable or even expected for men to have (wanting a sense of camaraderie and belonging and purpose, and sort of a violence-centered power fantasy but a very self-destructive one since it’s about self-sacrifice for the good of society) with one that isn’t socially acceptable, a desire for intimacy and to be allowed to be vulnerable and weak and be supported in those moments.

And goddamn, you can see how socially unacceptable the second one really is by how people are reacting in the notes, like this is how y’all treat men for even joking about wanting to be allowed to show vulnerability.

Also can we stop with using “go to therapy” as an insult against people for… posting a meme about mental health problems? Yeah, it’s kind of valid in the sense that if this meme resonates with you you probably have some very unhealthy beliefs that you’ve been exposed to and internalized that therapy could help, but the way it’s being used on the internet these days is not showing concern for someone else’s well-being, it’s basically “Don’t talk about your problems or vulnerabilities in public, your mental health issues are shameful and a burden to others and you should keep them secret and not expect empathy and compassion from anyone unless you’re literally paying them for it.” It’s actively reinforcing a culture of hiding and repressing mental health issues.

The saddest part is that half the people being jackasses in the notes probably talk a great game about how they want to end Toxic Masculinity, but then flip their lid at the slightest hint that this process might involve actually supporting men who don’t live up to patriarchal standards of projecting an image of strength.

(also relevant to the whump community because male vulnerability and need for support is a common theme in this genre)

PSA: stop making your favorite songs couple songs, if you break up your going to hate the song afterwards. It`s not worth it, find new songs that way you can keep your favorite songs even if you break up.


In the town I live in, there’s only one place to get the state-required voter ID. It’s way out beyond the end of the bus line, and its hours are inconvenient and unpredictable. Also, the IDs cost like $30; the people who passed the voter ID law obviously didn’t think that was a budget-breaker for anyone who MATTERED.

If you have difficulty getting a voter ID, here are some thoughts:

- Contact a church. (I wish I could say contact ANY church, but to be honest, if you look unconventional, and you don’t know which churches in your town are the progressive ones, look for a Unitarian church. I suspect most synagogues would be more helpful than most evangelical churches, but I don’t know that from personal experience.)

When I was a church secretary, if someone had called and said, “I want to register to vote, but I don’t have a car and I don’t have $30 for an ID,” I’m pretty sure our entire governing board would have been lining up to help you out.

In this part of the country, nuns are a good bet, too.

- Contact the local Democratic Party office.

- Contact a YMCA or a YWCA. Did you know that fighting racism is actually part of the Y’s charter? Pretty sure somebody in that office will be able to help you get the ID you need to register.

- Go to your town’s website and look for a pro-diversity organization – a Multicultural Awareness Center, something like that. Give them a call.

- Call your library reference desk and ask if they know of anyone who could help.

I don’t actually think this would help, but it would be interesting: Call the local office of your senators and your representative, and ask if they can help you get a voter ID. At least it might be entertaining to hear them sputter.

Quick way to find out if something is good and acceptable:

Does God say it’s good?



It’s simple.

God is good regardless if He’s good to you.

He owes us nothing. We are an evil and wicked people and do the worst things imaginable. We’re sick and need help.

…which is where Jesus comes in! He’ll save you if you just ask and believe. It’s that simple.

You can fight all you want. You can hate and blaspheme Him all you want. But that doesn’t make Jesus stop loving you! ♡
