

This week is going to be tough one - full of Trump foolishness, nominations nonsense, and who knows what else. To inspire you in the face of all this, here are some of the throwback moments I’m holding close from the last year. It’s easy to look back on 2016 with a pessimism: after all, the reality of Donald Trump as our next President has shaken many of us to our core. But we cannot let that erase the fact that in many ways, 2016 was a year of women kicking butt all over the place, whether it was with athletic prowess, astrophysics, policy, or musical brilliance:

10. Women shine at the Olympics.

It may seem like a long time ago now, but 2016 was the year of the Woman Olympian. They broke records: Simone Biles’ feats of gymnastic excellence made her the most decorated U.S. gymnast ever in a single Olympics, while Katie Ledecky brought in four golds and a silver medal as she broke not one but TWO world records. They also broke barriers: Ibtihaj Muhammad became the first American athlete to compete in the Olympics while wearing a hijab. She also won a bronze medal in fencing. As Muhammad said to US Magazine, “A lot of people don’t believe that Muslim women have voices or that we participate in sport…I want to break cultural norms.”

From gymnastics, to swimming, to fencing, women Olympians inspired us all.


GIF credit: https://giphy.com/gifs/gymnastics-women-usa-PzCQrX9zzGLx6

9. Beyoncé’s Lemonade changes the game.

What do we say about King Bey’s Lemonade that hasn’t already been said in a million think pieces and tribute gifs? First came the surprise “Formation” video. Then the explosive Super Bowl performance. Then the transformative Lemonade. THEN, she capped it all off with that defiant and joyful performance of “Daddy Lessons” with the Dixie Chicks at the damn COUNTRY MUSIC AWARDS.

Whatever else we say about 2016, it will go down as the year Beyoncé slayed. And slayed. And slayed. OK.


GIF credit: https://giphy.com/gifs/formation-black-power-section-12-6WbZfpAkmosgg

8.  Latina Scientists discover Einstein’s gravitational waves.

This year, Argentina-born Dr. Gabriela Gonzalez and Mexican-American Dr. France A. Cordova accomplished the impressive feat of detecting gravitational waves from two black holes colliding, a discovery that confirms many of Albert Einstein’s theories about the universe. This discovery by these Latina scientists is one for the history books!


Image Credit: girabsas.com

7. Purvi Patel is released from jail.

In 2013, Purvi Patel was imprisoned and sentenced to 20 years for feticide and the neglect of a dependent—all because she ended a pregnancy on her own. The story is shocking – after all, no woman should fear arrest or jail for ending a pregnancy, losing a pregnancy, or seeking medical help. A small measure of justice was won for Purvi when she was released from prison in September. This case also creates an important precedent that strikes back against disturbingly widespread state laws that criminalize a woman for ending her pregnancy.


Image credit: SisterSong Women of Color Reproductive Justice Collective

6. Survivors shine light on sexual assault.

A major highlight from this year’s Oscars was Lady Gaga’s performance of her Oscar-nominated song, “Til It Happens To You.” She was introduced by Vice President Joe Biden and ultimately joined onstage by survivors of sexual assault. This was an important moment of visibility for survivors of sexual assault, who also made headlines later in the year when the #NotOkay hashtag moved women from around the world to share their stories of sexual assault and rape.


GIF credit: https://giphy.com/gifs/lady-gaga-till-it-happens-to-you-the-hunting-ground-SKIVBph41yAOk

5. Women bare it all at the RNC.

Back when it was just sinking in that Trump would be the Republican nominee, 100 women posed nude while holding mirrors as part of an art installation protesting the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio. While their motives and politics were reportedly very diverse, there’s no question that the women’s agency over their bodies carried extra resonance this election season. Whatever their reasons, it was a powerful moment and brave demonstration.


Photo credit: Lindsey Byrnes.

4. Women strike against abortion ban in Poland.

This year saw women across the planet declaring their human rights and resisting schemes to take those rights away. Polish women organized a massive strike to protest an abortion ban. It was incredible to watch – and is a tactic we may need to learn from if Trump, Pence, and their cronies in Congress have their way.


Image Credit: The Guardian.

3. The Supreme Court declares that abortion must be accessible in real life.

Think back to late June: people gathered on the steps of the Supreme Court to hear the happy news – in a 5:3 decision, SCOTUS struck down Texas’ clinic shutdown law, HB 2. This landmark decision affirmed that a woman should be able to get an abortion with dignity, respect, and WITHOUT politicians standing in the way. In the wake of that decision, several other clinic shutdown laws fell. While there is still a lot to be done, this was a huge moment.


Photo credit: All* Above All (Flickr)

2. “This is not normal.” Michelle Obama responds to Trump’s videotaped admission and history of sexual violence.

When Michelle Obama took the stage in New Hampshire shortly after the video surfaced of our now President-elect bragging about sexually assaulting women, she articulated beautifully and painfully what so many of us had been feeling. It’s worth quoting at length:

“It’s that feeling of terror and violation that too many women have felt when someone has grabbed them, or forced himself on them and they’ve said no but he didn’t listen — something that we know happens on college campuses and countless other places every single day. It reminds us of stories we heard from our mothers and grandmothers about how, back in their day, the boss could say and do whatever he pleased to the women in the office, and even though they worked so hard, jumped over every hurdle to prove themselves, it was never enough.

We thought all of that was ancient history, didn’t we? And so many have worked for so many years to end this kind of violence and abuse and disrespect, but here we are in 2016 and we’re hearing these exact same things every day on the campaign trail. We are drowning in it…

This is not normal.”

With this speech, Michelle gave us the mantra we’ll need to get through the next four years, and face down the regressive policies Trump has promised. This. Is. Not. Normal.


Image Credit: The Nation.

1. A major party presidential candidate spoke out against the Hyde Amendment!

Even as we grieve, and cry, and even fear for our safety and the lives and well-being of those we love, we must remember this: More than 64 million Americans voted for a future where women are treated as human, and where the amount of money you have doesn’t determine whether you can get an abortion. Sixty-four million Americans voted to move forward, not backward, for love instead of hate, compassion instead of division. By a margin of more than 2 million, Americans voted for Secretary Hillary Clinton, the candidate who supported women’s health and rights and spoke out against the Hyde Amendment. While we won’t get to welcome her into the White House, we’ll always remember when she said:

“Any right that requires you to take extraordinary measures to access it is no right at all… [N]ot as long as we have laws on the book like the Hyde Amendment making it harder for low-income women to exercise their full rights.”

Here’s what I’ve learned from this year: women are STRONG AS HELL. We can do anything. We are resilient, we are talented, we are driven, and we resist. And that’s exactly what we’ll need to do to hold onto what we’ve won and keep fighting forward for as long as we have to.


Image credit: http://hbz.h-cdn.co/assets/16/44/980x653/gallery-1478362069-ev2i1649-dv-1024x683.jpg

This morning, we headed to Capitol Hill with a BOLD message for the new Congress: We won’t be This morning, we headed to Capitol Hill with a BOLD message for the new Congress: We won’t be This morning, we headed to Capitol Hill with a BOLD message for the new Congress: We won’t be This morning, we headed to Capitol Hill with a BOLD message for the new Congress: We won’t be This morning, we headed to Capitol Hill with a BOLD message for the new Congress: We won’t be This morning, we headed to Capitol Hill with a BOLD message for the new Congress: We won’t be

This morning, we headed to Capitol Hill with a BOLD message for the new Congress: We won’t be punished by politicians who want to shame or bully us, deny our coverage, or put women and doctors in jail. 

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Supreme Court Strikes Down Abortion Restrictions in Texas This means that in Texas, the remaining he

Supreme Court Strikes Down Abortion Restrictions in Texas

This means that in Texas, the remaining health centers that provide abortion are able to stay open, and some of the health centers that HB2 already shut down could possibly re-open at some point in the future.

Outside Texas, the decision could impact some cases on targeted restrictions on abortion providers — but will be evaluated on a state-by-state basis.

In the long-term, the ruling could ensure stronger constitutional protections for access to abortion across the US. Yessss!

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I’ve noticed that when I remind people that “women’s issues” affect men too- periods, pregnancy, abortion, higher sexual assault, etc- they react very dismissive. Like, “oh yeah, trans men too, i guess.” And it’s because they don’t view trans men’s issues as men’s issues, they view them as a subsect of women’s issues. People, including many, many allies, just straight up do not conceive of trans men as men. They certainly may believe us when we say we identify as men, but in their minds we are always just a different flavor of woman- and I know this because I have gotten this point of view in my own head, where I have to remind myself that my issues are, in fact, men’s issues. Not women’s. Not “non-men’s.” Abortion is a men’s issue. “Pink taxes” are a men’s issue. These are things that affect men.



Exactly what is abortion?

Ask some people that question, and they will probably say something simple like “It’s a procedure used by doctors to terminate a pregnancy.”

Ask someone else the same question and they may scream back something like, “It’s the murder of an unborn child.”

Others heatedly deny it’s murder, because it’s “the woman’s body” and she has the right to terminate the unwanted “fetus”.

Besides that, it’s legal, ruled so by the U. S. Supreme Court itself.

End of story, right? Well…maybe.

Let’s see what Webster has to say. “1. Induced termination of pregnancy before the fetus is capable of survival as an individual. 2. Any fatally premature expulsion of an embryo or fetus from the womb.”

So, it seems even Webster dodged the point, except to call the life within the woman a “fetus” or “embryo.” No mention of “human life.” Although, Webster does use the term “fatally.”

In my opinion, “fatally” refers to the death of someone or something. Or to kill someone or something.

Others may view it differently

Which brings on the question: Are you pro or anti-abortion?

As for me, I have to go with the antis. The life in a pregnant woman’s body is indeed “human.” How can you say otherwise? Life is life.

And as for the old adage that “It’s the woman’s body and her right?” No. No. No. There are two bodies involved – the potential mother and the baby she carries. Or fetus if you prefer.

The great Supremes can rule it lawful until the cows come home, but a life still has been taken and violently, or “fatally,” as Webster would have it.

However, there are several exceptions to my stand on the subject. I believe in cases involving sexual assault – rape – or incest, and where the mother’s life is in possible danger, the woman has the right to to get an abortion if she so desires. Forced to have a child in such circumstances could have dire consequences in her future.

Otherwise, the Pros can jump up and down and do back flips to the moon and back. But, when it all settles back down, a death or deaths do occur.

A pregnant woman is not unlike one of our apace ships. The lives of the crew on a spacecraft depend solely on their ship.

Food, shelter, clothing, air, water. The whole nine yards.

The same applies to the mother to be.

She is the spaceship for that life growing within her body. It depends totally on her natural bodily functions for its food, shelter, air, etc.

Abortion “violently” interrupts that process, killing the life inside her. That is the gospel. You can take it to the bank. No court ruling, No “It’s her body” claim can be justified.

I am not advocating overturning Roe vs Wade. I am just insisting that abortion be labeled for what it really is: The violent taking of a human life.

Stop playing games, Pros. If you want to kill your babies, then go right ahead. But do it with the full understanding of what you are truly doing,

That’s all.

I’ve seen anti-choicers compare pregnant people to all sorts of inanimate things, from houses to boats to life-support machines.


That’s a new one.

Pregnant people don’t deserve to be treated like life-support machines.

Their bodily autonomy and reproductive rights shouldn’t be violated so the zygote/embryo/fetus can survive.



Some moral dilemmas are interesting. I saw a post comparing abortion to a blood transfusion. The example goes as follows:

Person A is in need of a super rare blood type and will die if they don’t get it.

Person B is the only person with that blood type who is available within the limited time frame.

It is up to Person B as to whether they give some of their blood to Person A, as both have bodily autonomy. Person B does not have to give blood.

I find this interesting. While on one hand, I do not believe Person B should be forced to give their own blood, I do think it would be immoral for them to not do so. Evil even.

I feel this situation fails to argue for abortion, but a major reason it fails is I am not sure how to handle the situation. Not to mention, in deploying this situation they are acknowledging that the fetus is a human being.

I dare say, I probably am in favor of some kind of negative action being taken against Person B if they let Person A die. I am unsure what that punishment should be, but I think I do support one.

You can’t force someone to donate blood. There is no ethical way to punish them for not donating blood even if you think it’s immoral. There could be MANY reasons why they choose not to give blood. You might think it’s immoral for them to not give blood, but so is forcing them to.

And just because you think something is immoral doesn’t mean it should be illegal.



the.prolife.pagan on Instagram

And here we see more evidence that the anti choice crowd actually doesn’t understand what the word choicemeans.

Funny though, considering that the pro life attitude in these same situations is usually “you shouldn’t have had sex then”.

Except for foster kids. Who y'all like to trot out on parade to “prove” how abortion isn’t necessary. While ignoring actual fostered teens/adults who are telling you to stop because fostering/adoption has massive issues inherent in the system.

Almost like none of you actually know what you’re talking about. But we knew that already.





Daily reminder, life begins at conception.

Daily reminder, life is a continuous process that began at least 3.5 billion years ago and anyone who says otherwise is preaching religious doctrine and not objective facts.

You don’t have to be religious to be pro life or to not acknowledge science. I personally think from liking science that living things were around far beyond 3.5 million years ago when we consider the study of dinosaurs and sea creatures. A single creature or human is created when our own life begins at conception. (I am speaking of when the sperm and egg join as one, for clarification).

I said 3.5 billion, not million. Important distinction. I realize that not everyone who is against abortion is catholic but they’re still following catholic doctrine whether they like it or not. Also, why start at conception? Isn’t sperm already a living thing? Why not say life begins at ejaculation? Oh right, because this is actually about controlling women’s bodies.

Do you know of any (preferably UK based) blogs or places on the internet that has deals with the emotional fallout of abortion? Like, a community to talk to kind of thing?

I haven’t found any forums or blogs yet, but here are a couple of organizations that may be able to help you find what you’re looking for. The British Pregnancy Advisory Service andMarie Stopes International have pages on post-abortion counselling, and you can either talk to their counsellors or ask for referrals to support groups. You may also be able to ask the clinic or hospital where the abortion was performed if they have any suggestions.

I would urge caution when searching for abortion support groups online. Many organizations are more interested in pushing an anti-abortion agenda than helping you through the complex range of emotions, both positive and negative, after an abortion. This can end up doing more harm than good. Read their websites carefully to determine if the language they use feels right to you, and don’t let anyone tell you how you should feel and why - you know yourself better than anyone.

Does anyone have any advice on finding post-abortion support groups in the UK?

Hi there, I’m from Reading, UK and I’m happy to help out! I can offer a ride to/from if needed, and a shoulder or a listening ear. I can be contacted via my ask box if anyone needs me!


Thank you, modernjournalism!

My name is Nicole and I’m in New Orleans. I can offer childcare, a place to crash, and maybe a ride (though I will definitely navigate public transit with you!).


Thanks, Nicole!

Hi there, I’m in the Whitsundays, Australia and willing to help out. I’m a 26 year old queer woman who does shift work and comes into a lot of contact with women in need of places of safety and help.

I’m good for a shoulder and support, as well as transport. My ask box is open if you need a hand.


Thanks, Manda!

I live in the Seattle/Seattle Eastside area and I am available to drive to and from a clinic/appointment/whatever. I have Plan B and have access to more free/cheap Plan B if you can’t get it yourself for whatever reason. I can help with recovery care or in-home child care if necessary too! Please contact me via my ask box and we can go from there :)


Thank you, beetstreak!

For everyone else, Plan B One Step also has a $10-off coupon, good at any retail pharmacy!

My name’s Marilyn and I’m in the Ventura/Thousand Oaks/LA Southern California region and I’m here for support/rides/anything. My best friend has been through it and she’s a wonderful person who’s really easy to talk to as well. :)


Thank you, Marilyn!

My name is Kate and I’m located in Southern Illinois (@ SIUC). Offering moral support or assistance for anyone in the area. There are a LOT of false centers in Southern Illlinois; so if you are considering and reading this PLEASE be careful. Also; if anyone needs transportation up to the PP in Belleville let me know. No one should have to go through this alone.


Thank you, Kate!

Hello! I think this might be a useful thing for your blog - it is a post about how to identify Crisis Pregnancy Centers. Important stuff to know!

Also, thanks so much for this blog. It’s a wonderful resource.

How To Identify Crisis Pregnancy Centers


Thank you, rameysaurus! I am actually the author of that post! It’s been added to the Find A Clinic page, so hopefully people will see it before searching for a clinic.

CPC’s are centers that often disguise themselves as abortion clinics in order to trick people into entering them looking for abortion care. They are anti-abortion, and many will try to dissuade you from choosing abortion or make you miss your appointment, so it’s very important to know how to identify and avoid them.

Hi! I was just scrolling through your blog and I saw that Ann from Appleton, WI needed transportation help. I’m from that area and would be willing to help if she still needs it!


Ann, if you’re reading this and still need help, please contact kaiyakazumi!

Hello, my name is Jackie and I can provide support/help or transportation in Omaha, NE. I live in West Omaha currently so I can take anyone to Planned Parenthood off of Maple St. or the place in Bellevue. I am best available on Tuesdays(it’s my single day off from everything), but leave a message in my ask box or email me at [email protected] and we can figure something out.



Hi my name is Emily. I live in East TN and am able to provide reliable transportation and moral support to those in my area. I live in Oak Ridge, and the closest PP is in Knoxville, TN. You can contact me through my tumblr ask box and we can exchange numbers and go from there.


Thank you, Emily!

Hey, my name is Allie and I already submitted that I am available for transportation and child care in Northwest Ohio (Toledo). I am about an hour away from the Michigan border so if anyone near the border  does not want to have an abortion in MI, I am here conveniently near the Ohio border!

UPDATE: Hello! I submitted a while back offering assistance, but my living situation has changed for the better. I can provide transportation and child care, as I have my own apartment now. 

The abortion clinics in Toledo are shutting down because of a TRAP (it’s awful) with transfer agreements, so if you live in the area, you might need to be transported to Detroit or Cleveland. Please email me as soon as you realize you need help at [email protected], or in my ask, so we can arrange a time and date. I also have friends in Cleveland and Ann Arbor, so if you need to stay a day because of waiting periods we can.


Thank you, Allie! So sorry to hear about the Toledo clinics. I’ll update the list once their websites change.

Hello, my name is Hailey, I am willing to offer assistance to the Tacoma, Washington area. I am 19 years old and a college student, I can offer moral support and can go with anyone in need of help to and from their appointment via bus (I have no transport of my own, but I will certainly pay for the fares). I also can offer childcare for the duration of the procedure (references are available upon request). I can also offer a place to stay for the night before or after the procedure, or recovery the day of on a case by case basis. I can ensure a safe space for people of all gender identities and sexual orientations. 

I am easily contacted through my blog or my email [email protected]


Thank you, Hailey!

Hi :)

I’m in Brisbane, Australia and willing to help/support anyone who needs it. I’m a 52 year old woman who has had three terminations. I also have an 18 year old daughter who is pro-choice and can support you as well.

I have a car. Happy to help with phone calls and dealing with doctors, clinics, services, etc if you have any difficulty with all of that. Also available if you need to talk at any stage of your decision-making process. Can babysit, accompany you to appointments, wait with you, pick you up, etc.

Message me on my blog - anonymous is on. Hugs xo


Thank you, vegan-gelical!

Legit ONLY pro-condom add I think I’ve ever seen in Chicago, fuck yeah! #chicago #chicagogram

Legit ONLY pro-condom add I think I’ve ever seen in Chicago, fuck yeah! #chicago #chicagogram #safesex #abstinencedoesntwork #abstinenceisNOTtheonlyoption #procondom #prochoice #mybodymychoice #nomeansno #dontspreadstupidity #noglovenolove #southside #cta #greenline (at Garfield (CTA Green Line station))

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“Colorado just enacted a law that enshrines the right to have an abortion in the state,the latest state that’s taken action to protect reproductive rights as the practice faces renewed efforts by conservatives to restrict its access.

The so-called Reproductive Health Equity Act affirms that pregnant people in Colorado have the right to continue a pregnancy and give birth or have an abortion, and it blocks public entities from denying or restricting that right.

"In the State of Colorado, the serious decision to start or end a pregnancy with medical assistance will remain between a person, their doctor, and their faith,” Gov. Jared Polis said in a statement after signing the bill into law on Monday.

“This bill simply maintains the status quo regardless of what happens at the federal level and preserves all existing constitutional rights and obligations,” he added.

Colorado joins 15 other states and Washington, D.C., in codifying the right to have an abortion either prior to a fetus’s viability or throughout a pregnancy in state law.

Read the full piece here


Access to safe abortion is a woman’s right.

And abortion is a decision to be made between a woman, her doctor, her family, and her god.

…Not a majority white male cohort of politicians with a false sense of morality.

And your judgement?

It matters not.


Perfectly captures how we are feeling today, thanks to the #SCOTUS ruling on #HB2. This is what #Abo

Perfectly captures how we are feeling today, thanks to the #SCOTUS ruling on #HB2. This is what #AbortionLooksLike to “Hopeful.” 

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“Until we meet again” by Lisa Si. 

“Until we meet again” by Lisa Si. 

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