
Sending out some blue energy into the world!!! #bidenharris2020 #hopeful #letsgo #dumptrump https://

Sending out some blue energy into the world!!!
#bidenharris2020 #hopeful #letsgo #dumptrump

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Teju Cole situates Trump’s Islamophobia in a longer history “in which a far wider swath of the count

Teju Cole situates Trump’s Islamophobia in a longer history “in which a far wider swath of the country than Trump’s base is implicated”

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Imagine a world in which, every time you finally learn how to avoid something harmful, you have to totally forget two hard-learned lessons. What kind of dystopia is this? That’s what “for every new regulation we will repeal two regulations” means.

Today, do what’s right. Vote Hillary Clinton for president.

Okay, I’m getting political, because I think it’s important to share this message on every social media platform I have, regardless of its usual content.

Some of you may be having a hard time voting for Hillary Clinton this Election Day. I still think you should, but it’s your decision not to vote. HOWEVER, even if you choose not to vote under the presidential line, you should still get out and vote straight democrat for your congresspeople–your senators and house reps.

If we have a Democratic majority in congress, we can still push a liberal agenda no matter who is in the Oval Office. With a Republican led government, we will get nothing. Nothing for queer folks, nothing for women, nothing for black folks or Muslims or Mexican or Indigenous peoples or the impoverished. For my diabetic followers (most of you), a Democratic government will support lower healthcare costs, meaning more affordable insulin and more coverage for us chronically ill people. 

You can choose not to vote for president, but DON’T choose not to vote at all.

Time we live in, may not be much different from the time we look back.Time we live in, may not be much different from the time we look back.Time we live in, may not be much different from the time we look back.Time we live in, may not be much different from the time we look back.

Time we live in, may not be much different from the time we look back.

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Guy protesting in Los Angeles

Guy protesting in Los Angeles

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#RenaSpeaks does freestyle on the spot and this is what came out. Spoken Word doesn’t just begin on paper, it starts in the heart. WATCH!!!! -Rena

#poets on tumblr    #poetry    #spoken poetry    #spoken word    #black poets on tumblr    #black poetry    #corporate    #youtube    #black tumblr    #black history month    #nodapl    #dumptrump    #open mic    #poetry slam    #slam poetry    #writers    #freestyle    
This morning, we headed to Capitol Hill with a BOLD message for the new Congress: We won’t be This morning, we headed to Capitol Hill with a BOLD message for the new Congress: We won’t be This morning, we headed to Capitol Hill with a BOLD message for the new Congress: We won’t be This morning, we headed to Capitol Hill with a BOLD message for the new Congress: We won’t be This morning, we headed to Capitol Hill with a BOLD message for the new Congress: We won’t be This morning, we headed to Capitol Hill with a BOLD message for the new Congress: We won’t be

This morning, we headed to Capitol Hill with a BOLD message for the new Congress: We won’t be punished by politicians who want to shame or bully us, deny our coverage, or put women and doctors in jail. 

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She warned us over and over again. We owe her an apology. @hillaryclinton will always be queen.

#imstillwithher #phenomenalwoman #nastywoman #strongertogether #onwardtogether #hillaryclinton #queen #dumptrump #votehimout #letsdothis (at United States of America)

Because I’m just now finishing up the longest day and I hate this guy and I’m feeling savage. Hi @realdonaldtrump

#vote like your life depends on it. Vote early. Vote in person if you can. VOTE AF.

#orangeperson #frumpytrumpy #dumptrump #wackestpresidentever #trafficcone #votehimout #makeamericaloveagain #goodnight (at New York, New York)

It’s been rough week, for us folks who actually care about the well-being of children. Make sure you

It’s been rough week, for us folks who actually care about the well-being of children. Make sure you collect these and keep them on a shelf so you know how to identify evil. #heartlessbigotcollection #ourgovernment #dumptrump

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~ Steve

I did the thing!

I did the thing!

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who THE FUCK do i gotta pay for my ships to become canon just oNE TIME ffs,,,, like seriously

Somebody said ‘I ship America with Biden’ and I’m-

Him? #inauguration #trump #notmypresident #dumptrump #illustration #nevertrump (at US Capitol Washin

Him? #inauguration #trump #notmypresident #dumptrump #illustration #nevertrump (at US Capitol Washington, DC)

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