

“I just think you should-”

“Let me stop you right there because I couldn’t give less of a fuck about your opinion.”

“What have you done?”

“Nothing they can prove in a court of law.”

“Our scars are different. Yours are earned. Proof that you fought and you won.”

“So are yours. You fought your demons and survived.”

“Don’t yell at me. I’ll cry and it’ll be awkward for all parties involved.”

“I’m having a rough– I was going to say year but you know what? No. I’m having a rough life. So give me a fucking break.”

“How can you even say that? How did your mother raise you?”

“With love and care, bitch.”

“Just look at your sister: has her own house, a caring husband, a baby on the way… And what do you have?”


“Has anyone ever told you your anger is disproportionate to your size?”

“No one has been stupid enough to say it to my face – until now, that is.”

“How is she?”

“Alive. But once she finds out what she’s done, she might wish she were dead.”

Person A: “Why won’t you let me do this?”

Person B: “Don’t you realize how valuable you are?”

A: “To the mission?”

B, quietly: “To me.”

Write about a character with a different kind of tragic backstory: they used to be a scene kid.

Person A: “You don’t know when to stop.”

Person B: “That’s not true. I know exactly when I should stop, and then I don’t.”

“The situation was so cinematic, I almost expected dramatic music to start playing. But in real life there is no music. Only the click of the gun’s safety switching off and the quickening beat of your own heart.”

Person A: “Okay, so the measurements for this recipe are very precise-”

Person B: *dumps an entire bag of shredded cheese into the pan*

The gang actively stops the magical team member from overdoing it, as an over-use of magic has negative affects on their body (dizziness, weight loss, passing out, seizures, nosebleeds, headaches etc). 

However, in a journey gone wrong, they find themselves surrounded by the enemy: the magician knows what they have to do. 

They’re able to buy enough time for their friends to run. And, as the last of their magic reserves bleed out in their fervent attempt to save their friends, the magician sees them running for safety as the enemy is now focussed on them, and their magical potential. 

It’s the last thing they remember before passing out completely. 

Fandom: The Originals 

Paring: Klaus x Reader

Prompt: (Requested) 30 “the vow doesn’t mean anything to you.” 32 “You mean the world to me.”


Word count:1668

A/N:I hope the story is up to your expectations. I have to admit I had no idea where to start. I hope you enjoy!  

“Where are you going?” Y/N rubbed her sleepy eyes, and as her vision become clear, she realised that her husband Klaus is getting dressed. “Go back to sleep, love.” He said as he was putting a leather jacket on. “I will be back soon.” He added and leaned in to kiss her. Then he left their bedroom.

Klaus and Y/N were living in the mansion with Klaus’s siblings, his one-night stand and his daughter; surrounded by enemies, constant threat and very little friends. And now that they were married, Y/N was in more danger than ever and since she didn’t want to go through the change yet, she was an easy target for Mikealson’s enemies. To protect their home and the most vulnerable members of the family – that being Y/N and Hope -  Y/N become the owner of the mansion and only invited could enter.

Y/N loved Klaus. She fall in love with him three years ago, when she came to New Orleans as a tourist after her parents died in the car accident – it is safe to say that winter roads plus New Year drunkenness equal drunk road pirates. – when they were coming home at night from their friends’ party. She was supposed to stay for a couple of days with her friends when she met Klaus and knew that he was the one she wants to be with. Since then they were like that; bonded by pure love. The day of their mirage was the happiest and saddest day of her life. She was filled with joy because she finally found her prince charming, but she was devastated because the two most important people in her life were no longer with her. Thanks to Klaus she had now a new family, a new life. They all accepted her as their own. She become best friends with everyone in the family. However, sometimes she wished it was only her and Klaus. The two of them with a family of their own. She never told anybody, especially the hybrid because she didn’t want them, him to think that she was selfish. So she kept it a secret. Weeks passed by and her sadness deepened, especially now that her king was never around, she falls asleep alone, and most of the time she woke up when Klaus was getting ready to leave. She missed him. His touch. His warmth. His essence.

Y/N sat on the couch in the living room, she was reading a book and sipping green tea from her favourite cup that she bought in Paris when she and her lover were on their honeymoon. Intensely focused on the love story, she was reading; imagining the prince in the book, that she didn’t realise that her own walked in.

Klaus was leaning against the doorframe. He observed his beautiful wife, and he couldn’t help but smile. She was his, and he would do anything for her. He still did not comprehend how she, pure as an angel could fall in love with a monster like himself. He let out a breath he did not realise he was holding and Y/N’s attention shifted from the book to him.

He walked up to her and sat beside her. Klaus extended one of his arms, and she came to his embrace. “How was your day, love?” He started the conversation. “You know the usual stuff.” She said. ‘Like what?” He questioned. “Well, I made myself breakfast, then I took a shower, cleaned a little, then I painted a little, okay more than a little, and now I am reading some book I found in the library.” She listed. “Seems like a busy day.” She nodded, and he added, “Wait a minute, did you only eat breakfast?” He looked at her with frowned brows and playfully angry eyes. “It is very possible.” Y/N answered. The hybrid rolled his eyes and took her hand motioning her to get up. “Come, I’ll make us something to eat.” She smiled and took his hand, getting up really fast. She lost her balance half collapsed into his arms. “Are you alright?” Klaus was worried. “It’s nothing.” She said taking his hand, walking to the kitchen.

Y/N sat on the countertop and Klaus prepared them dinner. The house was quiet. Rebekah and Freya went away for a shopping trip. Elijah took Hayley and Hope to spend some time together, and even Kol found himself somewhere else to be so the two of them could be alone for at last couple of days. After they had dinner, they sat on the couch in the same spot as before. They cling to one another telling the ridiculous stories from their past. It was so cute just the two of them. No one to interrupt. No worries. Just peacefulness. One thing led to another, and now in their bedroom, they were reliving their first honeymoon night.

The weekend was lovely, but like most things, it came to an end. The mansion was full once again.

                                                  Three Weeks Later

For some reason, you become angry. At everything and everyone.

“Urgh, where is it?” You searched angrily for your bracelet; the last gift from your parents. You crawled under the bed to search for it, but instead of finding the jewellery, you found a spider. And you being hysterically afraid of them you screamed, lifting your head instantly and you hit yourself, shouting ouch, and desperately getting out of there. “Y/N, is everything alright?” You recognised Elijah’s voice. You sat on the floor, your back resting against the wall. You breathed out loudly and tilted your head back to face the vampire. “Yes, I’m fine.” You lied, in reality, you were an emotional roller-coaster, in one moment you were happy and then seconds later you wanted to cry and the next you were angry. Truthfully you didn’t understand why. “It’s just-“ You continued “I lost my bracelet, and I wanted to look for it under the bed, and instead of finding it, I found a bloody spider.” You rolled your eyes. Elijah smiled amusedly. He lived for thousands of years, and there were not many things that could scare him, especially the most mundane things such as spiders. “I am sure you will find it.” He smiled kindly. “I hope so.” You said sadly, not looking at him. “I think I’ll go for a walk, to calm down a little.” You announced and got up getting your jacket which rested on the floor as you had a tendency to throw thing and clean them up later. “Would you like me to keep you company?” Elijah asked kindly. “No, I need some time to think.” You smiled in apology. “As you wish.” He said, and the both of you silently went down the stairs.

You left the mansion and was on your way to nowhere in particular when you hear. “And where do you think you’re going, love?” You rolled your eyes annoyed. Not turning around, you answered your husband. “For a walk. Alone.” Your annoyance clearly noticeable in your voice. “I am sorry, love, but it not safe for you to be out and about especially alone.” He replied calmly and added. “How about we go home now, and I promise that we will escape the town for a weekend. We can go anywhere you want. Deal?” You knew it was not an argument you could win. Because the truth to be told he would not let you go alone. And it would end up with you back in the mansion. However, stubbornness was something you got from your father, and so you decided to pursue your plan. You started to walk. With a speed of a wind, Klaus was standing right in front of you. You crossed your hands and squinted your eyes and pursed your lips. “You know it is dangerous, Y/N.” “It is always dangerous, now get out of my way Niklaus.” The moment he herd his full name leave your mouth he was confused, you only used his full name when you were angry with him. So, what did he do? He questioned in his thoughts. “What’s wrong? What did I do?” He asked, his voice filled with hurt. You took a deep breath and sighed. “I need to put everything together. I am scared, Klaus. Every time you leave, I’m scared that you will not return to me, to us.” Tears were fighting their way to escape, but you fought them back. “I am scared that the promise we made, that the vow doesn’t mean anything to you,”You couldn’t fight it any longer, and you let the tears loose. Klaus swallowed hard and stood there like a statue, while you continued to speak. “I understand you made a vow to your siblings and they made one to you. But I- I can’t, I’m lost, I don’t know what to do, now that I-“ He didn’t let you finish as he took you to his embrace and gently pressed his lips to yours. “You mean the world to me.”He said against your lips and then pressed them back to yours. “I am sorry if you felt abandoned by me. It will never happen again. I swear.” You smiled through your tears which were like a wild waterfall streaming down your face. He cupped your cheeks and softly whipped the tares off. “I need to tell you something.” You said to him. He looked deep into Y/E/C eyes. “What is it darling?” A cheerful smile appeared on your face. “You need to promise that you will stay calm.” You toyed with him. “I cannot make such promise, love. But I will try.” He said seriously but playfully, attempting to match your tone. You leaned in and whispered in his ear so nobody else could hear you. You wanted to share this moment with him and only him. Your warm breath made him shiver awaiting the news, and then you said sweetly “I am pregnant.”                  


PS: Requests are open!

Prompt list

Check out my other work: New beginning

Let me know if you want to be tagged in any of my work!


This was another piece that I got a random prompt for. It was to draw a doe and 2 fawns in a forest

This was another piece that I got a random prompt for. It was to draw a doe and 2 fawns in a forest clearing. I immediately thought of Fawna and her fawns. I attempted to do a lifeless style on them and I’m pretty proud of how it turned out.


Post link


roleplay / writing habits

  1. How much time do you spend thinking about a reply before you sit down to type?
  2. What’s a grammar rule you notice other people ignoring the most?
  3. Are you proficient in any language outside of your native tongue? do you write characters that speak multiple languages?
  4. If you translate your own writing or the writing of others, what sort of obstacles do you face regarding syntax or dialects? Idioms or slang?
  5. What time of day are you most productive with regard to writing?
  6. Do you proofread / edit as you write or do you just wing it and save editing for last?
  7. When roleplaying, do you pace yourself when answering replies or do you like to write for them as soon as you can?
  8. Do you reply to threads you have the most inspiration for first or do you work on them in the order in which you received them?
  9. What is your average length / word count regarding roleplay replies? does the length of your partner’s replies matter or is important to you?
  10. What is your limit for how many active threads you can handle at one time?
  11. What kind of formatting do you use? is there any particular quirks or style you prefer over others?
  12. Do you use icons or graphics? if so, how do you feel it benefits your replies? Does it matter if your partner / followers use them also? 
  13. Are you more comfortable writing in private or public spaces? Why or why not?
  14. Do you have a routine that helps you prepare to work on your writing? 
  15. Between mobile or desktop version, which do you prefer regarding writing drabbles or roleplay replies?
  16. When it comes to replies do you trim your posts? Does it bother you when others don’t trim their own replies? Is trimming not a problem at all?
  17. Have you ever had a roleplay partner who helped you to improve something about your own writing quality?
  18. Is there another hobbyist or writer whose style or content is one that you enjoy? Is there anything specific that stands out to you about it?
  19. When publishing a body of work, are the amount of likes / replies important to you? Why or why not?
  20. Do you prefer roleplay threads over drabbles? Or Reverse? Or Both?
  21. If a reply isn’t coming easily do you draft it for later, delete and start over, chat with your writing partner for help, or something else?
  22. Are there any writing elements that you sometimes find difficult? Monologues, character engagement, setting, progression, dialogue, other?
  23. What subjects / genres do you find yourself becoming the most passionate about when you’re writing?
  24. When working on items in your inbox, do you spread out the answers, queue them up, or work on them all at once?
  25. Does fatigue affect your ability to write or do you always have energy for the grind?
  26. Are there any genres that you will not write or avoid writing?
  27. Are there any writing habits others may have that you find frustrating or exhausting?
  28. Are you comfortable asking your writing partner to correct something in their reply if they got a detail incorrect?
  29. Do you use a threadtracker or other methods to keep track of your roleplay threads other than drafts?
  30. When working on replies or drabbles, do you prefer a desktop keyboard, a laptop, typing on mobile, or other accessibility methods?


♡ Munday Meme ♡

Some questions to get to know the mun’s rping habits!

  1. When did you start writing on Tumblr?
  2. Who was your first muse?
  3. Who are your longest rp friends?
  4. Favourite thing about roleplaying?
  5. Least favourite thing about roleplaying?
  6. OTP for your muse?
  7. NOTP for your muse?
  8. What are some similarities between you and your muse/muses?
  9. What are some differences between you and your muse/muses?
  10. Would you be friends with your muse if they were real?
  11. Would you write with duplicate characters? How do you think your muse would react?
  12. Have you any old muses that you’d love to bring back?
  13. What’s one random headcanon about your muse that people mightn’t know?
  14. Who is an author that inspires you?
  15. What do you look for in a rp partner?
  16. Favourite trope?
  17. Least favourite trope?
  18. Are there any AU’s you’d like to explore but haven’t had the chance to yet?
  19. Do you listen to music whilst writing? If so, what kind of music?
  20. How do you overcome writer’s block?
  21. Are there certain characters that you gravitate towards?
  22. Short, medium, or long threads?
  23. Do you ever get jealous when rping? How do you handle this?
  24. What about your muse are you most proud of?