

Prompt 370

“You see who I could be, not what I am.” The chosen one raised her blade without remorse. “Idealism was never your friend.”


Prompt 369

“Why is the personality test necessary?” The hero asked. “Can’t I go fight any villain?”

The intern looked scandalized. “Absolutely not! What if your Myers-Briggs types aren’t compatible? Or your Enneagram numbers clash?” He fretted, waving his hands. “The city would be in disarray!”

Prompt 369

“Why is the personality test necessary?” The hero asked. “Can’t I go fight any villain?”

The intern looked scandalized. “Absolutely not! What if your Myers-Briggs types aren’t compatible? Or your Enneagram numbers clash?” He fretted, waving his hands. “The city would be in disarray!”


Prompt 368

“Babe, this is very sweet, but…” The hero sighed, placing a hand on their forehead. “You need to return the bank.”

The villain pouted. “But it looks so pretty in the backyard!”


Prompt 368

“Babe, this is very sweet, but…” The hero sighed, placing a hand on their forehead. “You need to return the bank.”

The villain pouted. “But it looks so pretty in the backyard!”



Prompt 367

“You? A radical?” The villain said with a cruel twist of their mouth. “Don’t make me laugh. To them, you’re a trophy.”

The hero’s silence was agreement enough.

“Want to change things?” The vilain went for the kill. “Get off that pedastal and do something.”

Prompt 367

“You? A radical?” The villain said with a cruel twist of their mouth. “Don’t make me laugh. To them, you’re a trophy.”

The hero’s silence was agreement enough.

“Want to change things?” The vilain went for the kill. “Get off that pedastal and do something.”

Prompt 366

“You play at authority like you rehearse in front of a mirror,” they smoothed the wrinkles out of their jacket with a well-practiced ease. “Some are born into the role they play.”

Prompt 365

The hostage was ecstatic when their heroic rescuer came crashing through their ceiling. They were less happy when the hero and their kidnapper started flirting. And then kissing.

They coughed politely. “Hey… hey guys?” The kissing was rapidly becoming more handsy. The hostage strained at the ropes and averted thier eyes. “I’m still- oh dear.” The shirts were coming off.

Prompt 364

“Hello!” The civilian said with a jaunty wave. “I’m here to flirt with you.”

The villain shovelled more money into the bag with a frown. Was this another crime-control tactic? The bank’s hostages looked as confused as they felt. “This is a robbery. Get out of my way.”

“A robbery!” The civilian exclaimed in delight. They pulled out an index card with multiple lines of text. “I have just the pickup line.” They read off the card. “Are you a thief? Cause you just stole my heart.”

The villain could see a large stack of index cards in the idiot’s back pocket.

Prompt 363

“Stay back,” The villain growled with a swipe of their dagger. The prone figure at their feet didn’t stir. “No one touches them.”

Prompt 362

“Wait… Why is that criminal letting the children leave?” The sidekick squinted at the bank robbery occurring below. Thank God for skylights. “You said he had a hard heart.”

A ghost of a smile echoed on the hero’s face. “One made of gold.”



You are a supervillain who has just captured your rival’s child. Rather than being afraid, they’re begging you to let them stay.

Frankly, you’d known those idiots had had a kid for years now. You’d pretended not to, because while you’d committed a lot of atrocities in your life, you weren’t willing to face the moral quandary of whether you would knowingly kill a child just to spite its parents.

They probably thought they were being clever though, what with the blaming you for an injury you knew damn well you’d never given keeping one of them out of commission for a few months, then references to what they would ‘leave behind’ or ‘could not follow’ when in the latest death trap. One of them had accidentally pulled a pacifier out of their utility belt once, and tried to pass it off as being prepared for any young children they came across while rescuing.


Still, you had standards. Standards that fell somewhere past war crimes and before common decency, but they were standards.

Keep reading


New Years Eve Writing Prompts

1. “You don’t watch the ball drop!? We’re breaking up. No, no, don’t try to talk me out of this.”

2. “You aren’t allowed to drink anymore! You do irresponsible things when you’re drunk!”

3. “Who’s going to take one for the team and give me a New Years kiss?”

4. “We just had to go to Times Square, didn’t we? I haven’t peed in 7 hours, and I’m freezing my ass off!”


6. “I refuse to be the designated driver this year.”

7. “Don’t you dare kiss me-DON’T YOU DARE KISS ME-DON’T YOU- MPHH!”

8. “Shit. I fell asleep before midnight again.”

9. “I’m not holding your head out of the toilet bowl next year. I’m going to let you drown next time you get drunk.”

10. “Tell me you didn’t travel halfway around the world just to scream “HAPPY NEW YEAR!!” then leave.“

11. “Who the fuck threw a toaster in the hot tub!”

12. “Oh my god. Did you just dump all of the wine into the swimming pool?”

13. “Did I just see you making out with your ex?”

14. “I came here under the impression that I’d get to eat a dozen cookies, and you’re telling me that there are no cookies?”

15. “I’m leaving. There’s no alcohol.”

16. “I’m too sober for this shit.”

17. “Your friends suck.”

18. “Your family sucks.”

19. “No. I’m not going to celebrate the New Year with your family. No way. Do you remember last year? Your mom threw a knife at your dads chest!”


21. “Oh my god. There’s so much glitter. There’s too much. It’s everywhere.”

22. “Fuck fireworks.”

23. “I’m sorry I burned all of the appetizers….and all of the food….”

24. “I’m not dancing with you. No. I refuse.”

25. “Haha, he fell asleep. Let’s pull a prank on him. I say we draw a mustache on his face with sharpie.”

26. “Are you sure we should be lighting fireworks here….?”

27. “Shit! It’s the cops!”


29. “You just HAD to light illegal explosives, didn’t you?”

30. “Honey…? I need you to come bail me out of jail…” “Hell no! Your ass can wait until tomorrow. I have a party to attend to.”

31. “When I said we should try something different this year, I didn’t mean we should try breaking into an abandoned Kmart.”

32. “I’m NEVER drinking again.”

33. “Please tell me you didn’t just puke on that 250 pound motorcyclist…”


35. “Maybe your New Years resolution should be to not get another 20 cats…?”

36. “I’m having an existential crisis. I was coming up with New Years resolutions, and I realized I’m too far gone. There’s no fixing me now.”

37. *Fireworks blasting* “Will you marry me?” “What? I can’t hear you!”

38. “This is the LAST TIME I’m spending New Years Eve in the Emergency room!”

39. “You don’t have the guts to kiss me…”

40. “HEY!! That kid just stole my noise maker!!”

Send me an ask with the number (and if you want a specific characters, add that too) for a starter bases off these!

“You have to stop doing that.”


“Hurting me with the truth.”

“Did you have to wear that? We are going to a party, not a funeral.”

“It’s always someone’s funeral. And I might be attending yours soon if you don’t stop getting on my nerves.”

“You failed to mention your friend was a wanted criminal. Doesn’t he have places to be? Like jail.”

“If you do this you’re going to die.”

“That’s always the plan.”


comic based off this-

I’m bad at taking pictures okay

credit to @promptdumpster for the text post I used in this

reminder that my inbox is open!!

“Get him out of there! He’s going to drown!”

“His choice, not mine. I told him I would help him out if he apologized to me. He said he’d rather die. So now we are waiting.”
